Your Monthly Horoscope For January 2015 – by Tana Hoy
Here is your monthly horoscope for January 2015!
Horoscopes For January 2015
Discover what the New Year has in store for you!
Aries (March 21-April 19)
There will be things that will play out this month, which will kindle your ambition. It may be in the form of a job offer from another company, or a sudden new position opening at your job. Think of these as the universe’s way of telling you to not give up on your dreams. Do some reflection, and there’s a good chance you can finally achieve your dreams!
Taurus (April 20-May20)
Your temper will be tested this month, so be very wary! A Taurus such as yourself prides him/herself in your ability to rationalize and keep your emotions in check, but there will be some people who will test you. It could be in the form of a boss at work or a family member that you have not seen in a long time. Be strong and stable, and you shall be rewarded with love and accomplishment in the last week of the month.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Your confidence might take a blow this month, mainly due to the influence of people who are trying to put you down. They will try to play with your self-esteem, but don’t allow them to! There may be times in this month when it will feel like everything’s going wrong, but don’t worry. A great event awaits you if you can paddle your way through the first weeks of the month.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
There will be a number of people that will offer you financial opportunities this month. Most of them will play on your tendency to be impulsive, so make sure that before you invest in something, you have fully evaluated its pros and cons. Make sure you choose wisely!
Leo (July 23-August 22)
Leadership is a quality that is innate in all Leos. This month, however, someone will challenge the status quo of your kingdom new. This may come in the form of a family member who criticizes the way you run your house or a co-worker who gives the impression of being a know-it-all. Keep calm during these times, for these challenges are but temporary.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Remember to trust your intuition, for this month points to an important event regarding your love life. Indeed, the alignment of Venus this month signifies that this may be the month that you’ll meet the love of your life. Keep an open mind, and an even more open heart, for an encounter with this person will be for but a fleeting moment. Capitalize on this moment, and happiness shall be yours!
Libra (September 23-October 22)
This would then be a great month to follow your heart’s desire. There will be times when your mind and your heart will be at odds. Remember that your heart is your soul’s home, and you shall therefore follow it. Meditate as much as you can, and decide carefully what you really want to do. The advice of a loved one will be key in achieving this.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Channel inner peace by finding it in the arms of your loved ones. Always remember that you are not alone in dealing with problems, and that it is through the love of your fellow men that you will be able to thrive fully. There will be times when it would feel like you are alone in the struggles of life. Look around you carefully, and you shall see the hands outstretched towards you.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Keep in mind that great things come to those who wait, and even greater things await those who have travelled the rocky pathways. The first two weeks of this month will be very tough. You will be tested, both emotionally and financially. Keep your heart strong and your head held high, however, as these challenges will literally get lifted off your shoulders starting the third week of the month. So be strong!
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
An old friend that has disappeared for a long time will also return to your life. This will happen as a chance encounter, so keep your eyes peeled for this familiar face. This chance encounter will open brand new vistas in your life. Some of these new opportunities may be very attractive to you, but you have to be careful. Make sure that you are ready before you attempt to commit yourself to something that will literally change your life.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
This month will be a great month for you to consider coming home and visiting your loved ones. The connections that have been severed years back have an opportunity to be mended this month. Rekindling past relationships may be quite painful, but it will be worth it all when your emotions are mended, and the scars of the past are healed.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
This month would be a great time for you to finalize that decision that you have been mulling over for the past few months. Remember that your decision this month is significant, and its effects could resonate for the next few years. Think about the pros and cons of the choices before you, then make a choice. The whole world awaits you.
I hope you enjoyed your monthly horoscope for January 2015. Please leave any comments below, I would love to hear your thoughts!
Should I be reading my sun sign or my rising sign? Thanx!
You’re amazing T. Tks so much. Xxx