Here’s Your Monthly Horoscope For October 2019
Hi there,
Did you know that learning to communicate with your Guardian Angels is one of the most powerful skills a person can possess? Imagine being able to call on them at any time, and receive crystal clear answers to any problem you face!
People often ask me if I read for myself when I have a problem I am faced with. The answer is that don’t read for myself – what I do is talk to my angels, and I also use the Angel Mantra my mentor formulated for me, so I can talk to them – just like we are talking on the telephone together. It’s that simple!! It’s my Angel Mantra that makes the connection with my Guardian Angels very clear!
What Is An Angel Mantra
An Angel Mantra contains the energetic power that makes this communication possible. An Angel Mantra acts like sticking a “universal plug” into a “cosmic electrical outlet”! And it’s this connection that makes it possible to have crystal clear conversations with your Guardian Angels. Your Angel Mantra acts just like a psychic antenna on a spiritual cell phone, connecting you to the invisible communication waves in the Universe, again, making it possible to have a crystal clear conversation with your Guardian Angels…
This is why having an Angel Mantra is so important!
6 Things You Need To Know About An Angel Mantra
- An Angel Mantra is formulated by using an ancient technique that is over 2,000 years old. This formulation technique has been passed down from the Mystery Schools that were in existence when Cleopatra was queen. I was taught how to formulate Angel Mantras by my mentor when I was just 12 years old.
- Very few psychics in the world today have the training or knowledge to formulate an angel Mantra. This is why I feel so blessed to have been trained how to do this before my mentor (God rest his soul) passed into spirit.
- An Angel Mantra is what makes connecting with your Guardian Angels happen. Many psychics talk to angels, but none that I am aware of, use an Angel Mantra. Therefore, anyone possessing an Angel Mantra will automatically be able to connect with their Guardian Angels, better than any psychic out there today – including one of the well-known angel communicators who has written several books. I know for sure this person does not even know about the Angel Mantras I am telling you about.
- An Angel Mantra unplugs and opens your “psychic ears”. This is why you will be able to hear the voices of your Guardian Angels so clearly after using your Angel Mantra.
- An Angel Mantra acts like a strong connection magnet, and it literally attracts the most powerful angels in the entire universe into your vibrational existence. Meaning they will be standing right beside you when you chant it.
- You have what is called 5 Master Guardian angels, and they can only be summoned using an Angel Mantra. There is no other way to connect with them, due to their high vibrational energies!
If you have questions about your love life, career, money situation, health, or future, let me use my psychic gifts to see into your future, and help you find the answers you need during a psychic reading. You can click here to schedule a psychic reading now!
5 Important Facts You Need To Know About Guardian Angels
Fact 1: You Have 5 Master Guardian Angels That Are Very Important To Know About.
Everyone has Guardian Angels who are assigned to work with them during this lifetime. What most people don’t know, including the so-called “Angel Experts”, is that every living person has 5 Guardian Angels that are more important than all the rest. So among all of your Guardian Angels assigned to help you when you were born, 5 of them are more important than all the others. Think of them as Master Guardian Angels, because they have special powers they can use to help make magic and miracles happen in your life! And you can only connect to them by using the power of your Angel Mantra to summon them and access their special powers.
Fact 2: Your Guardian Angels talk to you all the time.
Unfortunately, most people can’t hear their angels speaking to them because they are not plugged into this comic conversation. An Angel Mantra makes it possible for you to hear their voices when they speak to you.
Fact 3: Your Guardian Angels are behind your right this very moment!
Go ahead…turn around right now, and see if you can sense their presence behind you! Turn around and say out loud “Angels, are you here with me?”. An Angel Mantra will strengthen your Angel Vision, allowing you to sense and feel their presence, and if your desire is strong enough, they will materialize themselves so you will be able to see them!
Fact 4: Your Guardian Angels are able to see into the future.
Since they reside in the Spirit World, they are able to see along Dimensional Time Lines. These timelines run parallel to our earthly timelines, so your Guardian Angels use them to see ahead into your future. Having an Angel Mantra gives you access to the psychic insights of your Guardian Angels, allowing you to also see into your future and even the future of anyone you want to know about.
Fact 5: Your Guardian Angels are healers.
If you really stop and think about this, it makes perfect sense. Since Guardian Angels are spiritual beings living in what we call The Heavenly Realms, they have the inborn power to heal anyone, anything – at any time! They can heal you physically, spiritually, AND emotionally! Most of our wounds as humans are spiritual and emotional, which when left unhealed, lead to physical problems. Your Guardian Angels can heal you instantly – with just the touch of their wings!
Did you know a psychic reading can answer any questions you have, with 93% accuracy? If you have questions you need reliable answers to, visit here and schedule a psychic reading with me, and I can help you find the answers you seek!
I’m Glad I Shared This Important Information With You!
As a spiritual light seeker yourself, It’s important you know about Master Guardian Angels, and Angel Mantras. I have never spoken about Master Guardian Angels before, nor Angel Mantras, and the reason being is because I only release highly spiritual information when I am told by Band of Guides (I work with over 200 of them now) that people are ready to know this information.
So when I share this powerful and important spiritual information, it’s for a reason. Sometimes the reason may not be apparent at first, but it becomes very apparent at a later date. So please be aware that I don’t just share information randomly, or without important reasons. Just know there is a reason for everything, even if I do not always reveal the reason. All things will be revealed in their proper and correct timing.
Nothing I share is just “thrown out there randomly”…there is always a reason…
I sincerely hope you take this information to heart, and I hope I have been able to reveal more insights to you, to help you become a more informed and aware spiritual seeker.
My emails are for the purpose of helping to elevate the awareness of the Light Seekers who read them, one step at a time. I hope they have been helpful to you, up to this point…
In light and peace,
Tana Hoy
P.S. I would sincerely appreciate receiving an email from you, letting me know how reading these emails has helped you as a Light Seeker, and I’d also like to hear topics you’d like me to write about. If enough people want to learn about the same topic, I WILL write about it. Your input is important, because my emails are for YOUR spiritual growth and evolution.
P.S.S. Say these words 3 times each day and see what happens. Say them once in the morning, one in the afternoon, and once in the evening. Then email me back in 3 days, and share with me the results you experienced in your life. Be prepared to be amazed! Here are the words to say: Bah. Doma. Dow. Shing. She. Make sure to email me back in 3 days, or their power will be lost.
P.S.S.S. To schedule a psychic reading click here now or call me at my office at 614-444-6334
P.S.S.S.S. Here’s Your Monthly Horoscope For October 2019
Hi Tana, I’m hoping you read this. I really need some advice. I’ll schedule a reading with you, but I have a question. I’ve recently been dealing with a psychic that I came across on social media. While she has helped me with some problems I’ve had. She recently asked me for more money than I can come up with in a certain time frame. I have already spent close to $700 dollars on candles and positive energy. In hopes of reuniting me with a woman who she claims is my soulmate. Anyway this psychic says she is going to India in December and in order for me to start the new year on a positive. She wants me to send her $8500!!! She even suggested I ask the bank for a loan. She said this will all help me in getting together with my “soulmate” This has raised a red flag with me. I just want your opinion on the situation. Can you please give me any incite to your feelings on the issue
Love you Tana Hoy! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you do for us! You are and have been a powerful boost in my spiritual growth. I find it Very Important to have You as a mentor, sounding board and healer, carrier of light in my life!
Tana, thank you for the emails and mantras! ??♀️ Meditating really works!
I am on the journey of learning and becoming a medium or Physic. Thanks so much. Any information to help my journey is appreciated