WARNING: Another Energy Tidal Wave Is Coming!

I have some good news and some bad news.

The bad news is this time a Negative Energy Typhoon is going to hit the earth in October…

…the good news is I can protect you from it!

Unfortunately, these Negative Energy Waves just seem to keep getting stronger and more destructive!

So, sit back and relax for a few minutes, and let me explain to you what all of this means…

What Makes Energy Tidal Waves So Destructive? 

I’ve always warned people about Energy Tidal Waves in my emails because this is a topic that is very important for people to know about because any form or type of Negative Energy Tidal Waves that are going to hit the planet are not something to take lightly!

As you may already know, Energy Tidal Waves (ETW) happen as the result of negative energy build-up in the earth’s stratosphere and this build-up of negative energy happens as a result of negative fear thoughts of people being sent out into the air!

Let me explain…

The planet earth is surrounded by an Energy Stratosphere. Think of the earth floating inside of a bubble and the bubble represents the earth’s stratosphere.

Thoughts have wings, and thoughts are also made of energy! So whenever anyone on earth thinks a thought, it floats out into the universe.

Positive thoughts stay close to the earth, while negative thoughts float upward, getting trapped inside of the earth’s stratosphere.

As a result of the many negative energy thoughts being released from people’s minds around the world, these thoughts eventually build-up to the point where the stratosphere can no longer hold them.

When this happens, these negative thoughts turn into Negative Energy Rain (NER), which then falls like rain back down to the earth….

…and like any heavy rain, all of the Negative Energy Rain causes a “Negative Energy Flood” (NEF), which then causes what is known as an Energy Tidal Wave!…

…but now the next one has upgraded to a Negative-Energy Typhoon!

And just like any typhoon, this toxic energy rain will wash over the entire earth at a very powerful speed, covering anything in its path with this negative energy.

Only This Time, A Negative-Energy Typhoon is Coming

Energy Tidal Waves are normal occurrences that happen from time to time and are as normal as an earthquake, tornado, or hurricane. But unlike these other occurrences, this time it has upgraded to a Negative Energy Typhoon, so it would be powerful to actually cleanse away all of this negativity – balancing and realigning the energies of the Earth because they are now so off balance!

Any Energy Tidal Waves occurrences are designed to cleanse Mother Earth of negative energies but because they were not designed for the benefit of humans, they have a major impact on people’s auras.

But just like any natural event, by knowing about it ahead of time, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from it.

So, it’s important to understand that these Energy Tidal Wave occurrences do occur from time to time. 

What Triggered This Upcoming Energy Tidal Wave? 

As I mentioned before, this upcoming Negative Energy Wave that has been upgraded to a Negative-Energy Typhoon has been caused by all the worry and fear around the upcoming US presidential election, continuous mass shootings taking several lives, the recent arrest of 8 Isis men suspected of plotting a terrorist attack, along with the continued tensions between the US, China, and Russia, has caused fear, worry, and concern all around the world! I mean, these events are some of the scariest things the world has ever experienced for a very long time, and people around the world are freaking out!

And with all of this worry, concern, and fear being sent out into the air, it’s causing a build-up of fear energy, and the stratosphere is getting ready to burst! And when it bursts, it will release a major Toxic Energy Rain (TER), which will make this next Negative-Energy Typhoon feel like a quadruple Energy Tsunami!

The major release of this Toxic Energy Rain, along with the Energy Tidal Waves that will hit like a quadruple tsunami, is what you and your loved ones need to be protected from!

How A Negative-Energy Typhoon Will Affect You 

All Negative Energy Tidal Waves, of any kind, affect your aura!

Your aura is actually an energy projection of your soul surrounding the outside of your body, and an Energy Typhoon will literally “zap” your soul! 

Most Energy Tidal Waves only hit the earth at 150,000 MHz. But this upgraded Energy Typhoon will hit at 2,500,000,000,000 MHz, (2.5 billion) which makes it 30000% stronger than the last one that hit at 1,000,000,000,000 MHz. And when that one hit, it was the biggest one we ever had before…

…so they keep getting stronger and stronger!

Also, when this Negative-Energy Typhoon hits, it will change the nucleuatic structure of an unprotected person’s soul core, causing their soul to get off balance!

And when a person’s nucleuatic structure is changed (which a person NEVER wants to let happen to them!), the person no longer feels like the person they used to be. They lose their motivation, self-confidence, and everything about them begins feeling out of whack!

