The Reemerging Of Cleopatra’s Secret Scroll — After 2,0000 Years!

What I’m about to reveal may seem extraordinary—but it’s far too important to dismiss or ignore. Being left in the dark about this could lead to serious, unnecessary consequences. This insider knowledge explains a lot of what’s going on in global politics right now, and why the world seems to be spiraling in certain directions.

I’m about to show you what it all means—and how this information can give you a powerful edge over 99.9% of the population. Most importantly, I’ll explain how you and your loved ones can actually benefit from it, instead of falling victim to forces you never even knew existed.

It All Began A Few Nights Ago…


A few nights ago, while astrally traveling, I landed on a planet named Zaroca, which is located on the 297th Dimension, and it was there, where I met a group of highly-evolved alien warriors called Zarocans.

And let me tell ya, this was one of the most incredible — and important — astral travels of my life!

Their leader, Ogar, informed me I had landed there for a very special reason: He said he had some very important and sacred knowledge he needed to share with me!

The Zarocans look like powerful warriors! They walk with confidence, poise, but also have a gentleness about them.

The planet Zaroca

After getting acquainted with me, Ogar, he and his warriors showed me many beautiful sights on their planet, and we eventually ended on top of a beautiful crystal mountain where I could see for miles around!

And on top of this mountain is where Ogar shared with me the reason I had landed there!

He began by talking about a secret, multi-dimensional war…

The Secret War Kept Out Of History Books


He told me about the Zarocans, an alien race that taught the Egyptians how to build the pyramids, and also how to mummify their dead, to preserve their bodies for thousands of years.

He also explained how over 2,000 years ago, a group of mysterious alien visitors from a star system far away, gave a sacred celestial scroll to Cleopatra!

This sacred scroll contained secret knowledge that is so powerful, Cleopatra guarded it with her life, due to the powerful knowledge it contained!

Cleopatra reading the sacred scroll given to her by mysterious alien allies

When Cleopatra passed, the Zarocans took possession of this scroll to make sure it didn’t get into the wrong hands! But an evil race called the Slasherians, wanted the scroll to use its knowledge to dominate and control the human race, along with other races within the universe!

So a multi-dimensional war ensued between the powerful Zarocans, and the evil Slasherians, and thank goodness, the Zarocans won this war!.

This multi-dimensional war was called Cleopatra’s Secret War, and it was intentionally hidden from future historians, so as not to risk drawing future evil attention to the existence of these sacred scrolls.

The Zarocans wanted them to be forgotten!

So, for over 2,000 years they safeguarded this scroll and its teachings, waiting for the right time to return this scroll back to earth where it belonged!

So, what exactly is written on this scroll? I’m about to share that with you…

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What Exactly Is Contained In This Sacred Scroll?


This sacred Scroll was safeguarded in a secret vault

So, you may be wondering, “What exactly is written in this scroll? And why did the Zarocans fight in a war to protect it? …

…a war that carried a high price to pay, because it was fought on over 40 different dimensions — and took over 8 million lives!

Well, the reason is because the secret knowledge contained in this scroll is so powerful, Ogar knew if it ever feel into the hands of the Slasherians, they would use it to alter humanity’s fate and shatter the foundations of our world – forever changing the fate of humanity in a very negative way!

So here is just some of what is contained within this scroll, not everything (which I’ll explain why in a minute) — and when you read this, you will see why the Zarocans fought in this multi-dimensional war to protect it!

In this scroll, some of the things it reveals are:

How To Bend Physical Laws, such as twisting timelines, and influencing minds on a massive scale.

The Ways to Unleash Unchecked Power, detailing methods to harness near-limitless spiritual or psychic energy, allowing whoever wields it to dominate individuals, governments, or even entire civilizations.

How To Create Reality Shifts by opening portals to reshape crucial moments in history and invite unknown entities into our world.

Collapsing Social Structures using hidden formulas for giving unlimited wealth to a select few, destabilizing the delicate balance of society and triggering massive upheaval.

Erasing Spiritual Boundaries, it reveals a secret formula that will blur the lines between life and death, natural and supernatural – to unleash ghosts, mythical creatures, or even gods into our realm, sparking panic and extremist movements.

