Here’s My Latest Psychic Predictions For 2018 (March Release)
Hi there,
This has been an amazing month, but remember in December’s email when I mentioned that more Energy Waves would be hitting the earth this year?
Well, unfortunately, another Energy Wave is going to hit – and it’s going to be a big one…
We haven’t seen one this big for a few years, I believe. But since the earth is a living entity, Energy waves are just part of the cosmic makeup.
So, I’m going to tell you all about this one. It actually has a name, and it’s called a Cosmic Energy Lightning Downpour or CELD.
Why the Cosmic Balloon Is Going To Pop!
Energy Waves can be a result of planetary misalignments, but more often they are related to some kind of negative energy buildup that becomes accumulated in the cosmos.
The cosmos is just like a balloon that gets blown up to the point where it can’t hold anymore air will pop, the cosmos is the same way!
When the cosmos gets too full of negative energy, to the point where it cannot hold any more negative energy, just like a cosmic balloon, it pops, too!
Releasing all the negative energy it had been storing!
And depending on whatever caused this negative energy buildup will determine the kind of destruction it will cause on the earth when the cosmic balloon explodes.
And like I said earlier, this time when it pops, it’s going to be a big explosion…
…this time it will create a worldwide Cosmic Energy Lightning Downpour.
What Is Causing The Cosmic Energy Lightning DownpourTo Happen?
The cause of this is mainly from a few things.
First, it is being caused by the political climate around the world. The political climate here in the USA has caused a major release of this negative energy.
We are clearly seeing the source of this negative energy here in the USA in the form of hateful, deceptive actions of politicians, negative political messes reported in the media, the exposure of sexual predators in Hollywood, including the pedophile ring Hollywood is trying to keep quiet, the chaining up of children in a basement, all the school shootings, all the bullying going on, and so much more of the negativity that has recently been reported in the news!
I mean, the list has been endless, and this has all been happening just over the last 3 months!
Well, this negative energy that’s being released from all of this has to go somewhere! So, guess where it goes…
…it floats upwards, into the universe, and gets stored there, until the cosmic balloon gets too full to hold it all!
And once it gets too full, it pops…
…releasing it all back into the universe, and then it all falls back down to the earth!
So you may be wondering “What do I do?”
The answer: The most important thing you can do is to get protected.
Don’t let you and you’re loved ones get hit!
The Fallout After The Cosmic Energy Lightning Downpour Hits
My guides tell me this negative energy explosion is going to occur on August 21st, 2018. When this negative energy explosion occurs, invisible and silent thunderous energy lighting is going to begin to downpour all over the world.
And this downpour of Cosmic Energy Lightning (CEL) is going to have a fallout affect, which is going to affect many areas of the lives of people who are no protected from this!
Here are some things to expect, a few days after this negative energy lightning downpours onto the earth:
The Fallout
People are going to experience love problems.
Because on a metaphysical level, when these invisible lightning bolts downpour from the heavens, they are going to metaphorically burn holes in people’s hearts, causing them love loss and other love problems.
Relationships that have unresolved problems will experience even rockier times, causing couples to feel even more distant, separate, and apart. Even divorce rates are going to climb as a result of this!
In relationships where there are no problems, tensions will be more noticeable, irritability will set in, and couples will notice themselves not feeling quite as close as before.
People are going to have money problems.
These invisible lightning bolts that downpour from the heavens will also metaphorically burn holes in people’s pockets, causing money to seem to just disappear, the same as if it was falling through people’s pockets.
People’s finances that were once stable, will begin to go up and down. This will even create effects in the stock market, and people’s portfolios won’t be as strong.
Businesses, even established ones, will experience challenging times, too.
People are going to be stuck in their careers.
When this downpour falls, people are going to end up getting stuck in their job, career and will be unable to advance or move ahead.
People will also experience having trouble making any type of job change, getting a promotion, or even making a lateral move, for at least a year or more, because this energy lightning downpour will cause stagnancy in people’s careers. People will begin to feel discouraged and feel like there is no possible change in sight.
People will also begin feeling lost, and questioning themselves about what really is their true passion in life!
Stress will be on the rise, causing people to have sleepless nights, unusual amounts of stress, worry, and fear.
One surprisingly major positive result of this will be that people who have serious health conditions will begin to see miraculous changes in the health and see their health conditions begin to turn around.
Cancer, heart problems, and other serious illnesses will in some cases, actually turn around for the better and begin to improve.
Miracles will occur, and doctors will be amazed and unable to explain these sudden healings that take place with many of their patients!
Plus Other Things I Have No Way Of Knowing
Aside from the ones I explained above, there are going to be other fallouts from the Cosmic Energy Lightning Downpour, which yet remains to be seen.
Since this is the first time I’ve ever seen one this big, there will be other fallouts even I’m not aware of.
It will be one of those “we’ll just have to wait and see” to fully know what all the effects will be once the dust settles…
…but I do know one thing, you want to be protected!
How To Get Protection So You And Your Family Are Safe
The one good thing from all of this, aside from serious health problems being healed in many people is there is one other good thing, too!
When you get protected from this, the protection will also extend to your entire family.
