Precognitive Dreams And How to RecognizeThem

What are your dreams like? Do you remember most of your dreams? Are you curious about what they mean? Do you wonder if any of your dreams are precognitive?
Precognition is having a psychic vision, sense, knowing, or dream about a person, place, or thing, before it actually happens.
Since ancient times, the belief in dreams as a form of precognition has been popular. Dreams were seen as a way through which entities in the Spirit World communicated with humans.
This is why in ancient times there was a strong paranormal element as far as dreams were concerned. They were supposed to provide information about things that were far away from the one dreaming, as well as provide knowledge about the future.
However, that idea doesn’t hold true all the time, because not all dreams are precognitive.
Are All Dreams Precognitive?
It’s now commonly understood not all dreams have an ESP (extra-sensory perception) element to them.
Most dreams are simply the results of how your mind is processing the experiences you had while you were awake. This is the reason some dreams seem to be surreal. In the dream state, logic often doesn’t hold because your thoughts are being filtered by your mind. Yet, that doesn’t mean there is no such thing as a precognitive dream.
It’s just that it can be puzzling, or even difficult for some, to understand which of their dreams are simply ordinary dreams, and which dreams are actually moments of precognition happening in the dream state.
Some people believe there are nights when they don’t dream, believing they had such an exhausting day, that they are too tired to even dream. However, research shows that everyone dreams.
Clearly then, dreams can serve several purposes. Two of the chief purposes are to help us process our experiences, and to allow us to receive messages from the Spirit World.
Are Your Dreams Precognitive or Not?

Not all dreams are precognitive, but neither are all dreams realistic. Sometimes, dreams are even surreal.
During a psychic reading, a client asked me what his dreams meant. He explained to me how the kind of dreams he had were bothering him, even during his waking hours.
He told me he kept dreaming of alligators that were chasing him through the mud in a swamp. And when he would wake up, even though the dream in itself seemed scary, he wasn’t scared at all. In fact, he woke with a sense of peace because he was always able to evade the alligators, even though they moved very fast.
However, even with such a pleasant outcome, he was still deeply worried. He said that he was scared his dream was a premonition of some kind.
I was curious about this, and asked him what he meant.
He said he didn’t want to have a “death by alligator” experience in the future. His worry was based on what some of his relatives had told him. They had told him what happens in dreams are often symbolic of what would happen in real life.
In other words, he believed there could come a time when he would be in a swamp, alligators would chase him, they’d catch him, and it would be the end of him.
To set his mind and emotions at ease, I explained that dreams are rarely literal.
In fact, even dreams about the most ordinary things in life that are partnered with an unusual element, such as brushing your teeth with coal, do not really need to be seen as an actual event that will happen.
As I mentioned earlier, while in the dream state, your mind is busy processing your thoughts and experiences.
In my client’s case, he did not have any previous experience with alligators at all, but as we talked, it became clear why he often had dreams about them.
It was because in his place of work, he had supervisors whom he felt were always “going after him” about one thing or another. He intensely believed and felt they wanted to bring him down, so that he would simply resign out of desperation.
Fortunately, he had been able to move past his bad experiences with his supervisors and concentrate on working hard. As a result, their company had rewarded him in the form of bonuses and additional paid leave.
In the end, he was able to understand that in his dream, his mind turned his supervisors into alligators, since both were fierce, and both were after him.
He was so relieved it wasn’t a precognitive dream, after all.
It was clear to me his dreams were not giving him a peek into a dangerous future event that he would be involved in, because his dreams didn’t have the signs of precognitive dreams.
Signs of a Precognitive Dream

