5 Ways To Know if You’re An Old Soul
People sometimes, use the term “old soul” when referring to babies, toddlers, and children. What does it mean? Do our souls really age?
“You’re an old soul!” Has someone ever told you this before? Sometimes, people even use the term “old soul” when referring to babies, toddlers, and children. What does it mean?
Do our souls really age?
Reincarnation and Your Spiritual Journey
Before we are reborn as humans, we already planned the journey that we will make. Our souls teamed up with our Master Teachers to create our life blueprint.
When we are born, we learn that we have free will. Thus, we create our own lives through the decisions we make. These life decisions create causes and effects.
When we live in this world, our thoughts, actions, and deeds have equal and opposite reactions – that’s what they call karma. However, one lifetime isn’t enough to pay off our karma and to fulfill our life’s blueprint. Thus, it takes hundreds of lifetimes for us to burn off all our karmic debt and to live the life we planned.
So, what is an old soul?
Often times, we hear the word “old soul”. To some people, they believe that old souls are those young people who prefer classic, vintage style, music, and fashion. However, being an old soul is more than just that.
In terms of reincarnation and spiritual journey, an old soul is someone who’s had hundreds of lifetimes here on the earth plane. So he or she has been born here hundreds of times before this lifetime.
In terms of reincarnation and spiritual journey, an old soul is someone who’s had hundreds of lifetimes here on the earth plane. So he or she has been born here hundreds of times before this lifetime.
Five Ways to Know If You’re An Old Soul
Though you can never tell the exact amount of lifetimes you’ve lived, unless you have a Past Life reading, your thoughts, actions, way of living, and character, will tell you if you’re an old soul.
The Old Soul Character
Old souls are known for being more relaxed, patient, and calm.
Old souls are known for being more relaxed, patient, and calm. They are steadfast even in a crisis. They are the ones who usually tell people to “calm down” and “get a grip.” They understand that nothing gets done if they lose their heads and panic. Old souls take responsibility to be the calm force in every situation.
Aside from being calm, old souls are also known to be generous. They love giving their time, money, and even those simple things to their family, friends, and to those who are in need. For them, giving is the purest act of love.
Old souls also love meeting new people. They love sharing stories with people they just met. For them, talking to people adds to their enriching experience of the world.
The Old Soul Choices
Some old souls are fascinated by vintage fashion. They choose classic clothing pieces over today’s trendy fashion items.
People’s choices and preferences usually reflect the age of their soul. For instance, if someone loves classy and old music despite being young, they might have an old soul. Meanwhile, young souls are more into the latest jams, and trendy beats.
Old souls don’t need to be influenced to like classic stuff. They just like it.
They have high respect for old stuff. Old souls love things that other people will find boring, like classic literature.
Old souls have old ears. They love listening to classic songs and prefer them over the latest hits of today’s trending music artists. In fact, some old souls have a huge collection of music!
Aside from music and literature, some old souls are also fascinated by vintage fashion. They choose classic clothing pieces over today’s trendy and stylish fashion items. They love the elegance and sophisticated feel of vintage fashion.
Old souls don’t follow the latest craze and trends. They don’t get their heads around being a tech follower or a style chaser. They also choose “good ’ol books” over eBook readers.
The Old Soul Lifestyle
Old souls appreciate peaceful and calm environments where they get to think and enjoy the beauty of the world.
Though most old souls love meeting people, they also believe that it’s better to be alone than to spend your time dealing with drama. They enjoy life on earth and believe that time is too important for stress.
Old souls appreciate peaceful and calm environments where they get to think and enjoy the beauty of the world.
They are easy going people, but they also value the importance of being productive and using their time efficiently.
Old souls value deep connections and relationships. They always choose quality over quantity. For them, deep friendships and lasting relationships make life worth living.
The Old Soul Way of Thinking
Old souls like to think things through. They often feel uneasy when they give an impulsive answer or decision.
Old souls know that there are always other ways to do things. For instance, when doing a task, old souls do not reject the idea of doing things traditionally.
Even if there are newer and alternative ways to do a certain thing, they still think that the tried and tested ways are still the best. They believe that finding new solutions can work, but can also waste your valuable time and effort.
It’s not surprising that old souls can also give great advice well beyond their years. They seem to know how to do things, even if they haven’t done them yet. Old souls seem to have a natural instinct on how to do things – as if they’ve lived before.
Old souls also like to think things through. They find it really important to make time for them to analyze things before they make decisions. They often feel uneasy when they give an impulsive answer or decision.
The Old Soul Values and Wisdom
Most old souls seek enlightenment and tend to be more sensitive and spiritual in nature.
Old souls love learning. They believe that growth is very important in our lives. They love learning new things about their own personalities and they appreciate learning more about other people as well.
Regardless if they will earn a certificate or a degree, the most important thing for an old soul is to gain knowledge and wisdom.
Another common old soul value is they don’t justify. They don’t like wasting their time and energy explaining themselves to other people about the decisions they made. They just want to move on and continue living.
Most old souls also seek enlightenment and tend to be more sensitive and spiritual in nature.
So there are the 5 ways to know if you are an old soul. If you are an old soul, you’ve already lived many lifetimes. This also means you probably don’t have too many more lifetimes to come back to be reborn again on earth.
If you want to know the age of your soul, a Past Life Reading can tell you not only how many lifetimes you’ve lived, but also who you were in many of your past lives! To schedule a Past Life Reading, please click here and fill out the form on my Psychic Reading page!
You actually mentioned I was likely an old soul in a recent personal email so I went ahead and looked up characteristics of old souls and did a random quiz thing to try to determine exact age and potential amount of past lives. I expected they’d be somewhat inaccurate but I didn’t expect this. Only one gave a numerical estimate which claimed I had near enough 1000 past lives. Tana has a 450 past life count so I doubt I’m anything above that. For now I’m just passing that off, though Tana did explain here that it’s near impossible to know without a past life reading.
This seems simple until you add starseed souls into the mix. For example, as opposed to human specific old souls who don’t care for technology as much, since starseed souls are more familiar with advanced technology, they’d tend to be more avid computer wizzes.
I would then be under this category. Not necessarily as a starseed. I have no idea if I am in that regard. However starseeds do tend to be more introverted and avid with computers and apparently have a higher intelligence. They also feel out of place within human society which definitely resonates to me.
However starseeds are an entirely different story. Most were probably originally human before that anyway. Some people tend to come under the impression they’re all from one place which isn’t actually true.
Then again, since Tana never mentions anything like starseeds, they might even be a falsehood. I mean if there are alien walk-ins I don’t see why they would be. I believe they exist so that’s enough for me until proven otherwise (though I’ll likely ask Tana of their existence during an eventual reading).
I also read somewhere old souls prefer not to have children because that would create drama and karma. I kinda agree cause seeing the big picture the world is not getting better and having our young holding the bag saddens me.