Here’s My Latest Psychic Predictions For February 2025
Did you know that right now, in this very moment, you have at least 20 or more invisible doors surrounding you…
..and that each of these different doors leads to the fulfillment of your deepest desires?
If not, then this sacred knowledge I am about to share with you is going to change your life!
So, grab a drink and sit back and get cozy because the sacred knowledge I am about to share with you will be a real game changer for your life!
So, hang on to the following words…
How I Learned About These Invisible Energy Doors
If you’ve been reading my emails for a while, then you already know at 10 years old, I was taken under the wing of a world-famous Psychic Master, who mentored me over 10 hours a week, for over 14 years, until the day of his passing…
…and during or years together, he passed on to me the most hidden secrets of the universe!
I learned what I am about to tell you when I was 18! When he began teaching me about invisible doors that are all around us and the secret magical words that when spoken, will make them become instantly visible to that person!
I remember the first time I said those magical words how, within 20 feet around me, 12 doors instantly appeared right in front of my eyes! It was incredible!
And like any door, all I had to do was open it and enter! It was that easy!
But here’s the thing!
I quickly discovered the magic to making those doors visible was in knowing the secret magical words to say!
And here’s the really trippy part…
…each door had a plaque hanging on it with one to three words written on them!
And wait until you I tell you the words written on 3 of those doors…
Each Door Led To My Deepest Desires
Now get this!!…
…I discovered that the words written on the plaque on each door, had my deepest desires and wishes written on them!
One plaque said “Soulmate”. On another door the plaque said “Heal the World” and on another it said “Perfect Health”! (And to not make this email super long, I’m only going to talk about 3 of the 12 doors that appeared before me….even though there were 9 more!)
And now that these doors were visible for me to see, my mentor then quickly showed me how to open them.
First, I Walked Through The door labeled “Heal the World”
The first door I walked through was “Heal the World”. As I entered through the door it was like entering a movie theater and seeing a big screen in front of me that was playing a movie about the future of my life as a psychic!
This movie showed me what I needed to do to help others with my gift, the steps I needed to take to help heal the world, how it would all happen, and more…and the title of that movie was “This is Your Life’ Purpose”
I remember it as clearly as if it was yesterday!
As I watched this movie of my life purpose, I remember feeling such a sense of fulfillment and joy because in that moment, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt what my life’s purpose was in this life!
And what’s even more interesting is, as I was watching this movie, the entire movie was quickly downloaded into my brain, instantly giving me the ability to know everything I needed to know and do!
And since that life-changing day over 29 years ago, I have been living my first life’s purpose, which is using my psychic gifts to help others live more fulfilling lives! And everyday since has been very rewarding!
Next I walked through the door labeled “Soulmate”
Next, I walked through the door labeled “Soulmate” and watched that movie! In less than 30 seconds everything had been downloaded into my brain, showing me exactly what to do! And I am proud to announce I have been happily married to the same man now for over 19 years! He’s not only my husband, but my best friend, too! We are very happy!
Then I walked through the door labeled Perfect Health!
I’ve have always wanted to have perfect health and live to be over 110 because I love life! And you know what, since the day I watched my health movie, and knew everything I needed to do in less than 30 seconds, I have never been on any kind of medication in my entire life! AND, I have been perfectly healthy, too! As a matter of fact, I rarely get sick, and hardly ever get a cold!
There were several other doors I walked through, and to this day, ALL of them have been fulfilled in my life! People often ask me how I am always so happy? And the reason is because I’ve been living a fulfilling life every day since!
Unfortunately, many people feel like there has to be something more to their life! And the sad part is, they don’t even know that all they need to do is be taught how to see the invisible doors all around them to find their greatest fulfillment!
Let me explain…
Theses Doors Have Been Around You Since The Day You Were Born
What my mentor taught me next was fascinating to me.
He said that every living person on earth has invisible doors surrounding them. And how behind each of those doors lies the answers to their true life purpose and the keys of fulfillment to their deepest desires!
But he said the problem is, because they cannot see their doors, people have no idea they even have these doors surrounding them!
So, you may be wondering why people have these doors surrounding them?
He explained that before a person is reborn in their next lifetime, they meet with their Master Teachers and Guides to discuss their dreams, the lessons they want to learn, what they want to accomplish in that life, and the type of life they want to live once they reincarnate again.
Then after this long spiritual conversation, their Master Guides and Teachers get these doors in place, ready to appear at the exact moment their soul is reborn.
So, once they create these doors, they then hang plaques on each of the doors that have the person’s dreams and desires written on them!
So this means that the day you were reborn into this lifetime the doorways of each of your deepest desires were already waiting for you to open them!
