Clairvoyant Visions That Should Never Be Ignored

Clairvoyance means clear-seeing. People with this ability can see energy fields, spirits, symbols and also visual premonitions.
Have you ever been jolted awake in the early hours of the morning with your heart still pounding from a dream you could have sworn was really happening – a clairvoyant dream that showed you things taking place somewhere else or in another time?
Have you ever seen something in your mind’s eye – a vision of sorts – and even though it all happened in a second, you were sure it was something, which will happen in the future?
Don’t be so quick to brush these dreams aside because your inner clairvoyance is reaching out to you and it wants you to heed its messages.
Let me help you understand these important visions, and as we go deeper into what clairvoyance really is, perhaps you’ll discover an important message, which can change life as you know it.
Clairvoyance: A Cryptic Perception Beyond The Usual Senses
Here’s the first thing you need to know about clairvoyance – it does not want to be ignored.
Clairvoyance is a psychic ability that often needs no provocation. Clairvoyant visions can come to you while you’re lying in bed at night, crossing the street, or while having a meeting at work.
It just happens, and there’s no stopping it.
Even when you’re asleep, your clairvoyance can be active. There are people who’ve been in a coma or under anesthesia who woke up talking about visions of things or events that they shouldn’t have known anything about in the first place.
And simply put, that’s what clairvoyance is. Clairvoyance is having information about things you wouldn’t normally know anything about in the first place.
It’s an unstoppable psychic force that gives you information without using your eyes, ears, or any other of your five senses. Clairvoyance lets you know things that are happening in another place or another time and it doesn’t matter if they are in the past, present, or future.
Let me give you an example:
One of my clients, Deborah, told me about a very striking vision of being in a new house, a house she just knew was hers, even before she physically saw it.
Do You Have Clairvoyance?
Like most psychic abilities, clairvoyance comes naturally to humans. You don’t need to be bitten by a radioactive spider or come from an alien planet to have these supernatural visions.
In fact, you might have been experiencing clairvoyance before you even heard of it.
To help you relate your own experiences to that of actual clairvoyance, I’ve put together signs, which indicate you might be clairvoyant:
Active or lucid dreaming is a sign that can indicate that you are clairvoyant.
Active Or Lucid Dreaming
This kind of dream itself may not be that different from regular dreams, but in active or lucid dreaming, you have full control of what you want to do in a dream. In a lucid dream, you are not merely a spectator, you can act and talk willfully.
You are aware you are dreaming and in a dream environment, yet you still have an awareness of your own self. Aside from being able to make decisions while inside the dream, you will also be able to remember all the details of the dream upon waking.
Deep Daydreaming
Deep daydreaming is similar to lucid dreaming, the only difference is that you’re awake while it’s happening. The entire thing will feel as if you’ve been dreaming for an hour, but in the physical world, only seconds or minutes have passed.
Sensing Spirits
Aside from seeing visions, Clairvoyants can also see spirits and other entities, both here in the physical world, as well as in the other dimensions. You might see spirits clearly, or you might see them as orbs or flashes of light.
Seeing Symbols Or Clear Visions Of Future Events
Clairvoyance is not an exact science. There are times when your visions will be very vague, and you might have to translate the meanings of the symbols in your visions.
Other times, your visions will be clear and you will remember all the details. Such as when seeing future events. Clarity and a better understanding of your visions often come with time and practice, while some people, such as psychics, are able to examine their clairvoyant visions down to the tiniest detail.
Now that you know the telltale signs of having clairvoyance, it’s time to tell you which kinds of visions you should always look out for.
Clairvoyant Visions That Should Never Be Ignored
Clairvoyant visions about disasters should not be ignored because it may help you save the lives of others those close to you.
Like everybody else, psychics still take heed when these types of clairvoyant visions come to the surface – and you should, too:
- Death – Death is natural, but there is a time for everything. Oftentimes a clairvoyant vision of a death serves as way to letting you know the passing of someone you knew or loved, or a way for them to say goodbye. However, there are instances where death visions serve as a warning to be extra careful, or show an event that goes against the grain of the natural order of time.
- Disasters – There is no way to prevent natural disasters but having a clairvoyant vision about them can be a way to reduce the number of people who might get hurt, or to save the lives of those close to you.
- Accidents – Clairvoyant visions of accidents are usually about accidents that might happen to you, to your loved ones, or to people you might know. Sometimes, it just takes a simple reminder to “Take care!” or “Drive safely!” to counteract visions of accidents.
- Life-altering changes – Visions about events that could literally change your life such as divorce, sickness, or relocation, should be taken as a sign to be mindful of details and to focus on the issues at hand.
The Use Of Clairvoyance In Your Daily Life
A lot of people who experience their first bouts of clairvoyance come to me, and the most common emotions I can sense from them is confusion and sometimes, distress.
That, I think, is a natural reaction to the nature of information you can get from clairvoyance. You can easily get overwhelmed trying to sift through all the psychic messages you are getting.
The most important thing I tell people who are starting to explore their clairvoyance is to take things easy, take small steps, one at a time.
Clairvoyance is a gift – a very precious gift that is meant to enrich your life, and make you more aware of the living and all-embracing connection we have to each other, and the greater cosmos.
If you are able to steer your clairvoyant abilities into the right direction, you will begin to realize that it’s not just about having visions, it’s about making the most out of the life you have now, the present, which is unfolding right before you every second.
Clairvoyance can enable you to help yourself, your family, and your friends, make the most out of opportunities, and to stay clear of potholes along life’ journey.
You can have more clarity when it comes to determining your goals and can use your enhanced psychic ability to manifest what you want.
When it comes to making your decisions, clairvoyance can guide you into the right path and give you remarkable insight into planning for the future.
