An Answer To A Question AND A Special Reading Discount! (Expires soon!!)

Many people have recently been asking me to explain the difference between a psychic, and a psychic medium, like myself. Well, there is a big difference. So I hope that this email helps you to understand these differences more clearly.

The Psychic

A psychic reader is a psychic, but not a Psychic Medium. A psychic reader does not possess the ability that a Psychic Medium does to communicate with the spirit world. A psychic can tell you many things about your future, but will not be able to receive any messages from your Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Ascended Masters, or departed loved ones.

The psychic reader uses various tools like tarot cards, runes, numerology charts, crystal balls, and the lines in your palms, to receive psychic information about your future.

When a psychic reads tarot cards, or a crystal ball, for example, he or she then needs to interpret the information that they see in the ball or the cards. The need for interpretation is the key difference here.

Read on and I’ll explain what that means…

The Psychic Medium

A Psychic Medium doesn’t need to use tarot cards, crystal balls, numerology charts, reading your palms, etc, to receive their psychic information, because a Psychic Medium is the “medium”, or vessel, between you and the Spirit World.

So when a Psychic Medium is giving you a psychic reading, he or she “hearing” the information about your future from Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Ascended Masters, and even your loved ones who have passed away. A Psychic Medium simply repeats back the words he or she hears from the Guides about your future.

…So with a Psychic Medium, very little interpretation is involved, because the Medium simply repeats the words he or she hears from their Guides.

So a Psychic Medium works with a much higher energy vibration than a psychic. What this means is that a Psychic Medium is always vibrationally linked to the Spirit World.

The Importance Of Being Grounded

A Psychic Medium needs to meditate often to keep himself or herself spiritually fit. Because being vibrationally linked to the Spirit World on a daily basis can cause an unbalanced Psychic Medium to feel overwhelmed, due to this high energy connection.

I explain it like having your finger stuck in an electrical outlet. If you aren’t grounded properly, you’re going to get a big shock! So meditation and spiritual fitness are what keeps a Psychic Medium grounded, so that they don’t get a big “spirit shock” from dealing with all that high vibrational energy everyday!

I forgot to mention that what causes the highest inaccuracy of a reading, other than free will, is misinterpretation of the information that a psychic mis-reads when interpreting their tarot cards, crystal ball, numerology charts, or the lines in the palm of your hand.

This does not mean there are not good psychics, I am simply trying to explain the differences between psychic and a Psychic Medium.

If you have questions about love, your soulmate, career, finances, or health, why not click here and fill out this form to get the answers you need from an experienced Psychic Medium?

Many Emails About Psychic Readings

I have been receiving emails from people telling me that they want a psychic reading, but have been afraid of hearing something they didn’t want to hear.

I have never had a person hang up the phone crying after a psychic reading. As a matter of fact, they hang up feeling better after the reading, than they did before having it!

The reason for this is two-fold. First, people tell me that they would rather know the truth, and second, when a person has the answers, they have the free will and power to continue making it happen, or changing their path to take things in the direction they desire. Knowing about something BEFORE it happens give YOU the power to change it!

A $25 Discount Off A Psychic Reading

I have decided to offer my only discount off a psychic reading for 2015.

You will get $25.00 off a psychic reading, BUT this discount will expire on Wednesday, April 8th, at 5PM PST (7PM CST, 8PM EST)

This will be the ONLY discount I offer in 2015 for a psychic reading, because as you know, I rarely offer discounts off a psychic reading.

So to take advantage of this discount by clicking here and filling out the form, or call 614-444-6334. You can also respond directly to this email with your best contact number!

Already Have A Reading Scheduled? See How You Can Turn This Discount Into $50.00 off!

This discount IS NOT applicable to a reading that is already scheduled, BUT if you have a reading already scheduled, then contact my office and see how you can actually get a $50.00 discount by using this offer!

If you already have a reading scheduled, to get your $50.00 discount, click here and fill out the form, or call 614-444-6334. You can also respond directly to this email with your best contact number!

In light and peace,

Tana Hoy


Office: 614-444-6334

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