Having Free Will In A Predestined Life
All of us have free will, because free will is the privilege that every human has. You have the liberty to make your own destiny – this is free will.
We live our lives the way we want to live them. We make our own decisions, our own plans, and our own goals in life because we have free will. But there lies a greater force that governs all of the happenings and experiences we experience in our life – free will.
All of us have free will, because free will is the privilege that every human has. You have your own mind and your own body. And because of this, you have the freedom to do what you want to do. You have the liberty to make your own destiny – this is free will.
We Have The Free Will To Seek Out Meaningful Life Experiences
Your free will is governed by a much greater force – and that is predestination. Predestination and free will work hand in hand because you have “predestined life lessons” that you are going to encounter sooner or later in your life.
Predestiny does not have anything to do with your life being set in stone, and there is nothing you can do about it. In other words, most people think everything in their lives is predestined to happen. But this is not the case at all.
There is no force that tells you what you will become in the future because you are the one who forges your own destiny, thanks to free will. However, you cannot do anything that you please just because you have free will.
The actions that you take in your life all lead to the moment when you will encounter and experience the “planned out life lessons” that you are going to encounter in your life. So you have the free will to learn your own life lessons. No one is “spoon feeding” you as to what you should learn, because you discover these lessons by yourself.
What Is A Soul Contract?
Before you were born into human form, your soul was in the Spirit World waiting to be born. During this place and time, you meet with your Spirit Guides and Master Teachers to discuss the types of lessons you are going to be learn in your next incarnation.
When you were then born into human form, you were given the free will to do whatever you want to do because you are an intellectual human being. However, through the many experiences that you go through in life, you will seek out the life lessons that are laid out in your Soul Contract.
A Soul Contract contains all of the life lessons you discussed with your Spirit Guides and Master Teacher before you were reborn, and these predetermined lessons will help you evolve your soul.
Finding Your True Meaning In Life
The lessons that you are going to experience in your life are all in your Soul Contract. Your Soul Contract contains your purpose in life. You have the free will to pursue your dreams in life, but in doing so, you are also predestined to experience these planned out life lessons sooner or later, because these lessons are the ones that helps you reach the highest evolution if your soul
You are not born into this world for no reason; you are born into this world because you have a purpose in life.
Becoming The Best Versions Of Yourselves
You are the one who writes your own destiny, and all of the events that you experience are all under the supervision of your predestiny in the form of life lessons.
As I already mentioned, the life lessons that you are going to experience in your life are lessons that will help you to become a better person. These lessons take the form of problems and challenges in life, which are called trials. Trials teach you lessons because most people never learn things the easy way. So you need to experience the difficulties in life to help you evolve and grow as a soul.
When you encounter trials, if you don’t overcome and solve your problems, your life will be stagnant and you will not progress in your life and feel miserable and incomplete, lacking the life purpose to keep you going.
The predestination of life lessons exists to give peace and harmony to the universe, as well as give every life form its purpose and meaning in life. These life lessons are not only targeted at you, but rather they are created so that all of humanity can benefit from learning their life lessons too.
When you acquire the learning given to you by your predestined life lessons, you apply this learning in your everyday life. Thus affecting other people positively because you will apply the good things you have learned from your life lessons, to the people around you.
Not Every Detail In Your Life Is Predestined
You have the free will to pursue your dreams in life, but in doing so, you are also predestined to experience these planned out life lessons sooner or later, because these lessons are the ones that helps you reach the highest evolution if your soul.
One of the most common mistakes that people say about predestiny is that all of the things you have experienced, are experiencing, and will experience in your future are all products of predestiny – which is false.
Predestination are the “planned out life lessons” given to you, but have to take the actions to make life events happen, because you have free will. Will you be an engineer? A singer? Will you pursue a doctorate degree? You are the one who writes your own destiny, and all of the events that you experience are all under the supervision of your predestiny in the form of life lessons.
You Have The Freedom To Do Whatever You Like
Your predestined life lessons are just waiting to be discovered by you. You are given the capability to do what you want to do with your life, and you have the privilege to live the life that you want.
In order for us to live the life that we want to have, we should look for signs to see if we are on the right path, the path that our predestiny intends for us to experience. These signs may be in the form of small and sudden incidents, like a jar or a vase that falls down and breaks into pieces, which may mean that something bad will happen if you continue to do what you are doing at that moment of time in your life.
Just remember to use the learning that you have gained from your experiences in life, because these are the ones that will help you have a better life, thanks to the life lessons that predestiny gives to you.
