How Telepathy Can Bring Success To Your Life
Telepathy, or mind-to-mind communication, has been used since the dawn of civilization and our ancestors knew how to use it well.
We are now at an age where psychic abilities, most especially telepathy, are being explored by big industries for their potential use in many applications.
Earlier this year, Silicon Valley billionaires revealed their plans to implant tiny brain electrodes for telepathy, faster communication, and medical uses.
Telepathy is not a new ability and has been throughout human history.
Even Facebook’s secretive hardware division, Facebook Building 8, is developing silent-speech communication technologies, which will allow its users to type thoughts directly from their brains at 100 words per minute.
While all this is marvelous news, what most people fail to realize is that telepathy is not a new ability.
Here’s a brief exploration of telepathy over the course of human history:
2000 BC
- The oldest surviving dream book written on an Egyptian papyrus features several examples of dream revelation.
- Egyptians practiced communication with other people through dreams.
- King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream is a great example of telepathic influence. The king awoke one morning, troubled by a dream, which foretold something about the future, but he couldn’t remember the details.
Desperate to remember his dream, King Nebuchadnezzar turned to Daniel, who is a known interpreter of dreams and receiver of prophetic visions. Daniel asked for divine providence and Nebuchadnezzar’s dream was revealed to him.
Daniel described the dream to Nebuchadnezzar and the king immediately recognized it to be the dream he had forgotten.
1500 – 1000 BC
- Most Greeks believed in having divine message dreams, which had to be interpreted by mystic seers.
460 – 370 BC
- Ancient Greek Philosopher Democritus created theories to explain telepathy. Democritus believed that the images projected by a person, when emotionally charged, could be sent to a dreamer.
384 – 322 BC
- Another famous Greek philosopher, Aristotle, compared telepathy to the ripple of waves on the water. The waves, he said, were similar to the thoughts sent out by the sender to the receiver
- This year marked the return of telepathy in contemporary society. The following years saw an increase in the practice and research of telepathy. Not just by spiritual people, but by people in the scientific and medical fields as well.
It’s amazing when even in this time and age where most individuals are seemingly obsessed with gadgets and the internet, people are once again recognizing the great power that lies within the human mind.
An important thing to remember is you don’t need to have a multi-million corporation to make use telepathy. In the next part of this article, I will show you how you can use telepathy to improve your success.
How Telepathy Be Used To Bring You Success
One way you can use telepathy to bring success to your life by influencing another person.
There are dozens of ways you can use telepathy, but we’ll focus on the ones, which can help bring success to your life. You can use telepathy in 3 ways:
- Remote Viewing Or Receiving
This is the telepathic process where you receive information from a person in the form of mental images, words, or emotions.
Ways you can use remote viewing at work, for business, or for investments?
- Use remote viewing to understand your boss’ expectations so you can do a better job
- Use remote viewing to determine the right moment to enter or exit an investment
- Use remote viewing to know when to switch to another investment
- Use remote viewing to know what is the safest and most appropriate investment
Remote Viewing Exercise
Here’s a remote viewing exercise to hone your telepathic abilities so that you can receive information from other people:
- Find a quiet place where you can meditate without interruption.
- Sit down comfortably with both feet flat on the floor and with your back straight.
- Take 3 deep breaths and close your eyes.
- Inhale, then visualize your finger touching the forehead of the person you want to connect with.
- Exhale while visualizing yourself lifting your finger from the person’s forehead.
- As you are lifting your finger from the person’s forehead, imagine a white cord coming out of the person’s head and attaching itself to your finger.
- With the white cord still attached to your fingertip, bring it to your forehead.
- Imagine the information being relayed to you through the white cord.
- It may take at least 15 minutes for the information to reach you.
- Open your eyes and stretch your body.
- Write down all images or feelings that you have seen during the exercise.
- Remote Influencing
This is the telepathic ability to project your own thoughts, feelings, and desires, in order to influence another person.
How you can use remote influencing at work, for business or for investments:
- Use remote influencing to establish rapport and convince bosses you are the employee they need.
- Use remote influencing to get a promotion or a raise
- Use remote influencing to get more customers and increase sales
- Use remote influencing to boost your employees’ performance and to increase production
- Use remote influencing to implement your ideas and influence others
- Use remote influencing to get you the best deals when investing
Remote Influencing Exercise
This remote influencing exercise will help you strengthen your intent to influence other people and send your thoughts faster:
- Find a quiet place where you can meditate without interruption.
- Sit down comfortably with both feet flat on the floor and with your back straight.
- Take 3 deep breaths and close your eyes.
- Inhale as you focus on your forehead.
- Visualize a white cord coming out of your forehead.
- As you visualize the white cord, focus on how you want to influence the person who will receive your message.
- Take a deep breath and guide the cord towards the other person.
- Take 3 breaths – imagine that with each deep breath, the white cord is getting nearer to the other person.
- Exhale and visualize the white cord coming from you has been attached to the person’s forehead.
- Visualize the information being relayed to the person through the white cord
- It may take at least 15 minutes for you to send your influence.
- Open your eyes and stretch your body.
- Write down all images or feelings that you have encountered during the exercise.
- Remote broadcasting
This is the telepathic ability to project your own thoughts, feelings, and desires, to a number of persons or a group.
How you can use remote broadcast at work, for business, or for investments:
- Use remote broadcasting to draw more customers or clients to you
- Use remote broadcasting to pique customers or clients’ interests in your products
- Use remote broadcasting to improve the mood of the customers or clients in your store or office
You should use telepathic skills in a positive way and not take advantage of other people.
Remote Broadcasting Exercise
Practice this remote broadcasting exercise before opening the store, making a client presentation, or talking to a group of investors. You can do this exercise while standing or sitting:
- Take 3 deep breaths and close your eyes.
- Inhale and focus on your forehead.
- Visualize what you want to send out.
- Focus on the image or the message in your mind.
- Imagine that a white energy is slowly emanating from your body.
- Visualize that the message that you want to send out is embedded within this white energy.
- Imagine a strong burst of white energy flowing from you and into your intended audience.
- Visualize that your intended audience has received the message.
You can use remote influencing, viewing, and broadcasting, in the workplace or for business, in even infinitely more ways than were discussed here.
Just keep in mind these telepathic skills should always be used in a positive way and never to use it to trick or dupe other people.
Your Next Step
If you feel like you’ve been practicing telepathy for success but you still need more guidance, I’ll be happy to help. You can also contact me if you think you’re being remotely influenced or remotely viewed by another person, and you‘d like to protect yourself.
There are several different types of sessions to help you with telepathy, depending on what you need, want, or are trying to accomplish.
To get more information about these sessions, you can contact me by calling my office at 614444-6334 or by clicking here and filling out the form on my Psychic Reading Page.
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