How Your Past Life Actions Can Create Problems In This Life
Reincarnation is the natural process that your soul experiences. Your soul is born multiple times in different bodies.
Past lives are the lifetimes that you have experienced before. These are the lifetimes where you have lived in another body, in another place, and in another moment in time. You may live as a human being with a certain name and family now, but during your past your life, you may have lived as a different person.
Understanding Reincarnation And Past Lives
Reincarnation is the natural process that your soul experiences. Your soul is born multiple times in different bodies. What happens during reincarnation is that when your physical body dies, your soul immediately leaves your physical body, and then travels into the Spirit World.
Your soul then waits until it is born into another body.
The process of your soul transferring from one body to another body over and over again is the reason why we have had lots of past lives before.
How Past Life Karma Can Cause Problems In This Life
We all have our own choice in life. We have control over our body; we have control over what we want to do. But unknown to us, there lies a greater force that governs the laws of our lives, the world, and the Universe – it is called Karma.
Karma is the Universal law which says that every action you do, you think, and you say, will have its own set of reactions. If you do good things, then good things will also happen to you.
On the other hand, if you do bad things, then expect that you’ll experience bad things sooner or later. The life that you have now is the result of your positive or negative karma from your past lives and your present life.
Here are a few examples to help you understand how your past life karma causes problems in your current life:
Scenario #1: You are unfortunate when it comes to love, as you have experienced a series of painful heartbreaks, one after the other. Even though you genuinely showed your love and loyalty to your partner, your relationship still ends up being broken. What makes it worse is that this happens over and over again.
Explanation: You may not understand why your misfortune in love happens all the time because you know that you have been a good person all your life. If this is your experience, then most probably, your unsuccessful relationships are caused by your past life karma.
The most probable explanation for your misfortune is that during your past life, you might have been the kind of person who cheated in your relationships.
Scenario #2: You are having a hard time making friends. No matter what you do to make good friends, you still end up being alone. For example, when you were still at school, you were always bullied. And now that you are an adult, you still feel that no one likes you because of your unlikeable personality, even though you are a good person at heart. What makes it worse is you still haven’t experienced being having a friendship, because people you try to become friends with keep ignoring you!
Explanation: it might be that during your past life, you were the kind of person didn’t treat your friends right or who might have abused their kindness, and didn’t treat them with respect. Even when the people around you showed their kindness and admiration to you, you just ignored them. So in this life, the rude behavior that you showed others in your past life is reflected back to you in this one.
Can Karma Be Lessened Or Eliminated?
The life that you have now is the result of your positive or negative karma from your past lives and your present life.
Yes, karma can be lessened and even eliminated. Karma is a Universal law that governs every life form. You can do something about your karma by starting to make the changes in your lifestyle and personally you want to see now. Do not just think about what kind of life you want to have in the next life, instead, do something about it and act on it now.
Here are some of the things you can do to lessen or eliminate negative past life karma:
1. Become Aware Of Your Actions To Create Better Future Karma
Karma is the Universal law that determines what will happen to you in the near or distant future, as well as determines what kind of life you will have in your next life.
From now on, try to do good things as much as possible. And not just do good things, but also think of good thoughts and say good words! Once you start becoming a better person, positive things will surely await you in the future and in your next life.
2. Have A Past Life Reading To See What Caused Your Karma
You can also go to a psychic to have a past life reading. A Past life reading is the process of knowing what your past life was, and what your life was like in your previous lives. With the help of Past Life reading, you can understand better why you are experiencing certain things in your life. You will then able to answer questions like, “Why am I born to this family?”, “Why am I not born rich?”, or “Why was I born in this place?”
Carry Certain Crystals To Help Lessen Your Karma
Carrying certain crystal with you also helps you to lessen the negative karma you might accumulate because these crystals give off an aura that affects your karma. This aura that is given off by the crystal is an energy field that has an effect on your karma. You can carry a piece of Flint if you want to cleanse your soul and remove the negative energies around your body.
