How to Move On From A Breakup
Keeping yourself healthy and having a sound mind one of the ways on how to move on from a breakup.
Breaking up is one of the hardest things you can do and move on from it can be even harder. How exactly do you reclaim your life after spending a good chunk of it with someone? Whether you’ve been together for months or years, it’s very painful to realize that every moment you’ve spent together is now gone with the wind.
So, your ex was NOT the one. What now?
As a love psychic, I’ve received calls from clients on how to move on from a breakup. Here’s how you can reclaim your life after a messy breakup.
What not to do
The first thing you definitely don’t need to do is go on social media and see how they’re doing. It’s time to start a clean slate and quit your social media stalking! Block your ex from every single account and delete their number off your phone.
Delete your old photos together and never look back. Every time you look at old photos and memories, you are only hurting yourself, even more, making it harder for you to move on. Cut off all communication and avoid reminding yourself of the pain.
Don’t attempt to reconcile or “be friends” either. You are only signing up to be hurt again. If you were married or have lived together, get rid of or pack away all traces of the relationship. Whether there are still items in your home or pictures lying around, toss them or store them.
Avoid talking bad about your ex with your common circle of friends. Don’t get them to take sides or revive bad memories by explaining your side of the story. If you have children, don’t force them to take sides and let them make up their own minds. Remember that talking bad only makes you look bad!
Healthy mind = healthy life
It’s all about transforming your mind. Instead of wasting time thinking about your ex, get active physically, mentally, and spiritually, by doing the things you love. Fill your mind with positive affirmations and spend time with your close friends and loved ones. Reconnect with your old, self prior to this relationship, and you will experience wonders!
Surround yourself with all things positive, including people. Hang around positive people who will uplift you and help you become a better version of yourself. Create your own mantra that can help you get in the right mindset like, “I am strong. I am more than what I was in my relationship. I will move on to better things.”
Journaling also does wonders during this healing period. If negativity is pulling you back and you feel out of control, regain your stability by writing down every thought and emotion that lives within you. You will have a better grip of what you need to fix and cleanse out of your life. You will also look back during these times and see how you can have a more stable and healthier relationship in the future.
If you really want to know how to move on from a breakup, the golden advice I can give you is to forgive. Regardless of what happened, who did this, or who did that – it’s over. It’s time to heal, move forward with your life, and give way for many better things. There’s no point in giving in to negativity by reliving bad memories.
Though the relationship is over, be grateful for what you have. Be grateful for the memories you’ve spent together for they made you the person you are today. Be grateful for the simple things – your body, friends, family, the roof over your head, the shirt on your back, and even the food you eat. Your relationship may have ended but remember, you are alive and breathing at the end of the day.
It’s okay to ask for support! Reach out to close friends and family for help, or you can also reach out to people outside your circle. A love psychic can give you the clarity and guidance you need during this difficult time and can help you achieve the life you deserve after a breakup.
Get your freedom back
Now the relationship is over, it’s time to reclaim your life and get your freedom back. Being single is great! Imagine getting to do whatever you want at any time – with no one holding you back. You get to do things as you please without taking your ex into consideration. How sweet is it to spend your money however you want, and you get to take the entire bed for yourself?
Think about all the great things you get to do now that you have your freedom back. You get to focus on yourself and have all the time in the world for your interests and hobbies. You get to see your friends and family more often, and especially if you have kids, you can have more one-on-one time with them. You don’t need to check on anybody but yourself and the people you hold dear.
Your life takes on a whole new direction and it’s yours to take. You can go on a new adventure, start your own projects, and who knows, meet someone better. You are not defined by your ex or your relationship.
You are fully capable of moving on and taking control of your life!
If you need more help and guidance on how to move on from a breakup, Tana Hoy, a world-renowned love psychic is waiting for you! Through Tana’s love psychic readings, you will find clarity on moving forward and reclaiming your life. Schedule a love psychic reading today and achieve the love life you deserve!
About Psychic Tana Hoy
Tana Hoy is The World’s Foremost Psychic who works with over 350 Spirit Helpers to deliver accurate psychic answers and guidance to clients. He has delivered thousands of confidential psychic readings by phone and psychic online readings. During your psychic readings, Tana can help you with anything you need guidance on – love, relationships, money, career, health, family, and your life purpose. With a 93% accuracy rate, Tana is considered the best psychic in the world today and can help you with the answers you need. All of his readings are 100% guaranteed! Get in touch with Tana today and get real psychic results that will change your life for the better!
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Easier said then done apparently. I’ve told my son all of these things for almost a year now and he just is having difficult time with losing his son at birth, his girlfriend left and pregnant 3 weeks after she left by someone else, and had to sell his their house. So may be helpful to some people and I’m glad, but not for son. Too heart broken and hasn’t met anyone else, and not from lack of trying.