So, now you can see why a major multi-dimensional war was fought to make sure this scroll did not get into the wrong hands! Because if the Slasherians — or any other evil race for that matter — were in possession of it, they would use this knowledge for very evil purposes!

Sadly, some of this information leaked out somehow into the wrong hands, and is already beginning to be used against mankind, which I will explain more in a minute…

How I Became Paralyzed


What Ogar told me next, actually caused my astral body, and also my physical body – to become paralyzed for a moment…

Ogar looked at me and said, “Tana, now — for the first time in centuries — it is your role to bring this sacred scroll back to this Earthly plane to share it’s secret knowledge with those who feel “the call “.

I was so shocked after hearing those words, I literally could not move for about 15-minutes — because my entire body froze stiff as a board!

So, they had to put my astral body in a celestial pool of healing waters, and after about 20 minutes, I could finally move again!

My astral body recovering from shock in the celestial pool of healing waters

Then Ogar warmly placed his hand on my shoulder and said, “Tana, trust me! You are the right person to do this! Because now, more than ever, it is important to share this knowledge with other spiritual seekers on earth, so it be used for the highest good – on a personal level and for all of humanity!”

So, he and his warriors trained me for over 13 hours on everything written on this scroll. They wanted to make sure I was able to learn everything, so they trained me using Astral Mind Downloading Techniques (AMDT), Advanced Telepathic Instruction (AMI), and they even astrally infused of all of this knowledge into my conscious mind using an Energy Body Cording Connection (EBCC)! Some very advanced stuff here!

And now, for the first time in centuries, they have allowed me to bring this scroll back to this Earthly plane to share these powerful teachings with those who feel “the call.”

Ogar told me that each technique can bring remarkable advantages to those who know them—yet carries serious risks for anyone who dismisses or neglects it…

…and let me explain why this is.


*** The Insider Knowledge I Was Given By Ogar***


According to Ogar, over the past nine years, a handful of, yet powerful group of government figures around the globe, have somehow obtained fragments of this scroll’s secrets—and they’re now using that knowledge to exert control over their citizens. Sadly, we are already beginning to see signs of this control starting to happen!

And as Ogar explained, “Taking this scroll and its knowledge back to earth is now more important than ever because not only will what you teach them protect those who hear “the call” and revolutionize their life! But on an even bigger scale — by having this knowledge, those people will be able to use it to protect the world from the evil plans of those government officials who have already began using that knowledge to begin carrying out their evil plans!

Tana, not knowing the knowledge written on this scroll could quietly pose serious risks for

Telepathically receiving my training from the Zacorans in my astral form

those who choose to dismiss them — and even for those who don’t even know about them! So please get this out to as many people as you can so they will know how to use this knowledge to stop these corrupt officials evil plans!!”

And why you must carry this scroll back to earth and teach it to others is because over the next 7 years, those government officials are going to continue using the knowledge they currently possesses to not only control their citizens — but eventually use it to take over the world!

When he told me that, I almost became paralyzed again because I could now see how serious having the knowledge about these teachings really is! 

When you discover the 5 Secret Teachings, you won’t just gain all the extraordinary benefits each teaching offers—you’ll also be shielded from the destructive forces behind these sinister plans as they escalate. Even more crucially, you’ll wield the power to put a stop to those dark agendas for good. And best of all, every protection and blessing you receive naturally extends to your loved ones, ensuring none of you are left vulnerable!

Please read the following carefully—each of these 6 Secret Teachings holds profound power. And please know what I’m about to share is everything I’ve been given permission to reveal…(I’ll explain more about this in a minute!)

These Are The 5 Incredible Secret Teachings


Learning this secret knowledge is every bit as vital—if not more so—than safeguarding yourself against the impending Energy Apocalypse. As Ogar warned, “…Over the next seven years, certain government figures will continue using the knowledge they already possess to control their citizens, and eventually leverage it to take over the world. …Only those who learn these 5 Secret Teachings—and their families—will remain protected as events spiral further out of control.”

That’s when I realized just how crucial it is for everyone to understand this.

So now, I’m about to reveal the six “5 Sacred Teachings” you’ll be discovering during our group meeting—how each one can radically transform your life, and the grave risks that await anyone who chooses to dismiss them.

