How Do I Meditate? FAQs About Meditation – by Tana Hoy

Meditation is a process that allows you to experience peace and calm by quieting the thoughts running through your mind. The purpose of meditation is to clear your mind, so you can experience emotional and physical wellness.

There are many benefits when doing meditation on a regular basis. Plus, the effects of meditation are all scientifically proven.

Here are some of the benefits of meditation:

Strengthened Immunity

The immediate effect of meditation is relaxation. A study conducted at Ohio State University revealed that daily progressive muscular relaxation decreased the risk of breast cancer recurrence.

Meditation also strengthened the immunity of recovering cancer patients. Plus, relaxation increased the production of natural killer cells in the elderly, making their bodies highly resistant to viruses and tumors.

Healthy Emotional Well-Being

Meditation helps release fears, and stop self-destructive behaviors you are prone to do. When your emotionally-charged memories are cleansed, your responses to people, events, and situations, will start to come from love, and not from a place of negative emotion.

Better Fertility

According to a study made at the University of Western Australia, women who meditated showed a high likelihood of conceiving when they are relaxed.

Meanwhile, Turkey’s Trakya University discovered that stress can decrease a man’s sperm count, while relaxation increased it.

Different Types Of Meditation

The following are different types of meditation you can use according to your needs and preferences. Feel free to combine the various types, or use only one.

Mindfulness Meditation

The Mindfulness Meditation requires you to be a detached observer by allowing your mind to run free. If you see any thoughts come up, all you have to do is look at them the way you would watch a movie screen. If you feel any emotions come up, look at them too.

This meditation forces you to stay present by not forcing any thoughts or emotions to go away. You simply have to watch and observe. Regular practice of mindfulness meditation can produce feelings of peace and calmness.

Sitting Meditation

This meditation requires you to sit in a comfortable position, then close your eyes and feel any sensations in your body. If you notice feelings, thoughts, or sounds, let them arrive and leave, and you will find yourself feeling relaxed and still.

Heart Rhythm Meditation

This meditation focuses on your breath, and the beating of your heart. Touch your chest and feel the rhythm of your heart. Directing attention on your heart keeps your breath focused and more powerful.

Then, feel your breath pulse through different parts of your body. The Heart Rhythm Meditation helps you experience balance and more energy.

Useful Meditation Techniques

If you find it difficult to be in a meditative mood, feel free to try these meditation techniques.

Have A Meditation Room Or Space

Choose a room or space in your in your house to meditate. This allows your mind to instantly tune into a meditative stance, once you enter your meditation space.

Make sure this space is not the same room you do your regular activities, such as sleeping, working, or exercising.

Read Books On Meditation

Reading up on meditation can help condition your mind to be open to doing meditation. It can also help you to stay inspired and motivated.

Become Aware And Present

You don’t need to sit, lie down, or be in one place in order to meditate. You can be walking to your car and “become present” by focusing on your breath, or feeling the texture of the car keys on your hand.

Regular Practice Is The Key

Regularly practicing meditation at least once a week can have positive effects on your mind and body, and having a regular meditation regimen will allow you to experience its beneficial effects on a daily basis.

So try it for a few weeks and see what happens. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain!


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