5 Mystical Factors to Consider Before Deciding To Break-up – Part 2
Is your love life in trouble? Are you already dealing with thoughts of breaking-up with your loved one… but are feeling bad about your situation?
In the first part of this article, two mystical factors you need to consider about deciding to break-up or determining when to break-up were discussed.
The role of having a psychic reading to help you find out which factors apply the most to your situation was also brought up.
The first mystical factor discussed in the first part of this article was Psychic Energy Fluctuations and the second mystical factor was Soulmate Pull.
Here, in Part 2 are the other 3 mystical factors you need to be aware of, since any one of these factors could play a huge role in your decision to stay or leave.
Mystical Factor # 3 – Holes in Your Aura
Psychic vampires do not only drain your energy, they can also launch psychic attacks against you, if they are jealous of you for whatever reason.
If you are in a relationship with someone who has a hole in his or her aura, and is repeatedly being attacked psychically as a consequence, or if you are the one in such a situation, then a break-up may seem tempting.
In my article titled, What Is An Aura And Why You Need To Protect It, I discussed why and how you could be at the receiving end of a psychic attack:
There are many factors that can damage your aura, but in a nutshell, it’s negative energy that does the harm.
Thoughts are energy. When people get angry, negative energy forms, and intensifies inside their minds. When this tightly packed energy is directed towards you, whether it’s from words, a sharp look, or even from the thoughts inside a person’s mind, it’s like he or she is throwing a direct punch at you.
Being in the company of someone who’s always depressed or jealous can fray your protective shield. Also, your own negative thoughts and emotions can thin out your own aura, making it easier to tear or break.
When you get holes in your aura, you also become an easy prey for psychic vampires (those people who feed on your energy) and psychic attacks (such as curses).
Some of the most common signs of a hole in your aura are:
– Sudden or increased irritability
– Depression
– Chronic fatigue
– Short temper and other negative manifestations
– You may also get physically sick, or feel confused.
Do you or your partner frequently experience the signs mentioned? If yes, I’m sure your love life is severely being affected. Negatively!
After all, who wants to be with someone who is a perpetual Sad Sack or a Grouchy Pants?
There is already too much misery in the world, so experiencing it up close and personal will never be a desirable option.
But if you do happen to be in a relationship with someone who has a hole in his or her aura, and is repeatedly being attacked psychically as a consequence, or if you are the one in such a situation, then a break-up may seem tempting.
The break-up can provide the affected partner the escape or the relief he or she needs. In other words, the looming break-up may not really be due to anything of you or your partner may have done.
A psychic reading can help you find out if what’s wrong in your relationship is simply due to holes in your aura.
Mystical Factor # 4 – Chakra Blockage
If you or your partner are prone to being overwhelmed by feelings of guilt, or being depressed, angry, or fearful, it could be because of a blocked or defective heart chakra. Negative feelings such as those mentioned can impact your love life to such a degree that you could feel anxious, trapped in the relationship, or even unloved.
A blocked chakra can create major problems in your life, including friction and other troubles in your relationships, of course.
The meaning of chakras was discussed in my article titled What Are The Seven Chakras? Here’s an excerpt:
“A chakra is defined as a spinning wheel of light energy. It is the epicentre and core of the spiritual power that you possess in your body. There are seven major chakras. The seven major chakras are positioned along the spinal column, and form the backbone for the networks through which your body, mind, and spirit, act as a universal unit.”
The seven major chakras need to be healthy, or without any kind of blocks, to ensure your life will be as stress-free as possible.
Here are more details about this, from the same article cited:
You have energy constantly flowing through the seven chakras of our body. If this energy flowing through the chakras gets blocked, it could very well lead to illness and a sense of despair.
All seven major chakras need to be healthy together, because each chakra has a specific purpose. For your love life, it is the heart chakra which, when blocked, could cause troubles in your relationship, and cause you to consider breaking-up with your partner.
Here are more details about the heart chakra:
The Heart chakra is located pretty much on the same level as your heart is, in the center of your chest.
Its primary color is green, but its supplementary color is pink, which signifies love. Your heart, hands, skin, immune system, lower lungs, thymus gland, endocrine system, and circulatory system, are all governed by the heart chakra.
