How To Banish Fear From Your Life!!
Hi there,
People often ask if the future can be changed! The answer is definitely “Yes!!”
BUT….there is one catch!
You need to know about it in advance! You CANNOT change the outcome of ANY situation once it has began to unfold!
So, here is how the Universal Law on this works…
Important Information To Understand!!
The ability to change a negative, unwanted, or painful outcome into a positive one depends on knowing about it in advance. Because only the future can be changed!
This present moment CANNOT be changed!!
It is too late to change a negative situation into a positive one when it has already started to happen. This is because once something has started to unfold, you are then at the hands of fate.
Once it has unfolded, you can only do things in an attempt to minimize the fallout, but your power of influence is very limited at this stage of a problem.
How Your Destiny Can Be Changed
Your destiny can be compared to your heath. When you get regular checkups, you keep yourself ahead of the game for any serious major health disasters.
By having a checkup, if something shows up, you can usually catch it before it becomes anything major, and take the necessary steps at that point to correct it in advance!
If never get checkups, at the point when something major happens, it is usually so advanced that it is usually too late at that point to make the changes that will prevent a less than desirable outcome!
All you can do at this point is hope, pray, and try and minimize the fallout by making changes as quickly as you can, hoping it is not too late!
When you are in the middle of a undesirable event that has already began to unfold, at that point, you are at the hands of fate!
Sadly, many people live life like the like the person who never gets a checkup, and the sad truth is that they don’t have to live like that!!
This story below explains the difference between destiny and fate! Destiny can be changed. Fate cannot! The email below illustrates this:
Dear Tana,
I had a reading with you a few days ago, and boy was I glad I did! If I had waited just a few weeks longer, the inevitable would have happened! My son was starting to hang around some kids who you told me were pressuring him to become a member of their gang!
During our reading, you told me that this was going on, and I had no idea about any of this until you told me during our reading!
I went to my son and asked him about this like you told me to, and I did find out that he was being pressured to get what is called “kicked in”! This would have meant he would have never been able to leave this gang without losing his life trying to leave it!
I was able to step in and talk to my son. He told me he was being pressured, so we moved him out of state right away, and now he is doing fine! If I hadn’t had that reading with you, my son’s fate would have been sealed forever!
Thank you so much Tana! You saved my son’s life!
Maria V. Los Angeles, CA
Click here and let me help you change your destiny, so that YOU don’t mistakenly seal your own fate!
As you read in this story, her son’s destiny was able to be changed by her knowing about this ahead of time. By knowing this information ahead of time, she was able to intervene.
This is how her son’s destiny was changed! If he had joined the gang, it would have now become his fate, and as you can see from her email, their would have been only one way the gang would let him change his fate!
So you can start taking control of your destiny, instead of being controlled by your fate!
In light and peace,
Tana Hoy
To Schedule A Private Reading With Me:
Call: 614-444-6334
P.S. The key phrase for today: “Don’t wait for fate! Always find out before it’s too late!”
Ehh….. what?
I get what you’re trying to say (sort of) but in the greater scheme… Well, no.
In a nutshell, we are essentially powerless. It’s more like the opposite though in some regard still true.
Before it’s assumed I’m bashing this, let me give some exposition. If you want to skip it, go down to the line:
I went through a very dark period once because I saw so many flaws in the universe and reasons similar to this. The fact that we are essentially subject to the universe’s will. I then started planning thousands and thousands of years into the future of how I’d achieve enlightenment and some degree of omnipotence in order to correct these “mistakes”. Didn’t take long before I stopped and remembered that reality is subject to perception and the only one seeing these “flaws” were me. So if I’m the one seeing these problems, it is through my perception, and mine alone (though is is technically false. I’m sure there are others out there who have noticed) and because I’M seeing these problems, by extension I am the problem, and if I’m a problem, I therefore need to be removed completely.
