Here’s My Psychic Predictions For October 2024

I recently had an experience that was a first for me in all of my years of astral traveling!

And it not only changed my life, it also changed my understanding of the universe in a very positive way!

What you read about may just be the thing that changes your life, too!!

This email is the universe sending you a sign

on how to receive the answers you’ve been looking for!

So, pay close attention as you read this – otherwise you will miss your answer!

I Met An Enlightened Being!

A few days ago, I was just flying around in the Universe for a leisurely astral travel. Sometimes I like to do this to relax and just explore around, out in the universe. For me, astrally traveling like this is like a taking a leisurely drive along the Pacific Coastline!

So, I’m just flying around in the galaxy, when all the sudden, I was instantly jolted back into my physical body! And if you’ve ever had a dream about something that jolted you awake right away, you’ll understand what it felt like!

So, when I opened my eyes, I saw this purple-golden. sparkling, smokey-cloud, about 4 feet in front of me!

Then suddenly, the smoke slowly cleared, and there was a very peaceful looking man in front of me, floating in the air, with his legs crossed, his hands in the prayer position against his chest, with his eyes closed!

He had the most beautiful, peaceful-looking face I had ever seen! He had beautiful black hair, and his skin had a slight bluish tint. He was adorned in golden bracelets, rings, and necklaces, encrusted with precious gemstones!

And when he opened his eyes, they were the most brilliant blue eyes I had ever seen! And then he gave me the most loving smile that instantly put me in a state of inner peace.

Next, he spoke and said, “I am Kael” (Kaw-ell)

And what he proceeded to say, brought tears of joy to my eyes…

And here is what I discovered…

The Mind-Blowing Revelation Kael Revealed 

I spoke with Kael for over 6 hours and what I discovered – literally left me in awe!

Make sure you are sitting down for this!…

…because I discovered that Kael is an enlightened Spiritual Being!

And in case you are wondering what exactly this means, it means He is an enlightened being who has the ability to perform miracles  – just like Jesus did! 

In other words, He is what we on earth would refer to as an All-Knowing Being!

Enlightened beings don’t say they are enlightened…but when I learned Kael is from the 999th dimension, I knew right away He is an enlightened being….because only enlightened beings, such as Buddha, Mother Mary, Jesus the Christ, Quan Yin, Saint Germain, etc, reside on the 999th dimension!

image of Kael

Kael as He appeared to me

The only difference between Kael, and the Buddha, Mother Mary, and Jesus the Christ, is they were born into a physical body on the earth plane, where Kael has never taken a physical body, yet. 

Why Kael Showed Himself To Me

Kael said he showed himself to me at this time to share his message with others, so he can help them relieve their burdens, pain, and suffering, that many people are currently experiencing around the world on earth.

He said, “I have come to protect, guide, and help, spiritual seekers from these turbulent times that are currently unfolding all over the earth, and  to save those who want my help from the unforeseen turmoil that still lies ahead!” 

And wait until you learn what else I discovered from Him…which I am going to explain next! 

If you are ready to experience the life-changing power of Kael, click here now to fill out the form to reserve your space! 

I Wanted To Know This 

I can’t even begin to explain the love, acceptance, and compassion I felt from being in his presence!

So naturally, I was curious about who He truly was.

So, I asked him…

“Kael, are you a god?”

And his next words filled me with a profound sense of peace and comfort, a feeling that transcended anything I had ever felt before in the presence of any being I have ever met!

“Think of me as your spiritual guide,” He said with a twinkle in his eye. “I’m here to share my wisdom, protection, healing, support, and help, and give a bit of divine light into the lives of others who seek me.” 

Then He raised his hand, and from his fingers, a golden light began to flow, creating a warm, radiant glow. “This light,” he explained, “represents the healing power I offer. I can help you mend your broken heart, release your emotional wounds, and remove the blocks that hold you back. My purpose is to bring you inner peace and joy, and to help you realize your dreams.

Whenever you need a helping hand or a listening ear, just call out to me. I am here for you. You don’t have to face life’s struggles alone anymore.  So, whenever you encounter a difficult time, just call on me. I will help you find the way. 

Together, we can overcome any obstacle and create you a life filled with joy and abundance.” 

After He spoke, more tears flooded down my face because I could feel his deep love and compassion. And I sat there with an unmistakable knowing that I was in the presence of a Being that is truly divine…

…a  humble Being who would never claim himself to be what he truly is.