You can also carry a Chrysotile to lessen your karma, because Chrysotile enables you to enter a different timeline, wherein you can go to the past, to the future, or another universe that has its own timeline of events. You can use your experience for entering different timelines to know what the best thing is to do.
Speak With A Well Known Psychic Who Can Help You In Lessening Or Eliminating Your Karma
Perhaps one of the best things to do is to speak with a well-known psychic, if you want to lessen or eliminate your negative karma. However, you should be sure the psychic you are going to choose is a legitimate one, who has a proven track record of accurate and precise predictions, and have proven to have helped others by making his or her client’s life better and more meaningful.
Final Thoughts On How Karma Affects Your Current Life
You can do something about your karma by starting to make the changes in your lifestyle and personally you want to see now. Do not just think about what kind of life you want to have in the next life, instead, do something about it and act on it now.
Karma is a very powerful force that rules and governs the Universe. Karma controls our destiny, which is why we should always see to it that the actions, the thoughts, and the words that are coming out of our mouths are positive.
If we want good things to happen in our current life, then let us work towards becoming better people.
If we want to live a happy and bountiful life in our next lifetime, then we should start the change that we want to see and change for the better.
Get rid of your bad attitudes, learn to be more kind, to be more generous, and to be more respectful; and surely, you’ll gain the respect of other people surrounding you, while you live a happy and bountiful life.
If you suspect your are having problems in this life related to karma from a past life, the you may want to consider having a Past Life reading. You can schedule this reading by clicking here!
Have you ever experienced something related to past life karma? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.
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I came up with a theory that karma could be manipulated based on the idea that everything is based on perspective, though it’s a bit sketchy since it requires you to try to see it from all angles. And no, I’m not saying this as a way to get away with negative acts. That would go against, both the way of light and neutrality – even though neutrality isn’t really a practice. The topic of spiritual neutrality itself is an ironic grey area. In some ways it can be seen as part light and dark but isn’t inherently either, but it gets more complicated the more you delve into it.
In a previous comment, I mentioned catalyst beings and spiritual catalysts that to some degree follow this idea. Mainly because they challenge the standardised concepts, ideals and perceptions of how “Light” and “dark” and positive and negative function. Even if you have full insight and understanding of why it is, it can still leave you questioning it, and the answers you get from that you start questioning as well.
Some might ask “why are you questioning it when the answer is clear and honest from the highest source?” but if you decide to just not question or stop questioning things then what’s the point in the first place? Spirituality and “light SEEKING” centres around this. If you were one of those people who began questioning the day to day and the why’s and hows of why things are as they are and basically you started down the road of esoteric curiosity and ended up finding spiritual (or any) answers that make sense then you may or may not fall into complacency.
To explain this properly, I have my own scenario:
You live a normal mundane life and have mundane job etc and you want to find a meaning or purpose in life. You eventually stumble onto spiritual information that can propose a meaningful answer that you resonate to. Could be anything, but it answers the questions you’ve been seeking.
But you see it’s the fact that you questioned it in the first place, and if you were just to stop because you got your answer, then well sure, but there’s still more to it. It just peels back more and more layers. If you stopped questioning now then why question it in the beginning? It’s about finding the reason for the reason, like with karma.
“Oh this happened because you did this and the reason why you got this is because the universe reacts to your actions because of karma because it’s a spiritual law because it’s part of the law of attraction because… etc.”
Karma being a mechanic of cause and effect is a pretty rudimentary answer. This doesn’t necessarily question it’s legitimacy, but delves more into the core of why, the purpose, the reason, etc.
A lot of spirituals get a lot of flak for questioning or rejecting the standardised spiritual ideals by people who say “they’re in resistance.” Curiosity isn’t resistance. You don’t have to be against something to question it or it’s concepts. If you ask “why are you questioning it?” or “Why do you need to question it?” Then you are doing exactly what you’re curious to the answer for. Questioning the motives why they’re questioning the ideals and concepts.
