Spirit Guides Signs When They Are Around You
Spirit Guides – Signs When They Are Around You!
Every person on this planet is endowed with as many as 30 spirit guides. You have one spirit guide who has been with you since the day you were born, while the others have joined you as you grew up and faced numerous adversities.
It is likely that the spirit guides around you have lived similar lives as yours, thereby enabling them to be of help to you, since they also went through similar troubles while they were still part of the physical realm.
What Are Spirit Guides?
Spirit guides were once human like you and their mission is to help you to attain the perfection of your soul.
Spirit guides were once normal human beings who lived their lives on earth. After a series of reincarnation, their souls have been perfected in such a way that they do not need to be born in another physical body.
Furthermore, they have learned all there is to learn while living as humans, which is why they have evolved into something greater – a spirit guide.
Spirit guides are there to aid you while you are still here on earth and usher you towards the journey of attaining perfection for your soul. They are like your ‘invisible helpers’, always around to steer you towards the right path. They are there to protect and watch over you – day in and day out.
Many people find it fascinating that they have spirit guides with them all the time. And do you know there are actually signs you can look out for to know your spirit guides are with you?
Signs To Look For To Know Your Spirit Guides Are With You
There are different signs to help you know and feel the presence of your spirit guides.
Even though you cannot see your spirit guides, you can count on the fact that they are with you 24/7. Not everyone is born with the rare psychic ability to see spirit guides in the flesh like I do, but do not get dismayed.
Your spirit guides can and are able to help you sense them by sending you signs along the way. You just need to be sensitive and watch for these signs.
These are some of the signs to look for to know your spirit guides are with you all the time.
- Validation of Your Spirit Guide’s Name
You can actually “hear the name” of your spirit guides, in order to establish a stronger connection with them.
Meditate and speak to your spirit guides and let them know that you wish to build a deeper relationship with them. Then, ask them to tell you their name. Then listen to the first name you “hear”.
After you’ve heard a name, you will often notice that the name appears in unusual times and places.
For example, if you hear the name Bernard, you may begin to repeatedly see the name in everyday situations, or see it in circumstances where you least expect it. Or you may even see a Saint “Bernard”.
Instances like these are definitely signs that your spirit guide is by your side.
- A Ringing In One Ear
If you have noticed a high-pitched ringing sound in your ear while you are in deep thought, this is a sign that your spirit guide is nearby.
The ringing in your ear usually happens when you are in moments of contemplation or feeling strong emotions such as happiness, love, or pure joy. This ringing in your ear may be an indication that your spirit guide is trying to catch your attention.
During the ringing, you may be receiving ‘downloads’ from your spirit guides. This is information given to you from the spirit realm. It may be in the form of answers to your past prayers, guidance or insights.
You do not need to be able to thoroughly understand the messages, but the information you have received will be stored in your subconscious, which will then dictate your decision making and actions.
Be open and sensitive to the signs that the spirit guides are sending you. They want you to know they are always with you all the time.
- An Unexpected Blue Flash Of Light
When you are immersed in prayer, you may have been in awe at a sudden flash of blue light out of the corner of your eye. The light may remain for a time, in order for you to recognize the presence of your spirit guide.
The light may also come at times when you are feeling a high in your emotions and thoughts. This light should not be perceived as disturbing or invasive since your spirit guides are gentle and kind.
- Seeing Things In Sets Of Three
Pay close attention when you start seeing things in sets of three. Sets of three is said to symbolize the Trinity.
The manifestation of the “three sets” are shown in two ways: seeing three birds of the same kind together, or seeing the same numbers on a digital device.
For example, as you take a stroll in the park, you see three crows perched on the rail. Or as you pick up your phone to look at the time, you see 1:11 on the screen. This is an indication that a spirit guide is trying to tell you something.
- Sensing A Presence Even When You’re Alone
This may occur when you are relaxing, or in the process of creating something. This is a way your spirit guides are telling you not to feel lonely, even if you are alone.
When you sense a presence near you, it may be your spirit guide, your guardian angel or a deceased loved one. It could be that either one of them is trying to communicate with you.
- Vivid Dreams Or Visions During Meditation
During the day, you are most likely bombarded with daily tasks and activities, making it hard for you to meditate. But while asleep or consciously meditating, you are carefree and your mind is relaxed.
In these times, it becomes easier for spirit guides to reach you and tell you something since you are not preoccupied with life’s hustle and bustle.
When your spirit guides show you dreams and visions, be sure to write them down because these messages are of importance.