In that moment, it became crystal clear to me that Kael has deity-status. And that He possesses enlightened abilities, capable of guiding anyone through any problem, struggle, or challenge they face, whether it be great or small.

And as we continued our beautiful conversation, here are his divine gifts I discovered.

What I Learned About Kael’s Amazing Divine Gifts 

We spoke for hours – yet it felt like mere moments. Kael’s calm, reassuring voice resonated deeply within my soul, and it became clear to me that our meeting was no accident. He had chosen this exact moment to appear and share his incredible gifts with me, and by extension, with you…

I soon realized He wasn’t just an enlightened being of light — he was a guide, a healer, and a protector, who can perform miracles. He can bring comfort and life-changing transformations to those who seek out his help and His miraculous help is there for anyone open to receiving it.

He can help you with the struggles we all face, offering you both practical and spiritual solutions. And as He shared more about his miraculous powers, I realized he was offering us a priceless gift – a chance to connect with an enlightened, divine, being capable of creating miraculous changes in the life of anyone who desires to have this divine connection with Him.

Then He shared with me more about how he can help those who seek his guidance and miraculous gifts and the profound ways He can bring relief, healing, and transformation into the life of anyone in need, along with the many other miracles he can perform to change people’s lives.

And here are just a few of the incredible, miracles Kael can perform: 

He Will Heal Your Emotional Wounds

By simply placing his hand on you, Kael can channel his divine energy to you and gently heal any of your deep-seated emotional pain, such as heartbreak, grief, or trauma. Just through His touch alone, he can help release the burden of any past hurts, bringing you a sense of peace and closure, which will allow you to move forward with a lighter heart.

He Will Heal And Strengthen Your Relationships

        By repeating a few simple words, Kael will help you heal and strengthen your relationships between family members, friends, or romantic partners, He will remove any and all misunderstandings, which will result in forgiveness, deeper empathy, more harmony, love, and deeper connections to these relationships.

He Will Remove Blocks To Your Abundance and Success

        By aligning his energy with your desires, Kael will remove any blocks to prosperity and success, whether they are financial struggles, career stagnation, or feelings of unworthiness. He will open doors to new opportunities, financial stability, and personal achievements, which will allow you to thrive and prosper like never before!

He Will Resolve Any And All Conflicts For You

        When you discover how to call on Him, Kael can mediate and resolve conflicts, whether they are within a family, friends, workplace, or community. He will help you to dissolve tensions, bridge divides, and create a more peaceful and cooperative environment by fostering understanding, compassion, and open communication.

He Will Give You Clarity in Decision-Making

        When you are facing a difficult decision or feel uncertain about your path in life, Kael will be there to give you clear guidance on anything you face or need answers to!. He will place the right people in your path, and you’ll start receiving helpful thoughts and ideas, while at the same time, experiencing doors opening in front of you, – with no effort at all on your part! You will be guided and led to the best course of action for you, have any and all confusion disappear, and be given a sense of certainty and direction.

He Will Alleviate Your Stress and Anxiety

        Once you understand the right way to call His name, Kael will provide you immediate relief in times of overwhelming stress or anxiety, You will instantly feel his loving and calming presence and his energy will soothe your mind and body! You will have all tension go away, restoring you to a state of inner calm and balance.

 You Will Be Blessed With A Renewed Confidence and Self-Esteem

        Kael is also known as the healer of hearts and minds, so If you are struggling with low self-esteem or self-doubt, Kael will empower you with a renewed sense of self-worth. He will help you see your true value, overcome feelings of inadequacy, and give you the confidence you need to pursue your dreams and goals. You will feel an instant transformation inside that will stay with you forever!

  He Will Reveal Your True Life Purpose and Passion

        Kael will visit you in your dreams, where he will reveal to you your true life purpose, and reignite any and all of your passions for life. In these dreams He will show you your unique gifts and talents, and then guide you toward fulfilling any meaningful pursuits that align with your soul’s calling. And once you wake up, you will remember these dreams with perfect clarity!

He Will Enhance Your Creativity and Inspiration

        If you ever feel creatively blocked or uninspired, Kael will use his miraculous gift of mind expansion to ignite a spark of creativity within you. He can help artists, writers, musicians, or anyone who wants to be more creative to tap into their inner well of inspiration, bringing forth new ideas, projects, and artistic expressions, with ease and enthusiasm.