There are signs to let you know your dreams are precogntive. Not all of the signs need to be present, but if at least two of them are, you may be experiencing precognition through your dream.
For a dream to be considered precognitive, several signs need to be present.
Not all of these signs need to be present at once, but if at least two of these are, then your dream could be a precognition of something that is going to happen.
- Your dream is about others. Your dream shows you what is happening to them or what will happen to them.A precognitive dream is rarely about you.
- Your dream agitates you as you are sleeping, and even after waking up. You find it hard to distract your mind. When awake, your thoughts keep going back to your dream.
- You distinctly remember sensory elements of your dream. For example, if you heard a voice saying something clearly in your dream, when you awake, you will still hear that voice in your head. Or the colors you saw in your dream are as vivid while dreaming, and when you are awake.
- The details of your dream stand out in your mind. Unlike normal or regular dreams, the details of precognitive dreams remain in stark recall.
- There is a sense of urgency associated with the dream. This feeling of urgency is something that you start to experience immediately after waking up.
Should You Be Scared of Your Precognitive Dreams?
Most people tend to be unnerved by a precognitive dream, especially if it involves bad news.
For example, if someone were to dream about an accident involving an officemate, then the sense of unease would be extremely strong. So strong, in fact, that the dreamer may choose to repress or push the dream down in their mind, until they forgot all about it, only to remember it again when the dream actually happens, sometime in the future.
There is no need to be scared of your precognitive dreams.
Instead, you should be thankful for them, because the Spirit World has given you a chance to be of help to others.
While you shouldn’t ignore your precognitive dreams, there is no need to be scared of them either, even if they involve some negativity.
If you pay attention to your precognition, and act on it appropriately, you will be thankful that you did.
Would you like to know how to develop precognition, and increase your ability to have precognitive dreams? I can teach you how to do so during a psychic reading. Get in touch with me now by filling out this form.
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The most unpredictable form of premonition. Excuse the ironic choice of words.
Generally, it’s not an at will ability, especially while unconscious. It just happens when appropriate.
From what I’ve seen anyway. Like everything else I say, this is speculative theory based from my research.
When you develop it, it increases the chances of having them, not when you will have them. It is possible to do so but requires significant effort and control.
I’ve tried to develop a theory on possible time travel using precognition in conjunction with astral projection. To not just see it but actually be present (or past, or future) in the event of significance, but for this to be possible, you’d need to master at will precognition. However, this does not mean you can just go back and forth at will. Its limited to a specific event or memory.
Most people generally use it to travel in the here and now, but the possibility is there since they are linked. Both astral projection and precognition are vivid experiences. This would set a strong footing for attempt. Of course you’d just be observing since you’re basically a ghost or in spirit form, but would allow you to extract more information from the event and see beyond the precognitive barriers.
There’s still the astral silver cord though. That would likely be the only thing stopping you since there’s no conceivable connection between your current physical self and your astral self in two different timezones. Temporal projection would require an alternative link to the present and physical. The only way I could see it would be a temporal portal to walk through. That way the cord sticks.
Back to precognitive dreams.
Since premonitions are rarely about you as Tana has described, I can’t come to the same direct conclusion and say that temporal consciousness can be achieved in the same way, especially if you’re not directly present in the event of significance. It would therefore not be possible to shift your consciousness to your future self in that time period. However if you change the timeline leading up to the event, it would render it impossible to do so anyway since you and whoever’s involved may be elsewhere and the EoS would become non existent.
Time travel… Such a headache.
My own dream happened at 13 years of age. At thirty I started to understand what had happen to me. It was both a visual
and physical experience. I’ve opened up to my family but don’t feel others would believe me.
I beg to differ that the dreams are rarely about you. Even when it happens to somebody you know, that still impacts you. Most dreams directly impact you. A dream that doesn’t involve you would be a dream that a celebrity got killed or a major disaster in another country, but people who have those dreams are rare. I had recurring dreams of some of my pets over the years that came true, and yes it happened to them, but it fully happened to me as well. There was no way for me to stop what happened to them, or to make it happen, but when the real life event occurred I was literally walking into my dreams and the intense remorse and pain racked through me even though I had recurring dreams of their deaths months in advance to warn me. One pet died to a great horned owl, I could never have stopped that or made it happen, it killed him at 3pm when they are said to be nocturnal. Yes, it was my pet who died but not me, but that experience directly impacted me. If you study your dreams and recognize your dreams, you will have more dreams and if you pay them heed they will guide you through life far better than any academia or wise man. You just need help in interpreting them or listening to them.