But Here’s The Catch…
When we reincarnate, not only do we forget our past lives, but we also forget the spiritual conversation we had with our Master Teachers and Guides….
…so in this lifetime, we have no memory whatsoever of that conversation!
But during that spiritual conversation, they inform you that you won’t remember the conversation when you are reborn! And they also explained that in order to see those doors you would need to learn the sacred magic words that will make those doors visible to you.
Why Most People Never Find Their True Life Purpose
Many people feel unfulfilled in certain areas, if not all areas, of their life!
Clients ask me all the time, “Tana, what was I born to do in this life? What is my life purpose?”
I have discovered that many people have an inner feeling or sense of knowing that true love is out there for them, but they feel like they just need to know how to find their missing half!
Or many people can feel they have the potential to make so much more, or become very rich. They can actually feel it inside! And they even realize that if they just had the right answers they could become very rich!
Or some people know they are meant to do something bigger with their life because what they are doing now is no longer fulfilling, or maybe it never was! But deep inside they know they aren’t doing or accomplishing their true life purpose!
Why Do Many People Feel This Way This?
As I mentioned earlier, people all over the world feel this way is because deep down in, on some level, they know they are supposed to be doing so much more. Or that “something” is missing. So they keep searching and searching for what “that something” is…
…but sadly, most people never find it!
And to recap what I explained a few moments ago: Why many people feel on a deeper level, like there is something more, is because they are subconsciously remembering the conversation they had with their Master Guides and Teachers before they were born. This is why deep inside they can “feel” the answer is out there.
But since they can’t remember that conversation:
– They have no memory of meeting with their Master teachers and Master Guides before being reborn, to discuss the dreams they want to accomplish in this lifetime!
– They have no memories of the conversation with their Master Guides and Teachers before they were reborn, where they were told the doorways leading to their deepest desires of fulfillment will be waiting for them the minute they reincarnate in this lifetime!
– They have no recollection of being told those doors would be invisible, and in order to see those doors so they could enter them, they would need to learn the sacred magic words that will make those doors visible!
And because people can’t remember that sacred conversation, they walk around in this life, saying to themselves, “There has to be more in this life! I know I have a deeper purpose! I know there is something greater, more soul-fulfilling, that will bring me my greatest happiness — But I don’t know what it is!”
Many people can “feel” in their soul that they are supposed to find “something”! But they can’t remember what it is…
…and what their soul is searching for are the sacred magic words that will allow them to see the invisible doors around them, which their soul knows will lead them to the fulfillment of their deepest desires they came here to accomplish!
If you really think about it, it’s a very sad way to live life! Because every person on earth was born to fulfill their deepest desires! That’s why before reincarnating into this life they met with their Master Guides and Teachers in the first place!
And in case you may be wondering why we can’t remember that conversation, the answer is, if we had memories of that conversation, where we reviewed every life we lived up to that point, it would be too overwhelming for the human mind to handle!
So we are gifted with not remembering, but given an “inner knowing” to follow, which will guide and lead us where we need to go – but ONLY if we listen to it!
So that feeling inside is your inner guidance and it led you here to this email! Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this!
Well, This Is Your Lucky Day!
If you’ve read this far, then what I have explained here has probably been resonating with your soul on some deep, subconscious level.
And even though you can’t remember that conversation with your Master Guides and Teachers, you may have the sense of,“Yeah! I get it!
So, why is this your lucky day?
Because during that conversation with your Master Guides and Teachers…
…They left you with one VERY important piece of information:
During that conversation, they also told you that in this life you would feel an inner searching for wanting to find deeper fulfillment in certain areas of your life…
…and that “this inner searching would lead you to finding the information you needed that will lead to that deepest fulfillment you’ve been searching for!”
And this is exactly why you are here right now!
You see, whenever you became part of my email list — it was no accident or coincidence that you did!
And the reason you’re reading this email right now is because you were led to read this!
This email is your conscious reminder — reminding you in this life of that conversation with your Master Teachers and Master Guides before you were reborn!
It’s your reminder that those sacred words are the keys to the fulfillment of your true life purpose!…
…It’s your reminder of that forgotten conversation with your Master Teacher and Guides!
If you think about it, it’s really beautiful how the universe works in our lives, always guiding us to what we need to know, when we need to know it! It’s really beautiful!
Congratulations for making it this far!!!!
Hopefully this is all beginning to make sense right now!
Wait until you read what I tell you next!…
More Exciting News
Learning the sacred magical words is a rather simple process! And once you learn those words, seeing your doors appear is very magical, exciting — and life-altering!
And my role is to guide and lead you through what will become one of the most fulfilling experiences of your life…
…because after you experience this your life will take off in ways you never could have imagined before!
