Historical Proof of Aliens: Are They For Real? – Part 2
Are the numerous non-human looking petroglyphs or rock carvings found all over the world proof that ancient aliens were here?
In the first part of this article, I discussed some of the historical evidence available online supporting the belief that aliens exist. In this, the 2nd part, I’ll discuss and comment on the claims found in some sites stating that ancient aliens are the ones truly responsible for the development of human technology.
Did aliens leave evidence of their stay on earth?
Modern Technology in Ancient Times
I believe aliens are mostly responsible for the achievements made by humankind in the field of technological advancement.
More than that, however, I also believe the presence of modern or advanced technology back in ancient times is also strong historical proof aliens exist.
The technology I’m referring to is wide and varied, which shows the reality of alien intervention in human affairs. Because if this was not the case, how could ancient man have understood and applied the concepts behind such technology?
To make things clearer, let’s look at some technologies, or technological products, that are clearly not of human origin.
Antikythera Mechanism: Precision to the Nth Degree
The Antikythera Mechanism is a perfect example of alien technology, which has benefited humankind in the distant past.
The Antikythera Mechanism was a tool used in ancient times (100 to 150 BC) for precisely calculating the positions, movements, and status of astronomical objects such as the planets, moons, and stars.
This was a tool used in ancient times (100 to 150 BC) for precisely calculating the positions, movements, and status of astronomical objects such as the planets, moons, and stars.
Here’s what LiveScience has to say about the mysterious Antikythera Mechanism:
“The device’s front dials had pointers for the sun and moon — called the “golden little sphere” and “little sphere,” respectively—and markings, which coincided with the zodiac and solar calendars. The back dials, meanwhile, appear to have been used for predicting solar and lunar eclipses.
The researchers also show that the device could mechanically replicate the irregular motions of the Moon, caused by its elliptical orbit around the Earth, using a clever design involving two superimposed gear-wheels, one slightly off-center, that are connected by a pin-and-slot device.
… By winding a knob on its side, the positions of the sun, moon, Mercury and Venus could be determined for any chosen date. Newly revealed inscriptions also appear to confirm previous speculations that the device could also calculate the positions of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn — the other planets known at the time.”
There are those who believe the Antikythera Mechanism is the product of ancient Greek knowledge and expertise, particularly in the areas of mechanisms and astronomy.
Pause for a moment and consider how such precision came to be a reality in the lives of the ancient Greeks.
If the ancient Greeks already knew how to precisely pinpoint the movements of the moon, and precisely make calculations about the planets, why weren’t they able to conceive of simpler technology such as a bread toaster?
And why would the ancient Greeks have had such an interest in outer space and its contents, when they had not even learned how to break free of gravity yet, much less fly?
Was the Antikythera Mechanism not really for the benefit of the ancient Greeks, but more for the space travelling ancient aliens?
Was the Antikythera Mechanism meant to ultimately serve as a guide for the construction of watches, computers, other equipment or objects requiring high technological precision?
Titanium: Low Density but High Strength
If you look around in nature, strength and density are generally connected. Anything that is dense is also usually very strong.
Take for example the nature of animals such as bears. The stronger bears are the ones with dense bodies or highly compact body mass. The heavier their build is, the stronger they are.
The same goes for plants. Puny plants, or plants with low density or hardly any compact mass, are easily destroyed. An example would be a hollow water reed that can die when pinched. In contrast, huge and massive trees with dense trunks survive the toughest of stresses from the environment and humans.
Given the typical relationship between density and strength, it’s unusual for an element like Titanium to exist.
Given the typical relationship between density and strength, it’s unusual for an element like Titanium to exist.
Low in density, but high in strength, Titanium is not easily subject to corrosion even when greatly exposed to seawater, chlorine, and even aqua regia (a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid). This mixture is capable of dissolving platinum and gold. Yet, it has little influence on Titanium.
When mixed with other metals, Titanium can be used in the production of products such as jet engines, missiles, and spacecraft. It is also useful for producing chemicals, pulp, and paper.
Titanium is also useful in the production of products used in ordinary life, ranging from cars to mobile phones, among others.
If Titanium had not been “discovered” by humanity in the year 1791, would the modern products and technologies mentioned ever have come into existence?
Did humankind really discover Titanium, or did aliens from the past make sure humanity would find this element and learn how to use it, not only for making products valued in modern society, but also for producing the products and technology necessary to eventually explore space?
We Are Not Alone
No matter how loudly the “no aliens in the universe, ever” crowd shouts, it can no longer be denied that there is historically available proof of alien life.
“We are not alone” is no longer simply a movie catchphrase or tagline, because even hardnosed scientists are going on record to state “humanity is on the verge of discovering alien life.”
Here’s what NASA chief scientist Ellen Stofan has to say, as reported by Yahoo:
“I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade, and I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within 20 to 30 years,” NASA chief scientist Ellen Stofan said during a panel discussion that focused on the space agency’s efforts to search for habitable worlds and alien life.
“We know where to look. We know how to look,” Stofan added during the event, which was webcast live. “In most cases we have the technology, and we’re on a path to implementing it. And so I think we’re definitely on the road.”
Former astronaut John Grunsfeld, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, shared Stofan’s optimism, predicting that signs of life will be found relatively soon both in our own solar system and beyond.
“I think we’re one generation away in our solar system, whether it’s on an icy moon or on Mars, and one generation [away] on a planet around a nearby star,” Grunsfeld said.
Are you as excited as I am for human science to finally accept and catch up with the fact that aliens exist?
Do you agree that aliens have helped humanity (and are still doing so) from the earliest times of development of human society? Let me know what you think in the Comments below!
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i have seen aliens before myself..many years ago..and i have seen ufo’s ..they have been around eternally ..i believe..and yes the information you have given tana..has been on the history channel before and talked about pics shown etc.
Great article Tana. I do believe there are other beings living in the vastness of the Universe.
Kerry: How did you encounter aliens? I would love to hear your story.