Best Good Luck Charms That Work: The Secrets Of High Rollers
Most high rollers use good luck charms that’s why they know that luck is on their side.
You’ve probably seen them before.
High rollers clad in expensive designer wear and sparkling jewels. Their look often matches the way they play – flamboyant and confident.
Often, these high rollers are guarding a secret.
They are carrying something with them that keeps the money flowing to them in piles. And I’m going to teach you their secret!
Why High Rollers Know They Can Win
High rollers know they can win because they’re sure luck is on their side.
Luck is best described as good fortune and the secret of some millionaire high rollers is they are experts in attracting and creating good luck, rather than just waiting for something lucky to happen.
These big winners discovered how to manipulate luck by using the powers of a gambler’s good luck charm for winning.
What Are Good Luck Charms?
Powerful good luck charms are special objects, which are infused with mystical powers.
These charms are often found in nature and have been seen as priceless “artifacts of fortune” since the beginning of civilization. A time when mankind was still highly sensitive to the natural powers of the Universe.
Ancient Greeks called these charms “Thelm”, a word which refers to the “will” of a person.
A lucky charm is powerful on its own, but when fuelled by the will and positive energy of the person bearing it – its potency is greatly magnified.
So, why are lucky charms extra strong when used by high rollers?
High rollers have the right mindset, which is the iron will to win and a mindset that leaves no room for doubt. This kind of mindset amplifies the magical constitution of a lucky charm and draws good fortune to them like a vacuum.
Most Used Casino Good Luck Charms By High Rollers
Now, I will reveal to you many kinds of gambler’s good luck charms for winning which are highly prized among millionaire high rollers.
The Lucky Number Seven
The number seven is a very prominent number.
There are seven seas, seven continents, seven days in a week, seven colors of the rainbow, seven wonders of the world, a seventh heaven, and the list goes on and on.
The affinity with number seven dates back to ancient times when there were only seven planets visible before the invention of the telescope. This spurred the seven primary gods of the Egyptians and the Romans.
The 7 is considered a lucky number and high rollers often have this as a good luck charm.
In the world of gambling, it’s a common belief that a deck of cards will be completely randomized after seven consecutive shuffles. On an ordinary dice, the dots of the opposite sides also sum up to seven.
High rollers have the number 7 with them as one of their personal casino good luck charms in a variety of forms. There are those who simply write the number seven on a piece of paper and put it in their pockets, while some have accessories which bear the number 7.
The Four-Leaf Clover
The four-leaf clover is the ultimate expression of good luck, as it represents fortune. With a 10,000 to 1 chance of finding an actual four-leaf clover, coming across one is very lucky indeed!
The Druids of Ancient Ireland used four-leaf clovers in making good luck talismans and carried them for magical protection and to block bad luck. Some cultures believe 4-leaf clover can only bring good luck if the bearer keeps it out of sight and doesn’t pass it to somebody else.
The first three leaves represent hope, faith, and love, while the fourth is considered the lucky one – the bearer of all good fortunes.
Most players usually have four-leaf clover cuff links, bracelet charms, key chains, and belts. The most dedicated would have a handkerchief, or even a shirt with a four-leaf clover design.
Of course, nothing beats having an actual four-leaf clover, and there are several high rollers who are known to have preserved these lucky leaves by putting them inside resin or having them laminated.
The Lucky Gambler’s Amulet
The Lucky gambler’s amulet is often made of solid gold or silver and bears spiritual, astrological, or religious images.
Amulets are often used as necklaces or simply cradled in the palm of the hand.
Most high rollers will never play without their amulet
Lucky Hand Wash
Very few people are aware that high rollers have their own lucky hand wash which they use together with their other casino good luck charms. In fact, this may be the first time you’ve heard of it!
A lucky hand wash typically is made of ingredients known for their strong magical cleansing properties. The following ingredients are often used to make lucky hand washes:
- Alfalfa
- All Spice
- Calendula
- Coreopsis
- Cinnamon chips
- Chamomile
- Irish Moss
These lucky hand washes are used to get rid of bad luck which may linger in their hands.
A Lucky Seat
High rollers have a seat they called “special lucky seat” and this spot helps them draw positive energy that brings them luck.
Some high rollers are so attuned to the positive energy that they can sense actual energy sources in a room.
Most high rollers will endearingly refer to some seats as their “special lucky seat”! But little do other people know that these experienced players are actually drawing the necessary positive energy to bring luck on their side, while they are playing in that seat!
Some players like to first “feel out” the room to find a spot that draws them or one with the most positive energy. Being in this positive space boosts their confidence and wards off bad luck.
Now that I’ve revealed to you the secret lucky charms, along with other techniques used by high rollers, let me tell you how they handle a “good luck crisis”.
What a High Roller Does When Good Luck Doesn’t Arrive On Time
I explained how a high roller’s mind is set on winning all the time, and how their minds are locked on winning and staying positive – even when there’s no sign of good luck!
One of the first things lucky high rollers do when they come to a halt in their winning spree is to forget about losing and start. They don’t dwell on bad luck- they move on.
Lucky high rollers are even able to see a positive side to their bad luck, enabling them to quickly turn things around and fill their powerful good luck charms with positive energy, again. They believe that any poor fortune will work out to their favor, sooner or later.
Lucky high rollers even take positive thinking a notch higher by becoming proactive and taking constructive steps to prevent more bad luck.
But there are also times when a high roller succumbs to the negativity of losing. When fear, uncertainty, or anxiety, overcomes them, these negative energies also enter the lucky charm they possess.
Fortunately, there is a way to reverse the infiltration of negative energy.
A Master Psychic, such as me, can check your energy during a psychic reading and track the source of any negative energy. Which may be haunting you..
Furthermore, I can release any negative energy to ensure there are no blocks to receiving your luck.
You don’t have to be a high roller to use good luck charms and to bring abundance into your life because I can teach you the techniques you need to be an expert in creating good luck and to draw unlimited luck to you!
You can contact my office at 614-444-6334 or by clicking here and filling out the form on my Psychic Reading Page.
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