How To Know If You Spirit Guides Are Trying To Connect With You contacting_spirit_guide2

Spirit guides help you by sending signs such as synchronicities. These are amazing coincidences are to keep you alert to the information you need to know or pay attention to.

On the day you are born, a spirit guide was assigned to you and was there to stay with you for the rest of your life.

Throughout your life, more spirit guides may choose to work with you during your life, especially when you are faced with difficulties that fall under their field of expertise. Some will stay temporarily until they have done their job, and others will stay with you for the rest of your life.

In this article, you will know the signs that your spirit guides are trying to connect with you.


What Are Spirit Guides?


Spirit guides are humans like us, who have once lived in a human body. They have already learned all the lessons here on earth, so after death, there is no need for them to reincarnate in a human form. These evolved spirits now live in the Spirit World and become a Spirit Guide to those of us still living here on earth.

They are your invisible helpers and they are always there to guide, protect and support you. They have been through this world many times and had the same experiences and problems that you have. Because of this, they are already aware of how to deal with your current situations.

They can assist you in learning your life lessons and they will connect you with the right resources.

Your spirit guides can see what is going on in your life and once it’s time for them to step in, they have many ways they show you they are with you!


9 Signs Your Spirit Guide Is Trying To Connect with You


Your guides use many different signs and ways to communicate with you. Here are some of the most common signs that your Spirit Guides are trying to communicate with you:

1. Number Patterns or Sequences

Seeing the same numbers or number patterns again and again, or looking at the clock and seeing the same time over and over, is a message they are around you and have received your message, and your desires are in motion to becoming a reality.

2. Vivid or Reoccurring Dreams

If you are having the same dream over and over again, or have an extremely vivid dream, it is best to write it down and reflect back on it later. Often, the feeling the dream leaves you holds the answer. The spirit world loves to use a dream state to send messages because they are free to create scenarios with colors, magic, and fantasy.

3. Lights or Orbs

Seeing little flashes of light, or orbs in your presence are messages from your spirit guides. This is your guide showing you they are nearby, making sure that you will not feel alone. These are signs that your guide wants you to trust that things are working in the order that they are supposed to.

4. Pennies and Dimes

You may find them on the floor, while hiking, or even inside the freezer. These coins are from your spirit guides to cheer you up. This sign usually happens when you are a bit sad or depressed. This is their way to tell you “Here is a penny for your thoughts.”

5. Hearing A Song Or Music

If you have random songs that seem to play or repeat, it can be a sign from your guides and often the song holds a special message that you need to pay attention to. It could also be a sign that you just need to relax and go with the flow.

6. Hearing your Name Called

Have you heard your name called but there is no one else around?  This means your spirit guide is trying to get your attention. It means you need to stop, listen, and pay extra attention to what you were thinking about, before your name was called.

7. Special Scents

Sometimes aromas can be smelled in the oddest times. It could be a flowery smell to get your attention. Your guides may also use scents from your childhood memories. This is their way of poking you to make a decision, to focus on letting go, and trust in something greater than yourself, for guidance.

8. Automatic Writing

The feeling or urge to sit down and write something is another sign that your spirit guide wants to contact you. Your spirit guide can nudge you to write, in order to show the right direction at that time. Simply sit comfortably with a paper or pen, or in front of the computer, and let your guide take over and freely write whatever message they are trying to send you.

9. High Pitched Ringing

You may hear high ringing sensation, especially in moments of high thought or contemplative questions. It is a sign that your spirit guides want you to pay close attention to the current situation. It could mean you may have said something important, or something is happening around you that you need to pay close attention to.


How To Connect with your Spirit Guides


Since your Spirit Guides are always there to provide protection and guidance, it is important that you talk to them regularly. They can only help if you ask them for it.

To improve your quality of life and provide a powerful source of help, clarity, and guidance in your life path, you need to cultivate a relationship with your guides.

It’s easy to connect with your guides when you open up yourself to them by going somewhere peaceful and quieting your mind,  so you can start communicating with them.

You also want to ask their names. This way, you are demonstrating your trust and belief in their existence. Their name may come through books, songs, conversations, or even spray-painted on the wall.

Another means of communicating with your guides is by writing them a letter. You can write your guide’s name on a piece of paper and express your intention of connecting with them. You can ask them for insight, clarity, and guidance for whatever problem you may need answers to. Answers will come to you, but they often come in unexpected ways, such as signs, and what you may think of as coincidences.

Connecting with your spirit guides should feel extremely comforting and peaceful. It should not be a scary, fearful, or daunting experience. Even if you are going through a tough time, talking to them fills your heart with calmness.




Spirit guides connect to you in many ways and you need to be willing to be open and perceptive to their messages. Always ask for their guidance and also always pay attention to what signs are being sent your way.

Become thankful for the assistance and guidance that your spirit guides provide.

If you would like to know the names of your spirit guides, and start receiving their help, guidance, and protection, click here now to schedule a Spirit Guide Reading with me.


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One Response

  1. Sixx Pearson says:

    So that was an enlightening read. Especially after my comment on your clairsetient article about the 2 songs playing in my head for well over a month. I’ve contracted Lyme disease early September 2019 and have pretty much been in bed rest. The first “movie screen” vision I had was when I asked my spirit guide it’s name. And it was typed out in front of me like an old film on a movie screen. I wanted so badly and wished I would’ve to write it down right then but my husband had to be up at three in the morning to drive five hours to work and he is a light sleeper so I tried to remember it. All I can remember is that it started with an A. But since I had been sick and had something blocking me (I had been going through an awakening for a year or two) for 6 months or so I thought it was a good time to do shadow work. With the last full Moon of the decade I had already known my guide had been next to me. I only had the strength to hold my phone and google read etc. but my guide was guiding me. One day in particular I made my way outside to a room off my porch and it was there I was surrounded. I felt overwhelmed by the love and could feel their energy as if they were hugging me, patting my leg, wiping a tear from my cheek. The sensation was real. The one standing behind me – not sure what he/she was doing but my crown chakra started tingling. I felt so loved and also I felt like this was my family around me that I haven’t seen in many many years. I just wanted to go home with them. ? But it isn’t time yet and my guide has helped me through a tremendously difficult time. While I am still weakened with this disease, I feel I have figured out what I am supposed to do here in this life (almost 47 years later ??‍♀️) That and my guide has helped me through some extremely difficult dealings & realizations about my mother and sister & has helped me keep my sanity during this time. Tonight I was working on building a website for my “purpose” and I’m not even sure how I got to your website – but I feel My guide has brought me here. ??? Thank you Tana. I’m off to read & learn more in your articles.

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