I can help you understand the clairvoyant visions you’re having and guide you into making clairvoyance a part of your life. You can schedule an appointment by clicking here and filling out the form on my Psychic Reading Page.
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I am 64, married, still work full time, have kids and grandkids I see often and my mom lives close and I talk to her nearly everyday and see her once a week. I am in great health, except for type 2 diabetes, which most people my age are accused of having these days. I tell you this so you know I’m not lonely and crazy.
About a month ago while at McDs, I thought I saw the mother of a childhood friend pass by me. I knew she doesn’t live here anymore, so I chalked it up to coincidence. Yet I could not get that incident out of my mind and decided to look up my old friend on Facebook to check up on her and her mom. The very first post told of her mom passing just a few days before, which would have been about the time I saw her in Mcds. Ok coincidence, I told myself.
A week later, I had my first migraine of my life….but it was an ocular migraine at work. I thought my blood sugar must be too high. I include this fact in case you think this has anything to do with what I’m telling you.
Yesterday, my husband and I had breakfast at McDs and went for a walk. We sat outside when we got home, looking at the paper and talking. We got up to go inside and I felt sick to my stomach like I was going to throw up and have diarrhea. As I walked in through the door, I smelled a familiar odor and saw clear as a bell in my mind a woman I have seen before. She wasat a checkin desk at a lodge. In my vision. This freaked me out. I knew my husband was there with me. I knew we were at our house, but I was seeing this vision clearly and my head started hurting. I was terrified. I thought I was dying. Exactly an hour later, I felt a rush of heat in my skull, like blood was rushing in it and then clearly saw a familiar man. Again, this terrified me! They were not threatening, but I have never had visions before!!!! Again, afterward, my head hurt!!! Exactly an hour later, I was resting…..not asleep, felt the rush in my skull, sat up in bed screaming not again! I told my husband I was seeing the man again. I screamed out “Devil, get out of my head!!! ” My head hurt!!! After a few seconds, it was gone. During this time, I was also dry heaving and having diarrhea. That was the end….3 hours of what I felt was torture. Today, I just don’t feel right. I feel more sober….not as cheerful. 2 people have told me maybe I’m seeing premonitions. In your experience, do you think I’m having clairvoyant experiences, premonitions, or just losing my mind? These weren’t hallucinations because I wasn’t taking any drugs that cause hallucinations. They weren’t dreams because I was wide awake. I could see everything around me, but at the same time, I clearly saw these people. Do you have any idea what I was experiencing?
Hey Cindy! I hope you are okay now. Those sounds like visions. Sometimes they can be hard. Sounds like a spiritual awakening. Have you had any more?
I have visions and someone always dies..
before I left my husband, when ever we were intimate or when ever he touched me, I saw him with other women. Flashes of him having sex with many many women. I also wake up in the morning knowing but not knowing how I knew that he was cheating on me.
I know information about people that just pops in my head. I can hug or touch a person and sense if they are good or have ill intentions. Also I see between words in txt msgs and know what I am being told is a lie. And know if someone is lieing to my face.
Last week, I was taking my morning walk on a beautiful day, and all of a sudden, I was jolted, stopped in my tracks, by a horrific vision right in front of me. In the vision, I saw a friend of mine, flailing, and violently fighting for his life, trying to get out of this grey “muck”, that engulfed him! It was too deep and was swirling all around him! I could do nothing to help him! Then all of a sudden, the horrific vision stopped. However, after seeing the horrific vision of my friend, fighting for his life, I was physically, mentally and emotionally sick. I was totally distraught and crying. I didn’t know what this horribly disturbing vision meant! My friend was a commercial fisherman, whom I hadn’t seen since I left Alaska twenty years ago, and I had lost touch with him. But I never forgot the handsome, personable, ambitious, smart and charismatic fisherman, who afforded me a great Alaskan adventure by taking me along on one of his commercial fishing excursions, where my job was to do the radar wheel watch. And now, I was living 4,000 miles away from Alaska, and the scene in my horrific vision. I could not get the terrifying visions of my friend fighting for his life, out of my mind; so I Googled his name. There was the news story, that my friend, whom I had seen in the violent vision, fighting for his life, in the grey swirling “muck”; while trying to tie his ship up/mooring it, in strong winds, had fallen off the ship and drown! I am grief stricken! I feel like the vision of my friend, was him pleading for help, and saying goodbye. This vision haunts me. I hope that he knows how much people cared about him and grieve his loss. He was a good man, who left all who knew him, with good memories of him. He will be greatly missed.
I have had clarvoyance ability since I was a child. I had two invisable friends who were older and would answer my questions and guide me. I have dreamed things that came true and I could tell others what was going to happen as it was happening. My Mom and I have some sort of a connection or better described, I have the connection with my Mom. I always know when something bad has happened to her. I woke up one day at 2 AM and had to call her. I was in Hawaii and she was in Tennessee. When I called, my stepfather was being resucitated by ambulance EMTs at thier home. I see aura of bad people. They look black or very dark to me. I am always spot on. Recently (2 days ago), I had my first awake vision. My partner had leaned over to kiss me and I immediately saw him beginning the crumple to the floor. I was shouting his name and making sure he was okay. At the end of the vision he was crumpling down on the bed. He was either having a stroke or a heart attack and I knew I was about to resuscitate him. As I rolled over to begin giving him breaths, the vision stopped and I saw him standing and looking at me. He went to the bathroom to make sure he was alright due to hearing my cries to help him in the vision. This vision has had a huge impact on me. I was terrorized at the thought I would lose him. My psychic abilities have grow considerable over the last month. The visions are very clear and the aura sightings are getting more frequent. I had a stranger come up to me recently and introduced himself to me. He said he had to meet me because I had a bright light around me and he saw God all around me.