Many for and against reasons came to mind during this time for why I’m thinking like this and the reasons for doing so etc. Some could say it’s a symptom of the Dark Night of The Soul or it could just be me being an idiot…However it was severed enough for me to consider something which would be considered controversial at best – a soul purge. I will not go into any further detail on that. The name itself is scary. However there are several kinds of soul purging, like purging negativity within the soul or cleansing but the one I’m referring to. Let’s just say… well nothing of it. Luckily I have no idea how to do it, so that’s good.
I hear this kind of thinking, especially during the DNOTS phase is nothing new though, but I don’t even know if I’ve even started or gone/going through it. If not then it’s just me being a complete idiot.
In reference to the blog or post, I will point out a few things:
“You need to know about it in advance! You CANNOT change the outcome of ANY situation once it has began to unfold!”
Fair enough you need to know the future in order to change it, however it is not impossible to turn a bad situation into a good one as this states:
“This present moment CANNOT be changed!!
It is too late to change a negative situation into a positive one when it has already started to happen. This is because once something has started to unfold, you are then at the hands of fate.”
I mean sure, but are you really stating that we are this powerless? I’m not the only one who’s managed to achieve it, all be it in minor ways that eventually extended into a positive outcome. However just saying that once it starts on a negative road, that’s it. That’s false, especially when you have the knowledge that YOU control your fate… or destiny… fate is implying a forced outcome by a will other than yours, and I’m not one for submission,a nd neither should anyone else really.
“Once it has unfolded, you can only do things in an attempt to minimize the fallout, but your power of influence is very limited at this stage of a problem.”
True and false. You can attempt to minimize it, or outright correct it, if you know how (not saying I do though. I’ll let ya know if I figure it out). It also has to be taken into account that “positive” and “negative” are concepts of perspective. If they were removed, the event or outcome would be rendered meaningless. Or in other words, a so called “negative outcome” could essentially be seen as positive. This is only part of how you can change a negative event into a positive one while already “inflight” but of course that’s only part of it.
“but your power of influence is very limited at this stage of a problem.”
“Your power is limited.” No, it’s effectively infinite. Sounds like something a negative being would say to retain their dominance. However, I’m not implying the same in regards to Tana at all. I know you mean well by trying to show how the universe works. Thus expanding on said flaws I mentioned earlier.
“This would have meant he would have never been able to leave this gang without losing his life………If he had joined the gang, it would have now become his fate, and as you can see from her email, their would have been only one way the gang would let him change his fate!”
Again, yes and no. These gang members want him to feel forced to stay. They may well have killed him for attempting to leave if he did end up joining. However, they were using fear primarily to hold it over him as a leverage. It’s understandable to be afraid for your life but fear is what they were counting on as a domineering tactic to keep him in. It’s kinda like slavery, a so-called “owner” or “master” will punish you for disobedience or rebellion, but it’s the fear they are focusing on to keep you restrained, though in regards to the email, there are no literal chains stopping him from leaving except by the fear of them going after him, whether they do or not. There is always still a chance to liberate yourself and avoid harm, be it a think or thin chance, it will always still be available to achieve. So this “It’s too late nonsense” is effectively void.
Of course you might say “but they WILL kill him if he left.” Sure, but why should that stop you? It’s probably obvious I’m a rather rebellious person, but only to those who attempt to try to control you, but it’s still the fear of it that stops you. You can run all you like, fear or no, and even if they come after you, afraid or not, it is still YOUR choice to do so.
Hi ,I like your comments I recently was told by one of my friends that can read me like a book that I had fear in my life, well I needed to change that I rebellious and stubborn not to mention a few others so I meditated and meditated until I felt it was gone and I noticed a few things in my life that has change my gifts that I had as a child are getting stronger I do not have them in full force and I’m working on that but I could not believe how even the tiny bit of that stuff can hinder you!!! Or I should say me!!! I can’t speak for any body else I just need to keep fine tuning my gifts
In Love and Light