Cleopatra reeding the sacred teachings written on the sacred scroll

1. The Seal Of Eramu

This is a rare energetic seal that was gifted to Cleopatra by an alien envoy from the planet Eramu. This seal is designed to cloak you from negative forces seeking to drain your energy or block your blessings.

You’ll learn how to invoke this seal using an ancient chant Cleopatra guarded within a hidden temple vault1

Learning this will:

  • Shield you from toxic people and life-draining situations.
  • Dissolve invisible money blocks, freeing a path for financial abundance.
  • Dramatically increase your personal power at work or in business, accelerating career success.
  • Those who do not possess the knowledge of the Seal Of Eramu risk being psychically “exposed,” making them vulnerable to jealousy, misfortune, and repeated failures in both finances and relationships.

2. Cleopatra’s Linking Ritual To Angelic Allies

Here you’ll learn a mysterious ritual used by Cleopatra to call upon half-angelic, half-birdlike beings (some say they were higher dimensional angelic-avian hybrids) to grant her continuous protection and guidance.

You will learn a daily invocation ritual that summons these feathered angelic guardians to shield you from negativity, and deliver positive synchronicities wherever you go.

This will give you:

  • Instant angelic protection from accidents, betrayals, or unexpected misfortunes.
  • Daily “angelic signs” guiding you toward good fortune—like meeting the right people at just the right time.
  • It will unlock deeper levels in your heart space, raising your vibration to attract pure love into your life.
  • The consequences of not having this knowledge is remaining susceptible to random misfortunes, missed opportunities, and feeling unprotected or alone in the world. Unseen negative forces can more easily disrupt your path.

3. The Pharaonic Time Bending Technique

This gives you the same advanced ability Cleopatra used to “visit” future lifetimes (and even alternate realities). These teachings were entrusted to her by star travelers who understood time as a flexible thread.

During this group session, you’ll learn how to bend the fabric of time so you can preview likely future outcomes and alter the course of your destiny, if needed. And yes, contrary to what the average person thinks or believes, your destiny can be altered!

Learning this will:

  • Grant you an “early look” at job promotions, business deals, or new love prospects, so you can shape events in your favor.
  • Allow you to bypass major life mistakes, saving you from heartbreak or financial disasters.
  • Grow your intuitive senses, giving you a decisive edge in all areas of life.
  • The silent consequences for those who never discover time bending will often feel trapped—repeating karmic loops, stay stuck in unhealthy patterns, and forever be wondering, “What if?”

4. The Secret Writings Of Khen’daar

This is a written fragment of an interstellar text that bestows the power of “thought-manifestation.” Cleopatra used this knowledge to keep her enemies at bay and to go from being in exile — to becoming the ruler of Egypt!

You will learn this unheard-of method for focusing psychic energy so intensely that your desires manifest with astonishing speed—be it money, love, finding your soulmate, career advancement, investment growth, better health, improved relationships, or personal breakthroughs.

Learning this will:

  • Dramatically speeds up manifestation of wealth, career breakthroughs, or personal goals.
  • Removes hidden emotional blocks, giving you unstoppable confidence.
  • Grants you near-magical “luck” in daily life—you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.
  • The consequences of not learning it: Dreams and goals remain out of reach. Life-changing opportunities will often slip away, leaving you feeling unlucky or always “one step behind.”

5. Egypto-Cosmic Heart Re-Patterning

This is an ultra-rare technique Cleopatra learned from her cosmic alien allies to continually revitalize her body, mind, and soul—even reversing signs of aging!

I will be teaching you a step-by-step sequence that re-ignites the “light codes” within your heart chakra, lifting off years (and lifetimes!) of energetic debris.

What this will do for you:

  • You see noticeable anti-aging effects, increased stamina, and a radiant glow people can’t help but notice.
  • Rapid clearing of karmic baggage, freeing you to move confidently toward success.
  • Stronger psychic intuition—like a built-in compass guiding you to the best life choices.
  • Sadly for those who don’t have this knowledge, they will experience faster aging, persistent fatigue, and blocked success will become the norm, due to feeling weighed down by low energy or old emotional wounds that keep people from living their best life.
  • Additionally, there are a few more crucial insights that I’ve been strictly warned by Ogar not to put in writing, due to the risk of this knowledge ending up in the wrong hands. After all, the less they know, the better. Rest assured, though—you will learn these extra teachings during the group, even if I can’t reveal them here.”


