Have you ever gambled in love and lost?

I received another email that I would like to share with you. I read for this client about 3 months ago, and she just sent me this email: 

Dear Tana, 

You told me that love was just around the corner when we spoke over 2 months ago. When I called you to schedule a reading, I was depressed, I felt lonely, and I felt like no one would ever come into my life. After years alone, I was ready to accept being alone for the rest of my life! 

I remember the first words you told me during my very first reading with you just over 2 months ago. Your first words to me were “Good thing you called me when you did. Two weeks later, and the chance to meet your soul mate would have been gone forever!” You then told me that my angels lead me to you, because you were supposed to tell me where my true love could be found! 

Use this link to schedule a private session to see if your true love is around the corner or where the relationship you are in is going to go! 

You told me in the next 2 weeks we would meet! You told me his first  name, and you even told me about the cute dimples on his face! You even went as far as to tell me about his favorite “leopard skin” boots! 

I didn’t believe a word you said! As a matter of fact, I was upset when I hung up from our reading! So I decided to do what you told me to do, to test you and see if you were as good as people say you are! 

Tana, almost exactly two weeks later, I met him! He had dimples just like you said, he had the name you told me he would have, and when I looked down at his shoes, I almost peed my pants! He was wearing those “leopard skin” boots you told me he would be wearing! 

Tana, I have no idea how you know these things, but you are amazing! I am so sorry for ever having doubted you! For the past two months, we have hardly been apart from one another! 

Thank you so much Tana, and I look forward to our next reading next week! 

Roseanna R., Miami, FL. 

Click here if you are ready to find your true soul mate or know the truth about your current relationship!

I always chuckle to myself every time I get an email like this. Because if I had a dollar for every time I have received an email from someone telling me they thought I was way off on their reading, only to later find out that what I told them did come true – I would be a millionaire by now!

Thanks for the nice email Roseanna! I am so glad you found him!

I hope you enjoyed this email!

In light and love,

Tana Hoy

To schedule a private reading with me:

Call: 614-444-6334

Visit: www.TanaHoy.com

P.S. Email me and say hello! I’d love to hear from you and I’ll email you back!! 🙂

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