And if this happens to a person, being a Negative-Energy Typhoon it will take over 300 lifetimes of reincarnating back to the earth, over and over again, until their Soul Core is back to normal again!

This is not something anyone ever wants to have happen to them!! Never!

The Negative Affects Unprotected People Will Experience When It Hits

Here are the things unprotected people tell me they experienced from previous ones that hit:

– They experienced problems in love relationships that just seemed to suddenly appeared appear out of nowhere!

– Their sexual and romantics lives seemed to abruptly stop! Many people said their love and sex lives became almost nonexistent!!

– They had a long period, 3 years or more, where they couldn’t meet anyone to date at all – no matter what they did or how hard they tried!

– After it hit, financial problems, struggles, and difficulties suddenly appeared out of nowhere!

– They had major career, job, or professional difficulties, like losing jobs, finding jobs, along with weird and unusual problems with coworkers who they got along with before!

– Problems with their bosses and other higher ups started to arise!

– Problems with their homes, such as cracks in their foundations, flooding, and other water problems, not to mention major roof leaks, termite invasions, and several other very costly things, began to happen!

– Many people told me they suddenly began packing on the pounds  – no matter how much they watched what they ate!

– People reported looking older, as if they had aged by 20 years!

– Along with a whole list of other undesirable problems.

And the even sadder part is, they had to watch their family members and friends go through these same things, too!

But there is good news!

This doesn’t have to happen to you or your family! Because you can protect you and your entire family from experiencing all of these problems, if you choose to do so, by making sure to reserve your space for an Negative-Energy Typhoon Protection.

Please Know This:

Every time an Energy Tidal Wave of any kind has hit the earth in the past, there are always people who call me afterwards, even after being informed of this way ahead of time, asking if they can still get this protection!

And they all tell me the exact same thing: “I don’t want to keep experiencing this fallout you had warned me about, nor keep watching my family members go through all of this, too!” 

And it literally rips my heart out when I have to tell them “If a person is unprotected when it hits, there is nothing that can be done afterwards because the damage has already been done!”.

It’s like asking me to make their house magically rebuild after a hurricane has wiped it out…

…so I always have to let them know they are going to just have to live with it the best way they can!

Also, please know I am not trying to spread fear, or freak anyone out. I am simply letting people know about this, just like I’ve always done in the past! 

Sometimes people email me after I send an email like this accusing me of spreading fear. And I always explain to them:

“If I didn’t warn you about this, telling you what to expect and why you need to be protected, then you would be mad at me for not telling you, so that you could’ve avoided all of these negative things from happening to you and the people you love!” 

So I will always let you know what an Energy Tidal Wave of this magnitude will do, so you can decide for yourself if you want you and your family to be protected from it or not!”

Trust Me – You Want To Be Protected, Especially From This One! 

People who think “I’ll be okay, it won’t affect me!” always surprise me! I often think to myself, “If you don’t want to do it to protect yourself, at least do it to protect your loved ones!”. 

But in a situation like this, all that I can do is lead a horse to water but… you know the rest of the saying!

The truth is, this upcoming Negative-Energy Typhoon is now officially going to be the biggest one to hit the earth in over 2.6 million years! Since now, each one seems to keep getting bigger and bigger, and more and more destructive!

A few years ago, when I warned people about the Negative Energy Wave that caused the Ice Age, and how it hit at 2,110,000 MHz….

Well, this one is going to hit at 21 times stronger than that one – at 2,500,000,000 MHZ!

And the reason they keep getting stronger and stronger is because the negativity on earth keeps getting stronger and stronger, too!

I meant let’s face it, as crazy as things have been, we could have faced World War III !!

To understand the magnitude of this upcoming Negative-Energy Typhoon, again, I’ll again refer to the Tsunami that hit Indonesia in 2004 and claimed several lives!  So for comparison sake, imagine you were there, and as you saw the Tsunami coming. So, you decide to grab a canoe and get in it, so you could paddle away to safety!

And how when the waves reached you, you wouldn’t have stood a chance because your canoe would have been tossed and turned all over the place by the waves – getting smashed into a million pieces! And you would be washed out to sea, and probably never be seen again…

…you and your canoe wouldn’t stand a chance!

Well, not being protected from the impact of this upcoming Negative-Energy Typhoon would be like taking your chances, and instead off getting into a canoe, getting into an inter tube when the Tsunami hit…

…I’m sure you get the picture!

BUT for a person who is protected from it, the impact of this Typhoon Energy Tidal Wave will have zero impact on their life or the lives of their loved one!


Zip, nil, nada!

