Would You Like to Be On My Angel Prayer List? – Please Read This

HI there,

I am going to be starting an Angel Prayer List of people who need prayers, and help. Each night, I am going to add the names of people to this list, along with what they need me to pray for with my Guardian Angels.

There is no cost for this, it is something I want to do to help as many people as I can. I realize a lot of people are suffering and not sure what to do, so I want to be instrumental in helping them overcome their struggles, using the power of angelic Prayer.

Each night for the next 30 nights, I will perform a special Angel Prayer Ritual to send your prayers out into the universe, and your prayers will be delivered by 200 angels into the highest realms that exist.

This will bring you relief, blessings, and solutions to whatever you are struggling with.

What you need to do is to email me back with your name, or the names of the people you would like to be included on my angel Prayer List, along with what you would like to have prayed for.

Please keep your email brief and to the point, because I will have many of them to add to my list each night. 

May the abundance, light, and love of the Angels, bless you and your loved ones abundantly.

In light and peace,

Tana Hoy

To schedule a psychic reading, click here now, or call my office at 614-444-6334

2 Responses

  1. Amelia Messmore says:

    Dear Tana, my son was missing for about 2 yrs. Fairfield county sheriff Lancaster oh. Told us this was a murder investigation. But yesterday we were told Michael my son hung himself. You gave me a reading about this and told me you seen trees. Michael hung himself in a tree in a wooded area we are told. Please pray for my family Michael had 4 kids. Austin, Chanel, Jaxson, Greyson. Michael’s sisters Melissa and Sarah Thank you for all the help you give. Sincerely Amelia Messmore

  2. janice arandelovic says:

    hi tanait janice please add me my school this building pry i find another place to live and i miss trevor.

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