Here’s What Will Happen During This Spiritual Event


First, it’s vital to understand just how simple it is to learn the 5 Incredible Secret Teachings—so straightforward that even a six-year-old could master them! What’s more, there’s absolutely nothing to study beyond attending this group gathering. During our time together, all of this knowledge will be energetically downloaded into your subconscious mind and immediately activated to work for you and your loved ones!

As I mentioned, I can’t disclose all the details in this email, but rest assured every secret will be unveiled once our session begins.

Here’s what I can share:

  • This group meeting will take place via Zoom. Once it starts, you and the other participants form a sacred circle—the only space where these teachings can safely be revealed.
  • We’ll be joined by four Zarocan Elders who will help me transmit the 5 sacred teachings I described earlier across multiple planes: spoken, telepathic, energetic, and direct Mind-to-Mind Downloading. This ensures everyone fully receives and effortlessly integrates this sacred wisdom.
  • You’ll also learn a few additional, mind-blowing teachings—ones I was explicitly warned not to reveal in writing!”

By the end of our gathering, you’ll have received and activated these 5 incredible secret teachings—for both you and your loved ones. That means you’ll start enjoying these blessings immediately, while also ensuring you and your family remain safeguarded against any future turmoil—including attempts by certain government figures to use their knowledge for control or even world domination.”

I’ll delve into every detail and answer all questions once we’re inside the sacred circle, where it’s completely safe to discuss the full extent of what’s about to be revealed. Believe me, you won’t want to be left in the dark!

Although you’ll learn these 5 secret teachings, there’s also a protective element involved—one I can’t fully reveal here. Rest assured, I’ll explain everything during the session, once we’re gathered in the sealed sacred circle and I’m free to speak openly.

Just know this: there will be nothing to fear for you or your loved ones once you receive the 5 Secret Teachings—and the additional teachings I can’t yet disclose until we’re all together in the sealed sacred circle.

Due to the sacred nature of this knowledge and the need to protect it, our circle will be quietly guarded by 2,000 Zarocan Warriors, ensuring the space remains sealed and undisturbed throughout the transmission of these teachings.

The Requirements for Joining This Exclusive Gathering


In order to ensure this sacred knowledge never falls into the wrong hands, we must confirm that no one applying is a Slasherian—or an alien imposter posing as human—seeking to misuse these teachings for evil or world domination.

So please click here to fill out the form on my Psychic Reading Page to reserve your space for this and someone from my office will reach out to you—provided you’re not a Slasherian, connected to any Slasherians, or an alien imposter with ill intentions.

Family Members And Loved Ones Will Also Be Protected

Anyone who’s accepted into this group meeting will have the benefits of these sacred teachings automatically transmitted to all their loved ones and family members—children, spouses, parents (on both sides), grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, and their children as well.

So, click here and fill out the form on my Psychic Reading Page to reserve your space for this to make sure your loved ones receive these same benefits, too!


This opportunity will never come again.


This opportunity will never come again. I’ve been given permission to share these teachings only once. So I strongly urge you not to dismiss this—there is so much more I couldn’t include here, and trust me, it’s extremely important.

There are also additional teachings I haven’t yet mentioned, each providing benefits beyond anything you could imagine for anyone who learns them!

So, click here now and fill out the form on my Psychic Reading Page to grab a space for this!

As so many of you have shared, I’ve never steered you wrong. So trust me when I say you need the wisdom of these 5 secret teachings—and you need to hear what I’ll reveal in the sealed sacred circle, beyond what I can say here.

And don’t worry—there is nothing to fear. These teachings will uplift your life and the lives of your loved ones, keep you safe, and even help the world by putting a stop to the sinister plans certain government officials have been plotting.

Thank you for allowing me to share this with you!

In light and peace,

Tana Hoy

P.S. Here is the link to click this link to fill out the form on my Psychic Reading Page to grab one of these rare spots!

P.S.S. Here’s My Latest Psychic Predictions For March 2025

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