How To Open Your Third Eye Easily – by Tana Hoy
Your third eye, also known as the inner eye, refers to the ajna, also known as the brow chakra. Your brow chakra is also the gate that leads within, to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. The third eye can also symbolize a state of enlightenment.
Your third eye is often associated with visions, clairvoyance, precognition, and out-of-body experiences, and people who have developed the capacity to utilize their third eye, are sometimes known as seers.
How To Open Your Third Eye:
This exercise only needs to be done for three consecutive days, and the results are permanent. A special mantra is used, and this is done with a specific tone and chant.
The mantra to be used is “Thoh,” pronounced “TOE”. This mantra helps to align you with the correct vibration for opening up your third eye.
• First, sit up right with your back straight.
• Take a deep breath in through your nose, and hold your breath for as long as is comfortable for you.
• Then open your mouth so there is a small space between your top and bottom teeth.
• Place the tip of your tongue between the space of your slightly parted teeth, placing very light pressure onto your tongue with your teeth, the same as if you are saying the “TH” part of the English word “the.”
• Once your tongue is in position, release your breath slowly through your mouth, saying the mantra T-H-H-O-H-H in one long exhale.
• Say the word one time per exhale, as you feel your tongue vibrating between your teeth.
If this technique is done properly, you will feel a pressure or sensation in your jaw and cheeks. This sensation will also vibrate in your Third Eye. It may take a few seconds to adjust to these feelings or sensations, but don’t worry, they will pass soon.
In order for it to be effective, do the above exercise 5 times in a row.
It is also important to do the above exercise for 3 consecutive days, 24 hours apart. Then you will experience all the benefits of having an open Third Eye.
The Psychic Benefits Of Having An Open Third Eye
The following are the results and effects that you can expect from doing the third eye exercise. You may experience any or all of these effects to varying degrees.
• You will have faster, easier learning and retention
• You’ll experience an increase in your intuition
• You will have Increased creativity
• Your psychic gifts will develop and become stronger, along with a more developed ability to see, or sense human auras
• Your clairvoyance (psychic vision) will open up
• Your clairaudience (psychic hearing) will open up
• Your clairsentience (psychic feeling/touching) will open up
This is a very powerful exercise, and as with all powerful practices, your body may go through adjustments in order to adapt. But after these adjustments, you will reap all the benefits of having an opened Third Eye.
The effects of having an opened third eye will eventually become permanent, and will greatly assist you in meditation, and the development of your other psychic and paranormal senses.
Thanks Tana! I’m definitely going to try this!!!!
do you have to think at a certain spot of the forehead or the entire forehead
I have chant several tymes bt my thrid eye ? is nt opening