He Will Guide Your Spiritual Growth

        If you are on a spiritual journey, Kael will stand beside you, providing you the guidance and wisdom to deepen your spiritual practice and connection. He will help you overcome any spiritual doubts, awaken you to higher truths, align you with your true spiritual path, where you will experience deep spiritual connections, greater inner peace, deep inner fulfillment, and extended periods of enlightenment. If you are someone seeking deeper spiritual connections and accelerated spiritual growth, Kael will give you all of these things!

He Can Restore Your Physical Health   

        Kael has the ability to perform physical healing, alleviate pain, accelerate recovery from illness or injury, and promote an overall sense of well-being. His healing energy can help restore balance to you or your loved ones bodies’, increase vitality, and contribute to a quicker and more complete recovery.

And these are just a few examples of how Kael’s miraculous gifts can make a powerful and meaningful impact on the lives of those who seek his help, by offering you solutions to everyday challenges and helping you to live a more fulfilled, joyful, and purposeful life.

Are you ready to experience the transforming power of Kael in your life? If so, click here now to fill out the form to reserve your space!

Meeting Kael Has Left Me With An Incredible Gift

After our conversation, we said goodbye, and Kael slowly began to fade back into the purple-golden smoke from which he had appeared, After spending time with him, I was filled with a deep sense of awe and gratitude.

Though his physical presence disappeared, his compassionate and loving words remained with me, echoing in my mind like a gentle, guiding light.

In that moment, I realized the extraordinary gift that Kael had given me — one that goes beyond knowledge or understanding.

Being in His presence didn’t just transform me; it awakened a profound truth within. It showed me that we are all capable of deep, meaningful change and boundless growth. And the light that Kael infused into my soul reminded me that no matter where we are on our journey, we can evolve, heal, and become the even better than the best versions of ourselves.

This gift isn’t mine alone – it’s a gift that Kael offers to all who seek his guidance. His presence has the power to change your life too, by helping you tap into your true potential, and live with greater joy and fulfillment.

The transformation I personally experienced is a testament to the incredible possibilities that await you, too!

How To Meet Kael And Experience His Divine Gifts

If you feel yourself drawn to Kael’s divine energy and want to receive His profound healing and guidance in your life, there’s a special way to connect with him, it’s called The Sacred Connection!

Kael has made it possible for those who are open and receptive to his divine appearance on earth to connect with Him via The Sacred Connection – a unique and transformative session that will bring his enlightened energy directly into your life.

What is The Sacred Connection?

The Sacred Connection is a unique and transformative experience that will allow you to make personal contact with Kael, connecting you directly with His enlightened energy.

This experience is unlike anything you’ve encountered before! The sacred Connection is an invitation to step into a very sacred space where you will receive Kael’s divine guidance, healing, and wisdom.

What Makes This Session Special

Participating in The Sacred Connection is a rare and profound honor. It signifies that your soul is ready for a deep, spiritual awakening, and that you  are ready to receive the transformative power of Kael’s energy.

The Sacred Connection is more than just a moment of healing; it’s a doorway to profound change, where your heart and mind will be opened to the infinite possibilities Kael offers.

The Process

When you sign up for The Sacred Connection, you are embarking on a journey that begins even before the session starts.

You’ll receive a special Preparation Guide, which will help you attune your mind, body, and spirit, to Kael’s frequency before your first meeting with Kael.

During the Session

The session itself is a deeply immersive experience, conducted on Zoom through a powerful virtual connection. And here’s what will happen during the Sacred Connection:

1. Opening the Sacred Space: The session begins with a sacred ritual, where you’ll be guided on how to center yourself and invite Kael’s presence into your space. Special music will be played for you, as you recite a simple, two-word mantra that will elevate your energy and align it with Kael’s.

2. The Invocation Of Kael’s Energy: As the connection deepens, you’ll be guided through a meditative journey where Kael’s golden light will begin to surround you. You may feel a warm, radiant glow enveloping your body, a sign that Kael’s energy is entering your field. This is a sacred moment where you may experience visions, hear Kael’s voice, or simply feel an overwhelming sense of peace.