Final Thoughts On Predestiny And Free Will
Predestiny and free will are the two Universal Laws that govern life with regards to how we are going to make the most out of our lives. It is because of predestiny that we already have the chance to live a good life.
Just by simply doing good things to others, making decisions that are deemed proper and righteous, and being kind to others, are just a few other ways where we can be the best of who we can be. Our predestiny brings us to greater heights in life, as it enables us to reach our goals and ambitions, with the help of our free will.
If you would like to know if you are on the right path in life, a psychic reading will be able to point the way for you, and show you how to keep walking on the right path in your life! You can click here now to schedule a psychic reading.
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Our definition of “free will” is subjective as it was by the will of the creator and the universe that allows us to have said free will. The creator “willed” us to have free will.
Relatively, we do have complete free reign of our own existence, but it’s when you look at the bigger picture. Everything boils down to perception. Every topic, subject truth, culture, creation, thought process. Everything in life. How we see reality. However, perception can be easily manipulated.
Depending on if it’s the universe, guides, angels, higher beings, they will promote a certain way as “better” or “worse” than others. Our soul script is defined by what we want to learn in our lives in the physical world which is based on how we want to develop as beings, as souls, as ourselves, and in doing so they will often “advise” how we can develop.
I’ll refer to a previous comment I did a few days ago:
“When you are taught something, the person “teaching” you is telling you something which is stated as fact or truth etc, usually without question and is automatically believed and followed as truth without real realisation of the meaning behind why it is truth. In some cases it often is given a reason why it is a fact of truth, but “truth” is partly defined by the information presented that you take a perception of. You just see the information and think “ok so this is this because I’ve been told it’s as such.” Basically if you are told something that is believed as truth even by them, it is by automatic assumption on both parties that it “is truth.”
However, it is taught to us like this to sometimes make us think of something a certain way. This is kinda a RFTR string-a-long. For example: karma helps us develop as spiritual beings because it helps us become closer to the light, source, be more spiritual etc. There is the “truth”, but it is told to us to make us believe it as truth, we then subsequently believe it as truth.”
As Tana stated, we “seek out meaningful life experience.” These experiences give us a certain insight, but these experiences and insights a really just a change of perception at their core. You may “learn” from it, but it’s essentially learning to see something in a certain or “better” way, but “better” is a only perception of standard.
Here’s a riddle I discovered many years ago. It doesn’t reflect what I’m trying to say but it makes a point of how perception is a fundamental asset of how we see free will. Well, I don’t really know if it’s a riddle or a philosophical debate.
“Is a slave a slave if they do not know they are a slave?”
This is a pretty good example of how perception is subjective only by the interpreter.
I also noticed some interesting statements Tana made.
“There is no force that tells you what you will become in the future because you are the one who forges your own destiny, thanks to free will. However, you cannot do anything that you please just because you have free will.”
“A Soul Contract contains all of the life lessons you discussed with your Spirit Guides and Master Teacher before you were reborn, and these predetermined lessons will help you evolve your soul.”
Nothing can “tell” us what to do, but we can be manipulated into thinking we can or can’t do something just by subtle perceptive re-alignment. I’m not saying Tana is manipulating us. At least I don’t “think” he is. However this is not what I’m trying to say at all. In fact this has nothing to do what Tana said. This is our relationship with the reality of the universe. This was just an example (sort of).
These “lessons” that we learn in life are subtly re-aligning our perception of reality. It could be to how higher beings “want” us to see it, it really is our own free will or our perception. Either way, our perspective is defined by interpretation. This is a really big keyword here – “Interpretation” because our interpretation is defined by our perception. I just reversed repeated myself here…
This is such a subtle topic I’m not sure if I have the capability of explaining it into words. If any of you have the ability to contact your guides, I’d say they can fully explain what I mean (if they don’t try to avoid it). I’ll probably forget later but nothing is separated by time, distance or space.
The closest thing I’m trying to say is our lack of knowledge on the universe leaves us vulnerable. Reality is based on our perception of it and truth is partly based on this perception.
Everything is based on perception. Even how we view “free will”. Our free will is present because it was “given” to us by the universe – It “allowed” us to have it. We then create the “perception” we have free will.
It may sound like it but I’m not trying to say the universe is manipulating us. it may well be but we don’t truly know that. What I am saying is everything we’re doing, “evolving,” developing” etc is based on what the universe wants us to see, even if it is for our benefit but that in itself could be a perception. “It’s for our benefit.”