Psychic Energy Report For 1-9-14 (Earthquake Energy) – by Tana Hoy
With 2014 finally here, what is the energy of the New Year going to be like? Read below to find out what to expect!
Here Is Today’s Psychic Energy Report:
The psychic energy today is going to be like an earthquake! As a matter of fact, energy days like today are when earthquakes usually happen around the world!
Earthquake energy is an energy that really shakes things up. On days like today, everything literally gets turned upside down, on top of it’s head!
Expect plans, commitments, engagements, to be shaken up, and either they will fall through, or they will get turned upside down! Today is also not a good day to take things seriously that are related to making plans, commitments, or engagements.
The worst day of the year to get engaged, get married, or make any kind of romantic commitment!
Good to know. I feel rather focused today.
hi tana,
I’ve been away for a while, but I’m back, wiser and older.