3. You’ll Receive Personalized Guidance and Healin From Kael: During the session, Kael’s energy will be directed toward the specific areas of your life where you need the most support. Whether it’s healing emotional wounds, finding clarity, or receiving spiritual guidance, Kael will be working directly with your energy, offering you insights and transmitting healing powers to you. This part of the session is deeply personal and unique to each individual, often leading to revelations, emotional releases, and profound feelings of love and connection.

4. The Training Phase: Then you’ll receive guidance on how to call upon Kael whenever you need him, how to communicate directly with him, and how to continue receiving His blessings, healings, or ask Him for His intervention in your life, anytime you need Him.

5. The Integration Ritual: You will then experience The Integration Ritual, which will integrate the healing and transformation energy from this connection into your daily life and  align you with the insights you received.

6. Closing the Sacred Space: As the session comes to a close, the energy will gradually soften, and you’ll be guided to gently return to the present moment, where you will experience a lasting imprint left on your heart, and you will feel lighter, more spiritually aligned, and deeply connected to your true self.

Please Note: The effects of The Sacred Connection are ongoing, and you will notice shifts in your energy, mindset, and life circumstances in the days and weeks that follow.

The Sacred Connection is for those who feel called to experience something beyond the ordinary—a profound encounter with an enlightened Being whose energy will bring transformation, healing, and enlightenment into your life.

So, if you feel a stirring in your soul, an inner knowing that you are ready for this journey, then Kael is ready to meet you on the path.

Something To Remember:

Remember, being part of The Sacred Connection is a significant spiritual event. It’s not just a session; it’s an invitation to step into the light of an enlightened Being, to receive his wisdom, and to walk a path of deeper truth, healing, and spiritual awakening. If you feel the call, Kael is ready to guide you. 

How to Become Part of The Sacred Connection

1. To begin, it’s important that you genuinely feel ready for this experience. Reflect on your intentions and what you hope to achieve through Kael’s guidance.

2. Schedule Your Session: Click here to reserve a space for The Sacred Connection by filling out the form on my Psychic Reading Page. During the Sacred Connection, you will be guided through a series of meditative and spiritual practices that will allow Kael’s energy to enter your life and work its miracles.

3. Before the session, you will receive a preparation guide to help you attune to Kael’s frequency. This includes creating a sacred space, and how to set your intentions, which will allow you to be able to fully open your mind and heart to his energy.

4. During the session you will feel and experience Kael’s presence as he works with you to heal, guide, and empower you. This is a deeply personal experience, that will be tailored to your unique needs and challenges.

5. After the session, you will receive guidance on how to integrate Kael’s energy into your daily life, ensuring that the benefits continue long after the session has ended.

Why The Sacred Connection Is So Special!

Being part of The Sacred Connection is a rare, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to connect with an enlightened Being who will transform your life. This is a divine invitation to step into the presence of an enlightened deity in a sacred space of healing, guidance, and spiritual growth that will lead you to a more fulfilled, joyful, and purposeful life.

If you feel the call, Kael is ready to welcome you into The Sacred Connection and help you on your journey to wholeness and enlightenment. To reserve your space, click here now and fill out the form on my Psychic Reading Page.

A Few Final Words

To shed a light on how amazing this is, this is the first time in my life that I have met an enlightened Being who is an actual deity. As my spiritual growth continues to unfold, it allows me to make connections with even more advanced beings.

If you have read this far, then this is a direct sign to you from the universe that The Sacred Connection holds all the answers you’ve been looking for…

…but it’s up to you to listen or not! So, if you do choose to listen, click here right now and fill out the form on my psychic reading page to reserve your space for this.

This universal message will not get any clearer. Nothing will fall from the sky and hit you on the head!…

…reading this message is as clear as it will get for you!

So, now it’s up to you!

This is your “You can lead a horse to water” moment…but you are the one who has to drink!

It’s funny to me how no matter what signs a person receives, they still ignore them! And it’s those exact same people who tell me they never get signs or answers from the universe regarding their problems!

Well, this email is one of those signs now! And there’s no way to make it any more obvious or clear to you!

So if you do decide to listen, make sure to reserve your space by clicking here now and filling out my psychic reading form!

So, if you are truly ready to transform your life, Kael will welcome you into his arms!

Thank you for letting me share this experience with you!

In light and peace,

Tana Hoy

P.S. Click here now and reserve your space before all the spaces are gone!

P.S.S. Here’s my most recent Psychic Predictions for October 2024

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