Your Monthly Horoscope For November 2014

In my past emails I have talked about the pain that comes from having a broken heart when a relationship with someone you care for deeply, doesn’t work out!

I have also talked about infidelity, and the pain it causes when a person experiences it in a relationship.

There are many problems besides these that can cause a person to feel sadness and pain in a relationship.

There is also the fear of being alone the rest of your life. Growing old without someone to love, and never meeting Mr. or Mrs. Right.

But there is something that can give you hope, let you know why a certain relationship didn’t work out, and also show you know where, when, and how, you can meet your one true love!

They are called your Akashic Records…

Your Akashic Records

Your Akashic Records (pronounced (A-Kay-Sic) are ethereal records that exist in the Higher Realms. They are housed in what could be thought of as an Akashic Library in the sky.

Every living person has a set of Akashic Records, because your Akashic Records are created the day your soul was first created.

To schedule your Akashic Records Reading, you can click here and fill out the psychic reading form!!

Just like a memory album, your Akashic Records contain everything you have ever thought, felt, and experienced in all of your lifetimes!

Your Akashic Records also have written in them every relationship you have had in this life, and in all of your past lifetimes!

What They Can Tell You

Since all information is contained in them, your Akashic Records also have recorded in them who is your true soulmate in this lifetime!

They reveal why certain relationships did or didn’t work out, why you experienced certain relationships with certain people, and they can also tell you if your ex is your true soulmate, or if your true soulmate is someone else.

Your Akashic Records contain such detailed information that they can even tell you times frames of when you will meet your soulmate, what your soulmate looks like, and even his or her initials or name!

But That’s Not All!

And if there is someone you loved deeply, but it didn’t work out, these records can also tell you if there is still a chance for the two of you to get back together! And if there is, they can tell you what you need to do to make that happen again!

So as you can see, your Akashic Records hold important information and knowledge!

Accessing Your Akashic Records

Your Akashic Records are accessed during what is called an Akashic Records reading.

An Akashic Records reading is a special type of reading where I astrally travel to the Higher Realms, enter the Akashic Library, access your Akashic Records, and then I share with you the information that is written in them!

During this type of reading, I will be able to tell you who is your soulmate, where is your soulmate, and what you need to do to meet them.

And if you have an ex that you just know was your true soulmate, I will even be able to tell you if he or she is the one for you, and if so, what you need to do to get them back!

If you are ready to meet your true love, click here now to fill out the psychic reading form to reserve a space ( for an Akashic Records reading.

You will benefit from this reading if:

  • You want to know who is your true soulmate
  • You want to find true love, once and for all
  • You need to know if the person you are with is the one for you
  • You want to know if your ex is your true soulmate
  • You want to know, how, when, and where you will meet your soulmate
  • You are ready to share the rest of your life with someone

I do not recommend this reading if:

  • You like being alone and don’t want to be have a relationship
  • You’ve already found your soulmate and know they are the one
  • You don’t have time for a relationship

If you are ready to meet your true soulmate, and start having the type of loving relationship you have always dreamed about, then an Akashic Records reading can change your life – in a way you never imagined!

This type of reading is very powerful, and it will also answer many questions such as why you keep meeting the same types of people, or why certain relationships didn’t work out. It will also give you deep insights into your soul, and also help you to love and embrace the person you are!

How To Get Your Akashic Records Read

So if you are ready to finally have true love in your life, you can email me back at this email address, with your best contact number, to reserve a space for one of these readings.

You can also click here and fill out the psychic reading form, and someone will contact you to set up your reading.

Thank you for reading this email, and I hope to talk to you very soon!

In light and peace,

Tana Hoy

To schedule your session with me. Visit or call 614-444-6334

P.S. With the power found in your Akashic Records, you can be assured that you can meet your true soulmate!

P.S.S. Here is your Monthly Horoscope for November 2014

P.S.S. Look at what you are missing out on!!!

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  • Plus a whole lot more!

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P.S.S. Have you seen my new website? Please email me back and let me know what you think of it!!

One Response

  1. Andrea Sardina says:

    Tana I love your new site!

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