- The Need To Write Something
When you get the urge to write something, do it. As this is your spirit guide’s way of conveying a message.
Your spirit guide can help you in creating new ideas for the advancement of your career, or help you solve a problem you might be facing. So be sure to write your thoughts down and contemplate on them.
- Hearing Your Name
Have you ever been in a situation where you heard someone call your name and you immediately looked for the caller and realized no one was there? When this happens, your spirit guide is trying to contact you.
This usually happens when you are lost in your train of thoughts. So try to remember what you were thinking before your name was called.
- The Need To Highlight A Passage In A Book Or Magazine
This happens when you are reading a book, and a certain paragraph catches your attention and awakens something inside you.
You then want to highlight the phrase, post it on social media, or dog-ear the book. This is one of the fascinating ways your spirit guides help you.
Words are very powerful. They can make you or break you. That’s why spirit guides use this method because words have the power to stop you in your tracks and make you think.
- You Smell An Unexplained Odor/Scents
While driving your car, you suddenly smell fresh roses, or when relaxing on your front porch, you catch a whiff of the perfume your mom used to wear when you were a child. These aromas usually arrive during odd times, and will instantly snap you out of your thoughts.
Your spirit guide may be urging you to make a decision, they may be steering you away from danger, or just simply reminding you of their presence.
- A Sudden Change In Temperature
A sudden rise or drop of temperature when you are in a closed room is a sign of the arrival of your spirit guides, or them wanting to make you aware of their presence.
Spirit guides are made of pure energy. This explains the shift in the room’s energy and the change of temperature. Do not doubt these changes, as these are the manifestations of your spirit guides.
- You Feel A Tingling On Top Of Your Head
When you feel a tingling, itching, or prickly sensation on top of your head (or it sometimes goes down along the spine), this is because your spirit guides are trying to get your attention through your crown chakra.
The effect is quite similar to the ringing of your ear. The spirit guides are downloading information and guidance through your crown.
- You Feel Pressure In Your Third Eye
This manifestation is also similar to the tingling on top of your head. Spirit guides often penetrate into the instinctive part of your brain. You will likely feel a pressure located in the middle of your forehead. Do not ignore these feelings since this means that your spirit guides want to connect with you.
- Sudden Flashes Of Thoughts And Emotions
This is when thoughts or emotions suddenly overwhelm you, even if you were thinking about totally different scenarios.
This is probably because your spirit guide has a message for you. When the flashes do not seem like your common flashes, then your spirit guide is demonstrating his own style.
- Experiencing Little Coincidences
The coincidences you experience, believe it or not, are the work of your spiritual protectors. For example, when you feel unloved and lonely, your mom suddenly pays you a visit and brings you the mac and cheese you always loved. Or when you thought you were out of cash, but then you find a few bucks tucked inside of your purse or wallet.
These are the ways your spirit guides ensure you stay safe at all times.
- Experiencing Electronic Or Mechanical Anomalies
Since spirit guides are made of energy, they can tap into the energy of physical objects as well. Mechanical objects such as your phone, television, or your laptop, are the easiest for them to work with.
When your television unexpectedly goes on static, or the light in your room flickers, this is a clear sign that your spirit guide is in the room with you.
- Your Pets Behave Differently
If you’ve noticed your dog bark in a corner of your house, or your cat seems restless, this is because of your spirit guides. Animals are more sensitive to spiritual beings than humans are. When your pets act weird, take this opportunity and communicate with your spirit guide.
- Meeting The Same Person Over And Over
Have you ever experienced seeing the same person under different (and weird) circumstances? You’ve never really met the person, but you keep seeing him or her. If this has happened to you multiple times, shrug off all uncertainties and approach the person boldly. They likely have an important message to tell you.
All of us have spirit guides looking after us. And as you can see, your spirit guides may manifest through a tingling sensation on top of your head, through your pets, or even a combination of all of these.
Always be sensitive to the changes around you and your spirit guides will always be available when you call for them.
If you’d like to know more about what your Spirit Guides have to say regarding your life, during a psychic reading, you can hear the messages they have about you, your life, and your future. You can schedule a psychic reading now, by visiting here!
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Hi there I have been feeling the tingling on my head and the pressure on my forehead. I have been seeing shadows when my eyes are closed. I can sense that my father who passed away when i was six was just near me how do i learn to connect with my spirit guide so i can get in contact with my dad.