I met and worked with several Ascended Masters to come up with the strongest type of protection I could offer people against this nasty upcoming energy wave…
…and we also came up with a way to offer protection that will protect a person’s entire family, too!
An entire family means both spouses, all the children, the pets (yes, pets will even be affected), all brothers and sisters, and the parents of both spouses. So that’s a lot of extra family protection!
The protection you are going to need is called a Steelio Armerous Shield of Protection. And let me tell you, it’s a really powerful form of protection.
What The Steelio Armerous Shield of Protection Will Do
The Steelio Armerous Shield of Protection will protect you from experiencing any negative effects, whatsoever, from this down pouring of invisible, yet very powerful, energy lightning bolts!
The Steelio Armerous Shield of Protection will actually be like placing yourself in the strongest, most powerful shield of armor possible, around your entire body, and also around all of your loved ones, too! Making it impossible for you, or your loved ones, to be affected in any way at all from this upcoming energy disaster.
Even though after it hits, you will see the fallout all around you, you and your loved ones will literally be untouched!
The Steelio Armerous Shield of Protection is the most powerful protection you could ever have!
Make sure you’re protected!
How Being Protected Will Benefit You!
Once you’ve been protected, not only will you be unscathed by the Cosmic energy Lightning downpour, you will also experience the opposite benefits of what unprotected people will experience.
For example:
Your Love Life
You are going to receive love blessings.
Because on a metaphysical level, when these invisible lightning bolts downpour from the heavens, they are going to metaphorically burn holes in people’s hearts – but not in your heart! Nor in the hearts of your loved one!
You will actually find love if you’re single, and find any love problems instantly beginning to clear up!
Relationships that have unresolved problems will also experience a transformational healing, and you will see you and your loved ones start feeling even closer. Even any possibility of divorce can disappear!
You are going to receive money blessings.
These invisible lightning bolts will not affect you or your loved ones, at all! As a matter of fact, money will seem as if it falls right down from heaven, and into your lap!
Your finances will become more stable, and any ups and downs will seem to disappear! Even your portfolio should begin to improve!
And if you’re a business owner you will also prosper.
You will receive blessings in your career.
When this downpour falls, people are going to end up getting stuck in their jobs, careers, and they will be unable to advance or move ahead – but not you!
You and your loved ones will begin to experience getting promotions, making desired job changes, and see all kinds of opportunities appear in your careers and professional lives!
Stress in your life will drop and you will sleep better.
Miracles will occur, and doctors will be amazed and unable to explain these sudden healings that take place with many of their patients!
In other words, you and your loved ones won’t have to worry about a thing!
But, these spaces are limited, so…
…You Need To Act Now Or You’ll Get Stung!
Like the beekeeper without protective clothing, any person without protection from The Cosmic Energy Lightning Downpour, is going to get stung!
Sadly, there’s just no way around it!
I can see people now unsubscribing because they don’t like what I’m saying here, but the matter of the fact is, there’s nothing I can do to prevent this from happening.
I’m only the messenger, so please don’t shoot the messenger!
Why Spaces For This Are Limited
These spaces are limited because I have clients to do psychic readings for, clients who have Akashic Records readings already scheduled, people with Chakra Balancings already on the books, and other many other types of sessions, which are already scheduled, too!
So quite frankly, since there is only one of me, I can only help so many people!
But I was able to find 87 spaces for this, and that’s cutting it tight! But I am committed to helping as many people as I can.
Now, I don’t know if 87 spaces seem like a lot of spaces to you or not, but considering this email reaches 10,000 people, that’s not a lot of spaces.
And believe me, when I say this, they will go fast!
When it comes to energy wave protection, my clients don’t mess around or procrastinate on getting protected from this!
They know from past experience that when I talk about energy waves, it’s something to be taken very seriously.
So I HIGHLY recommend you click here right now and fill out the form on my Psychic Reading page, to save a space for this, so you and your loved ones don’t get stung!
The truth is, this energy wave is going to hit, and there’s no way around it. But you CAN get protected!
People Amaze Me
I’ve been amazed how many people don’t take action, especially when it’s regarding something that’s going to have a negative effect on their lives, but that seems to be how it goes for some people.
I mean, people smoke, drink and drive, drive when they’re high, ride crazy on their motorcycles, and all sorts of other crazy things that they know dangerous. And still, knowing this, they still continue to do it!
But this doesn’t have to be you! This is your chance to do something good for yourself and your loved one!
KNOW THIS: Once these 87 spaces are gone – they are gone for good!
So, this is your last chance to save yourself and your loved ones. So, click here right now and fill out the form on my Psychic Reading page, to save a space for this so you and your loved ones don’t get hit by this serious energy!
In light and peace,
Tana Hoy
P.S. Here are my latest Psychic Predictions For 2018 (March Release)
Tana, I believe this email . We are only in February and even I have been grumpy for no reason. I catch myself saying bad words at crazy drivers? They can’t hear me but people are just making their own rules when they drive. Where I live, there have been a lot of gang related shootings. Unfortunately , some were innocent bystanders. Deaths in families. This is going to be one of those bad years, lots of deaths. The world needs more love and compassion .
Forewarned is forearmed. That’s why I heed your monthly predictions. Thanks Tana???