A protected person will be like a person who was never even there when the Tsunami hit because once you are protected, this Negative-Energy Typhoon will wash right past you – never touching you or your family at all!

Get protected now by clicking here!

Are There Things You Can Do To By Yourself To Protect Yourself?

A question some people ask me is if there are things they can do by themselves to protect themselves and their family from these energies.

The answer is “No!”.

And I will tell you why.

If you were dealing with something as minor as protecting yourself from Energy Vampires or other negative people, then by all means, you could surround yourself with white light and protect yourself relatively easily.

But since we are talking about Toxic Energy Rain flooding the earth, causing a Negative-Energy Typhoon as powerful as 2,500,000,0000 MHz (2.5 Billion) sweeping the entire earth, this means you are dealing with some VERY powerful energies!

Something like this requires an experienced person to make sure you are protected properly from such a high-energy radiation and vibrational frequency like this one!

To give you an example for comparison, the energy that comes from the thoughts of negative people, or even an Energy Vampire, could be compared to strong winds during a summer storm….

….but the negative energies coming from this Negative-Energy Typhoon on October 25th, will be more 1,000 times more powerful than that devastating Tsunami that wiped out Indonesia. 

People sometimes mistakenly think if they have been protected from a previous Energy Tidal Wave, they are automatically protected from this one. And that is totally wrong! Because each Energy Tidal Wave is unique, making the protection needed for each one different!!

Just like any natural disaster, you need to take precautions each and every time, in order to protect yourself. An Energy Tidal Wave of any form  is a natural disaster, but it happens on an invisible vibrational level…

…just like a Tsunami, you don’t know it’s coming until you see those giant waves headed your way!

But there is a one BIG difference between an Negative-Energy Typhoon and a Negative-

Energy Tsunami: You already know about this before it hits, so you are able to take the necessary precautions to protect you and your family from it!

So, to get protected from this Negative-Energy Typhoon, you need to have an experienced person trained in these things and who knows what they are doing, perform this protection on you!

This is why I spend 8 hours in mediation on Fridays, and 10 to 14 hours doing astral travel on Saturdays. Because during my astral travels is when I receive the information about the energies that are going to hit the earth!

It’s also during my astral travels where I receive the training on the techniques I use to protect people. I am trained personally on these techniques by Archangels and Ascended Masters, along with other highly -evolved beings from other dimensions, galaxies, and planets.

What To Do Next

Those of you who have been protected from an Energy tidal Wave before have already seen what it does to the live’s of unprotected people after it hits!

You’ve already seen how the lives of people around you, such as your loved ones, friends, acquaintances, and even coworkers, fell apart because they weren’t protected from this.

And sadly, unlike you, most of them didn’t know such a thing even exists!

And then there are others who will “take their chances”, believing “it will never happen to me!”. And that could not be farther from the truth because everyone, without exception, will be affected by this one!

Some people are even falsely deceived by lower ranking entities, into believing they are “psychically advanced enough themselves” to protect themselves, their friends, and their loved ones! And this is all phooey!

The Good News

By having this Negative- Energy Typhoon Protection Session performed on you, it will protect you AND your entire family!

So, for those of you who realize the importance of having a Negative-Energy Typhoon Protection Session, not only for you, but for your loved ones too, then now is the time to reserve your space for this by clicking here and filling out the form on my Psychic Reading Page!

Again, this will protect you AND your entire family from the devastating consequences of this upcoming Negative Energy Typhoon!

Spaces For This Are VERY Limited!

I am only able to make a very limited amount of spaces available for this – 69 to be exact. And once these 69 spaces are gone, they will be gone forever! Leaving those who are not protected to fend for themselves the best way they can after the Negative-Energy Typhoon hits!

So, if you procrastinate, or don’t open this email in time, you will more than likely miss out!

So please, make sure to act now and reserve your space for this because this is going to be the most powerful and destructive Energy Tidal Wave I have ever seen hit the earth. And you want you and your loved ones to be protected from it! Trust me!

Click here now and fill out the form on my Psychic Reading page to reserve one of the limited spaces available for this, so that you will have the peace of mind that you and your entire family will be protected!

I’m so glad you are one of the lucky ones who know about this before it happens!

In light and peace,

Tana Hoy

P.S. If you have any other questions about this, please email me to let me know, and I will gladly try to answer them. Reserve one of the limited spaces now by clicking here and filling out the for on my Psychic Reading Page.

P.S.S. Here Are My Latest Psychic Predictions For August 2024

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