I see the number 333 alot! I wake up at 3:33 many times. My wifes car payment on last vehicle was $333.00 I see it on TV shows Gas prices, documents, I never know what next. Been going on for a year or so. When I was living at my parents home we had a dresser moved inside a room blocking the door from opening! No one was in the room when I got in. The floors were wood and dresser was also with no wheels. It was solid oak. With everything in it it must have weighed over 200 lbs. Hard for me to slide it and I am pretty strong! I was in that house by myself downstairs talking on phone to friend and I heard something that sounded like wheels squeaking across floor above me. I told friend hold on I just heard something go across floor upstairs and I am alone here. He said I heard it too! He came over and searching home no one was there and nothing seemed out of place? While down basement last place checked the compressor in garage came on by itself. After my mother passed and my father was gone when I was 16 we got home ready for sale. I showed up by myself to empty closets and leave doors open for carpet guy coming. I got to pantry and pulled trash can out and took.trash out to garage. I was in garage for 20 minutes,taking all trash to curb. When I went back in house all 5 closet doors,were closed?? I had emptied them and left open as I did this! My sister took her own life on Good Friday died on Easter but out of state. We were in that house and I heard load yelling in family room. As I entered I saw my brother face down armed stretched making this no stop howl. It was to long for anyone to continually do this. He wad bouncing off floor. I went to grab him and a friend I had not known was there grabbed my arm and told me don’t he could break your arm! I noticed my sister in law sitting across room looking wide eyed and I said he is going to wake my mother up! He said you mother is right in attached room …L shaped rooms. I went to her and her eyes were closed. I kissed her on top of her head and she opened one eye then the other. That was strange!!. She said I thought you and your brother were going to fight! She told me the friend was praying with her and my brother for my sisters sole. She said she was so peaceful and was looking at the picture across from her and said a line of light started going across each side of the picture and before it got to the complete square it started lighting into the center of picture and stopped. I looked at my brother who was still face down in opposite room breathing like a race horse. When he got up he said that noise was coming out of his mouth but it was not him! All his change was all over the floor from his pockets. The cushions from couch and chairs were off on floor too. My parents had this home built. No one at that time ever passed there. My father died at 45 from one heart attack in hospital another town away. My sister shot herself in Florida. We are in Michigan. My mother did pass in this house , but years later. This was not a haunted old house. It was my childhood home. I have my own family now and live elsewhere now. There is a lot of strange things above , but my biggest thing now is how did that dresser get moved in front of that bedroom door. I pushed it with door inch by inch to climb over into room then had to shove it a little at a time to move it to open door. There was a bed that dresser and another in room. The windows still had storm windows screwed on from outside so no way in or out. No one was in that room! Til this day I want to know how, who what was that about???
Greg. G
My youngest son is nearly 2, before i kbew i was pregnant with him, i woke up one night and the whole bed was shaking, i would have thought that it was my cat doing something but i could hear hear in the lounge bge going crazy so she was picking up on something happening, i realised there was 3 or 4 extra beings in the room. I woke up my partner and said”the bed is shaking!” and when it said it wasn’t i was surprised that he wasnt experiencing it. Adter about 10 minutes everything went back to normal. I am certain this is when my sons soul came to earth. I do think we have many beings watching us from birth (and before) it may have been more being but i was only tuned into those few. I found out i was pregnant a few days later.
I visiting a foresty town in New Mexico for a weekend and stayed at a popular Inn. I was asleep and woke up to 3 loud walking steps in my room. I brushed it off to it being a dream.
Back at home in Texas, I was waiting for my husband to get home one afternoon so that we could plan dinner. I looked at the time; it was 3:33PM.
I found the above article and the name Max came to mind, after reading it. I don’t know a Max nor have I ever met a Max.
Two weeks later, I’m at work. A man walked in requesting keys to his gate because our survey crew had not returned them.
His name was Max. While waiting for his keys, we conversed. He grew up in that same foresty town in New Mexico that I visited that weekend when I awoke to those 3 loud steps in my room.
Odd things that have never happened before; noises, things randomly moving at my house…….I woke up once at 1:11AM. Nothing i’m scared of, but interestingly weird.
I am becoming more curious about these things lately. Nearly everyday I check the time in morning and it’s 11:11 or at night I check the time on way to bed and it’s 22:22. It’s happening alot and I think it’s far to often to be a coincidence.
Hi! Thank you for the information. How to let the perception open without disconnecting from reality? thank you
Hello. I have had fairies by my side for about 2 years. And yes I have seen them. Only recently I have been seeing what I feel to be spirit guides. They visit me at beside. This has happened on several occasions recently. I have even been touched. Is there some meaning to this? I do not fear them.