Sometimes I think my mind was purposely suppressed so I wouldn’t question anything because I might know to much and start to question things, but that could be unintentional arrogance, and what would be the reason for doing so, or not doing so etc? I just say this because Sometimes I get on a thought train and it’s abruptly cut off or I have a solid idea, concept or solution but it starts to strain and fizzle away the deeper I delve into it. Then again, my human brain may just not be able to keep up with it as the higher self would be able to.
As I was saying originally, karma has the potential to be manipulated according to the assumption that perception being one of, if not the core assets in how karma works. At it’s basic concept, (though is not really this simple) it kind of involves tricking yourself into thinking you’re doing an action that is seen as a positive or negative deed but could in fact be the reverse or a different part of the same positive or negative spectrum that the perspective action was in.
However, a statement like this would be claiming you could outsmart the universe. Well, nope! Objectively that’s impossible (sort of) because it can find a way to figure it out.
So then how? Like I said, it’s dependant on perception or perspective (theoretically). For example:
“From now on, try to do good things as much as possible. And not just do good things, but also think of good thoughts and say good words! Once you start becoming a better person, positive things will surely await you in the future and in your next life.”
First we have to understand how we define a positive or negative perception, since duality itself is a concept of perspective. I.e. what makes an action, thought, deed etc “good” or “bad.” As I said, it’s kind of tricking you into thinking you’re doing an action that’s different to the perspective reality. The hardest part is not being aware that you’re doing it deliberately so it’s not recognised as a deliberate action of good or bad. You could say “well in a past life we did things that we forgot about in this life but karma still got to us.” Yes but this is kinda different in a way. With normal actions, even if you weren’t spiritually aware you were likely still morally aware of the the potential outcomes.
Karma won’t bite you for attempting manipulation or mind control or forcing your will since you’re only doing it on yourself by your own free will, but then again, if you willingly did it, you’d subsequently even subconsciously, be aware this is an action you are doing, so I guess the only way is to make your own mind not willingly want to do it? I don’t know. I mean the universe is doing this exact thing to us every day by forcing it’s will of “universal laws” on us, which then goes back to why catalyst beings exist but that’s a whole other topic.
The easiest example I can think of is for example, and this is for contextual purposes only, if you willingly help a bank robber rob a bank but think you’re doing it for good reasons and believe you’re helping someone to be kind when in reality you’re actually in on it but you’ve tricked yourself into thinking differently or to forget or mind control yourself etc into doing it. Karma could still get to you for attempting to get away with the repercussions by not taking responsibility for it and permanently remain ignorant to the true intentions etc, but then that still further questions the concept of how perception works.
There was something else I was going to save for a more focused topic on this subject so I could prepare a more thorough comment on it if Tana ever did a focused blog in this.
“Perhaps one of the best things to do is to speak with a well-known psychic, if you want to lessen or eliminate your negative karma. However, you should be sure the psychic you are going to choose is a legitimate one, who has a proven track record of accurate and precise predictions, and have proven to have helped others by making his or her client’s life better and more meaningful.”
People tend to focus on a psychic’s ability(ies) legitimacy, whether they’re scammers, shams, cons etc but that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Scepticism is one thing but people are focusing on the entirely wrong area. It’s not whether a psychic has “proven their abilities” it’s more-so HOW they operate as a psychic instead of IF they can operate as one. It shouldn’t be about whether their abilities should be in question.
For example:
Will they try to buy-bait you?
Will they put certain stipulations?
This is common with fake psychics and scammers but I’ve seen this done with legitimate psychics as well to try to make themselves sound better than they really are or jsut to rack in some extra cash. This has nothing to do with their abilities and if they’re real or not, it’s assessing how psychics play the game, so to speak. I may comment on this further but this isn’t the right topic to do so.
I’ve been listening to Pastor Joel Olsteen’s sermons on the radio. They are incredibly uplifting. And, his words are entirely consistent with Tana’s recommendations on striving to be a good person. Wise thinking, wise words.