The heart chakra is the epicentre of our emotional well-being and leads to a sense of compassion for others and unconditional love for the special people in your life.
A non-functioning heart chakra often results in feelings of sadness, depression, guilt, anger and fear. It may also lead to organic failure and heart disease.
If you or your partner are prone to being overwhelmed by feelings of guilt, or being depressed, angry, or fearful, it could be because of a blocked or defective heart chakra.
Negative feelings such as those mentioned can impact your love life to such a degree that you could feel anxious, trapped in the relationship, or even unloved.
You may not be able to trust your partner. You could feel oppressed, and feel nothing you do can ever be right in your partner’s eyes, even if this may not be true!
The best way to find out if you have blocked chakras is to get a psychic reading. If you do have a block in your chakras, I can do chakra balancing for you.
Who knows, a chakra balancing may be all that is needed to get your relationship back on track and your love life stable again.
Mystical Factor # 5 – Negative Karma
Anything you do will come back tenfold to you.
Have you ever been in a relationship where things seemed to be going great, but then, for no understandable reason, you end up feeling how much he’d like to do harm to you, in one way or the other?
If yes, negative karma may be catching up with you.
But what is negative karma, anyway? Is it some kind of punishment?
In one of my old videos, I described what karma is all about:
As I mentioned in my video, “Anything you do will come back tenfold to you.”
So, if you were not a caring, truthful, and considerate romantic partner in a past life, if you were too self-centered, then your karmic scales tipped to the negative side.
Now, in this life, you would be continuing to reap the effects of your past actions and intentions.
Having lived a life of self-centeredness that was lacking in love in a past life, you may now be faced with similarly self-centered and loveless situations today.
Only, it is no longer you, but your partner, who is making you feel the effects of being self-centered and non-affectionate. You are now at the receiving end of the poor relationship.
That is negative karma in action. You needed to learn lessons in sincerely expressing love, and you are doing so, in this life.
Having negative karma doesn’t mean, however, that you will be stuck with it for eternity. Therefore, it doesn’t mean that breaking-up with your partner who is causing you emotional pain is your only resort.
Is your love life in trouble?
If yes, during a psychic reading, it is quite possible to change the course of your love life if negative love karma is behind your relationship woes. You can schedule a psychic reading and go to this page to schedule your reading.
Do you have any experiences to share regarding how you deal with thoughts of breaking-up with your loved one? Let me know in the comments below.
Here are Some Other Suggested Articles for You to Read:
Why Balancing Your Chakras Is Important!
What Is The Meaning Behind Each Color Of Your Aura?
Understand Your Life Lessons, Avoid Negative Karma
What is Karma and How Does It Work?
What Everyone Should Know About Past Life Readings
I’ve already told my sad story. Twice I believe. I suspected potential karmic implications, however this is not sufficiently justified. If you’ve wrong a person where they do so in return in the name of “karma” or because of karmic implication, or even if it was someone else entirely, they have now committed a negative act themselves and now they will get their own karmic backlash because of that negative action.
However, there’s apparently a way round this.
Wisdom negates negative karma.
Apparently you can negate negative karma by acknowledging, understanding and learning from your actions. Recently I realized karma is more a teaching mechanic than a policing strategy, thanks to something Wayne Dyre or Gregg Prescott said. Either way, Tana seems to confirm this in both the blog and the video.
“You needed to learn lessons in sincerely expressing love, and you are doing so, in this life.”
” You needed to learn lessons…”
In the video, he said, it punishes bad deeds while rewarding good deeds, essentially referencing that karma is promoting good actions and penalizing negativity. Its trying to mold us into better people, but this still doesn’t answer why. Whether its playing teacher or cop, it doesn’t have an real reason to do so. To help people become better human beings, sure, but again why? On the deepest level, why? For every answer you have for it, just keeping asking “why” and you get my point.
Also I want to know how to unblocked potential chakra blockages. Most anyone tells me is meditate and focus on the chakras. Kinda need something specific, and simple. Pretty sure its more than “think of chakras and you’re good to go.”