How To Permanently Banish Fear From Your Life!!
Hi there,
People often ask if I see something during a psychic reading that they don’t like, can the future can be changed! The answer is definitely “Yes!!”
BUT….there is one catch!
You need to know about the future in advance! You CANNOT change the outcome of ANY situation once it has BEGAN to unfold!
Why? Because here is how the Universal Law on this works…
Important Information To Understand!!
The ability to change a negative, unwanted, or painful outcome into a positive one depends on knowing about it in advance….
…because only the future can be changed!
This present moment CANNOT be changed!!
It is too late to change a negative situation into a positive one when it has already started to happen. This is because once something has started to unfold, you are then at the hands of fate.
Change your destiny now by clicking here for a psychic reading!
Once an event has unfolded, you can only do things in an attempt to minimize the fallout, but your power of influence is very limited at this stage of a problem.
How Your Destiny Can Be Compared To Your Health
Your destiny can be compared to your health. When you eat healthy, exercise, take vitamins, get regular checkups, you keep yourself ahead of the game for any serious major health disasters.
After your checkup, if something major shows up, you will have caught it before it becomes major. At this point, you can take the necessary steps to turn it around in your favor – because you caught it BEFORE it turned into something bigger!!!
But if you eat poorly, do not exercise, never take vitamins, and never get checkups, when something major happens, it is usually so advanced that it is too late to make changes that will prevent a serious problem!
All you can do at that point is hope, pray, and try and minimize the fallout by making changes as quickly as you can, hoping it is not too late! You are now at the hands of fate!
Most people live life like the second example, and the sad truth is that they don’t have to!
The above example explains the difference between destiny and fate!
Destiny can be changed. Fate cannot!
So always remember this! If you are faced with a serious problem, it is best to know the outcome in advance, so that you can change it, rather than avoid the answer out of fear. Fear prevents you from being able to know what you need to do to turn the outcome to your wishes!
This is the biggest advantage to having a psychic reading, because it lets you start taking control of your destiny by knowing what will happen BEFORE it happens, instead of being controlled by your fate!
In light and peace,
Tana Hoy
P.S. If you do not know what lies ahead in your future, I can help you to have the future you want to have, by showing you what to do, or what to avoid, to make what you want happen!
P.S.S. If you would like my help, then visit my website at, or call my office at 614-444-6334. I look forward to helping you!