Not only will it take off like a rocket ship, you will have more joy, happiness, peace and relaxation than you’ve ever imagined possible because your soul will have found all the answers it’s been seeking!
And here is how it works…
It’s Called Reconnecto Soulio Remembro
I call this an unfolding rather than a session because it is a process where you will experience a deep unfolding of your soul! And what I mean by an unfolding is that everything your soul has been seeking will be brought to fulfillment…
…and boy oh boy — wait until you see all the beautiful surprises that await you!
This soul unfolding process is called Reconnecto Soulio Remembro (loosely translated from the ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics it is written in, it means “The unfolding of your soul to remember the truth of who you are, so you can experience a life of total fulfillment, as you had preplanned before arriving here.)
The unfolding of your soul literally refers to “discovering and living your true life purpose chosen by you before you arrived here”!
What You Will Experience
During the Reconnecto Soulio Remembro you will participate in a guided meditation journey back to the meeting you had with your Master Teachers and Guides, where you will remember that conversation you had with your guides. The purpose of this is to bring your Forgotten Past Life Memories (FPLM) into your Current Consciousness (CC) in this lifetime!
Next, you will be taught the sacred magic words, which will make your invisible doors instantly appear in front of you! This will also allow you to read what is written on the plaque of each door and experience the soul resonation that happens as a result of it. (This is a very joyous experience that is impossible to put into words!)
Once you have read the plaques, I will show you how to walk through each door, where you will watch your own life movies, have them instantly downloaded into your conscious mind, so you will always be guided and led on the right path that will lead you to the fulfillment of each of your deepest soul desires!
Then, something I didn’t mention earlier, you will be instructed on how to create two more doors, based on your current life consciousness, that will lead to the fulfillment of the dreams you want to have fulfilled in this life!
As you can see, this is going to be the most amazing experience you will have ever had — I can guarantee you that!
Now Imagine This…
In just 90 minutes, you will know the answer to one of life’s biggest questions: What I my true life purpose?
And if you feel like you already know what it is, or feel like you are currently living it, you may be surprised to find there is even something bigger waiting to be fulfilled that you never knew about! Because remember, you can’t remember that conversation you had with your Master Teachers and Guides…but you will during Reconnecto Soulio Remembro!
Doors will fly open in any areas of your life where you’ve always sensed something was holding you back! Love, deeper love connections, wealth, more wealth, a successful or more successful professional life, self-employment if you desire, a more fulfilling career, and much, much more!
No matter what you are seeking, the path to your greatest fulfillment in life will be revealed to you during Reconnecto Soulio Remembro!
Because honestly, a person who is not living the life they choose before arriving here will never feel fully fulfilled in life! It’s that simple!
As a matter of fact, a person who isn’t able to find what their soul is seeking, ends up living a life that feels average, boring, unfulfilling, depressing, or like they are just going through the actions each day! They live life feeling unmotivated, or just blah inside…
…and your life is meant to feel ecstatic every day! And if you’re living a life feeling less than that, then you are not fully living — and you deserve to live your life as fully as possible!
And even if you feel like your life is already full as it is, once you remember that conversation, and then see your wants and desires written on those invisible doors — which were designed according to you — you’ll be surprised to find there is even greater fulfillment awaiting you!
Now’s Your Chance To Live Your Fullest Life Possible
If you haven’t taken the time to read this entire email, please do, because you will have missed a lot of very good information!
If you’ve read all of it, then you already know this email was divinely directed to you by your Master Teachers and Guides…because they want you to live the life you want to live!
One thing I can tell you for sure right now is this… this is going to resonate with many people who are going to want to be part of this! I’ve already mentioned this email to some of my clients and they’re waiting to receive this email so they can reserve a space for it!
Since I can only guide so many people through this, I am limited by the number of people I can accommodate for this!
So, now that you know you received this email because it was a reminder from your Master Guides and Teachers of the conversation you had before arriving here — the next move is up to you!
Like my guides always tell me, “Tana, you can lead a horse to water, but YOU cannot make him drink! The desire to drink has to come from within!” And the sad truth is, I could offer some people the keys to a door that leads to millions and millions of dollars, and they still wouldn’t ask for the key!
Because there are some people who, for some unexplainable reason, sabotage their own happiness because something within them doesn’t feel like they deserve to be happy. They feel unworthy. So, they stay stuck in the same cycle of unfulfillment until the day they die…but I know that’s not you!
I look very forward to taking you through this transformative, life-altering experience, and watching your dreams become fulfilled — right before your very eyes!
Thank you so much for reading my email!
In light and peace,
Tana Hoy
P.S.S. Here’s My Latest Psychic Predictions For February 2025