What is Karma and How It Affects Your Life
The whole universe works according to the Law of Karma. When you are loving and kind, karma will be returned to you in the most beautiful way.
Do you know that your intentions have future consequences based on the rules of Karma?
Karma is a Sanskrit term which means “action” or “doing.” According to Buddhist tradition, karma refers to action that is driven by a person’s intention. Buddhists believe that a person’s intentions and actions have an indirect, yet strong effect on the turn of events in that person’s life.
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Newton’s Third Law of Motion basically lays down the exact rule of Karma. What a person does creates a ripple in the Universe that affects countless lives.
You may not be aware of it, but your thoughts and actions are so powerful that they carry energy. What you think and do echoes through time and throughout eternity. And, because our lives are interlinked, what you do and the intentions of your actions, good or bad, will eventually come back to you. In other words, what you do now will indirectly shape your future. This is how karma affects your life.
Is Karma for Real?
We pay for all the things we do in life. Payment, however, may come during this lifetime, or in your next life. A good example of this is our food choices. Generally, food that tastes good is usually food that is unhealthy. If we keep eating great-tasting, yet unhealthy food, our health will suffer eventually.
This can also be likened to how we treat nature. If we continue to destroy the environment, we will pay heavily for it because of the pollution that we will create.
Another example is if you treat someone unkindly you will gain an enemy. You see, all of the things we do has a corresponding reaction. Simply put, when we send out a negative action, we will also receive a negative result. In contrast, if send out a positive action, we will also receive a corresponding positive reaction.
Understanding the Law of Karma
Karma is an impeccable, unbreakable force. You cannot stop it, but you can still change its direction.
The Law of Karma is actually is the Law of Cause and Effect. It is a law that relates to your fate and actions, and it is an unbreakable rule of the cosmos.
According to the Law of Karma, you alone are responsible for your actions, and you create everything that happens in your life, whether they be good or bad. You are responsible for your happiness or misery because it is your actions create your daily existence. Thus, if you have treated another human being cruelly, you will eventually find yourself being treated as cruelly by someone else.
What’s good about the Law of Karma is that it allows you to shape your future. So, if you keep doing what is good and with the best of intentions, in the future, you will also experience the best of what life has to offer.
How Your Intentions Invoke Good or Bad Karma
Since your actions and intentions will have a corresponding result in your life, this result is your “good” or “bad” Karma. The Law of Karma always looks at your intentions, and the intention fueling your actions will bring forth good or bad Karma.
In truth, the Universe does not use bad karma to punish you, but to teach you a lesson.
The pain we suffer due to bad karma is actually life’s teachings that we should learn from. Pain should not be feared because it is this pain that will drive home the lesson. In reality, bad karma is a blessing in disguise.
Can You Change Your Karma?
The Law of Karma always looks at your intentions, and the intention fueling your actions will bring forth good or bad Karma. The Universe does not use bad karma to punish you, but to teach you a lesson.
Karma is an impeccable, unbreakable force. You cannot stop it, but you can still change its direction.
Your bad karma can be undone by doing good things. You have reaped what you sowed when bad karma taught you a lesson, and by using that lesson to create a turn of events, you are actually changing your destiny.
Your free will is the most crucial element in recreating your destiny, because once you have learned from your past, it is then time to start anew and reshape your future. The lessons bad karma teach you will often give you a sense of awareness and realization.
Your regret will often spark compassion, bringing forth an urge to create change in your actions. Undoing what you have done wrong will send a signal to the Universe that you are asking for forgiveness and want to have a clear conscience.
The emotions that erase bad karma are guilt, regret, asking for forgiveness, and then undoing what you have done by doing good. And, once your bad karma has been turned into good karma, you will feel lighthearted and wonderful again!
Things You Can Do to Bring In Good Karma
- Make your enemies your friends.
The most powerful person is one who has no enemies. When you have to constantly fight, you are no longer powerful. Having enemies will require you to always look over your shoulder. Enemies make you worry and bring sleepless nights, while friends make life happier and more meaningful.
- Don’t seek revenge.
Revenge fills your heart with hate, and hatred is a very strong negative force that brings bad energy. But, if you learn to overcome hatred and start healing your hurt with forgiveness, you will gain a very strong positive energy in the form of inner peace.
- Counter jealousy with understanding.
Jealousy is a natural result of love, but too much jealousy can control you. Instead of reacting negatively, you can counter jealousy with understanding that jealousy is a reaction of those people who think highly of you. Thus, be kind to people who are jealous of you. For they have forgotten to count their own blessings, and became preoccupied with counting your own.
- Make it a point to be kind to others.
The kindness you give to others is the same kindness you give to yourself. This is because when you lift up someone in need, you are also lifting yourself up. Your kindness will bring a ray of hope to those in misery, and it is one of the most valuable and priceless gifts you can give because it has the power to change people. Kindness brings hope, and hope brings forth positive change.
Remember, the whole universe works according to the Law of Karma. When you are loving and kind, karma will be returned to you in the most beautiful way.
This is what karma is, and these are the many ways it can change your life. By understanding it completely, now you have the power to change the course of your destiny.
Would you like to know what karma exists in your life? During an Akashic Records reading, I can look at your past lives, and help you discover and eliminate any past life karma that may be holding you back in this life! To schedule an Akashic Records reading, please click here now!
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I swear I saw this some time ago.
There are some who state the Karma does not exist, this refers to the statement that “there is no us” in the rule of enlightenment. However, this is only true from the point of view of source incarnate. It does not recognize “good” or “bad”, there only “is.”
However, since energy is manifested from our thoughts and by extension our actions, fears, hopes, etc. The rule of Karma would make sense.
“The eternal struggle of good and evil will forever exist, yet is non existent” – Unknown.
Thank you for this article!
I enjoyed reading it 🙂
It was very informative ????????