What Is The Meaning Of Karma?
Many people believe that karma is a form of “punishment” for wrong things you may have done, whether in your current life, or during your past life.
What does karma mean to you? You encounter and experience your karma in your daily life, but you are likely not aware of it happening. In fact, many people are not in touch with the karmic experiences in their daily lives.
This is fascinating to me, because “karma” is one of the words often mentioned by many people all over the world.
From the continent of Asia, where the concept of karma has a long and vibrant historical connection among many people, to Australia, Africa, Europe, along with North and South America, karma seems to stand as one of the concepts that is easily understandable to all kinds of people from different regions of the world.
But is the meaning of karma actually understood on a global scale?
The Concept of Karma as “Punishment”
Is there any truth to the belief that reaping karma is the same as being punished, like being thrown in jail?
Many people believe that karma is a form of “punishment” for wrong things you may have done, whether in your current life, or during your past life.
That’s the reason why there are expressions such as “instant karma,” to describe a sudden bad event a person experiences because of negative behavior. There is also the often said joking sentence,“You are my karma,” to describe the “suffering” of one person at the hands of another.
These are far from the truth.
Karma is not about punishment.
Rather, karma is about the Universal Law of Cause and Effect.
Understanding the 7 Universal Laws
To accurately be able to answer the question of “What is the meaning of karma?” you need to have a working knowledge of the 7 Universal Laws.This is mainly because all of the Universal Laws are interconnected, and one of those Universal Laws defines what karma is all about.
The First Universal Law is Mentalism, which means that everything in this physical world has its origins in the mental realm. The essence of this is contained in the sentence “All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.”
But it’s not an ordinary mind, which materializes thoughts into reality. Instead, there is a Universal Mind, or Universal Consciousness, of which your individual mind is a part. You and your mind manifest your reality. It is the same for the minds of others – because everyone manifests their own reality. Yet, all the seemingly unrelated thoughts and manifestations area part of the Universal Consciousness.
The Second Universal Law is Correspondence, the essence of which is contained in the sentence “As above, so below.” What this second universal law means is that whatever happens in the material or physical realm, has a corresponding event in the spiritual and mental realms.
In short, nothing in this world is so unique that it simply pops up by undefined chance. Everything has a meaning, which is why there is deep truth behind the statement “that in order to know the unknown, the secrets of the Universe, you should know yourself first”. If you do not understand what you truly are, who you really are, and what your purpose in life is, then you also will not understand what the Universe is all about.
The Third Universal Law is Vibration, which has to do with energy and frequency. As previously mentioned in some of my previous articles, everything in the universe is made of energy. We are all made of energy, in fact. Your energy, my energy, and everyone else’s energy, has a vibrational frequency. Everyone vibrates. As the third Universal Law states, “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates”
The basis of the Law of Attraction are found in this third Universal Law, because the energy frequency at which you vibrate will attract the exact same kind of energy frequency. Therefore, if your thoughts are good, you will attract and manifest good things in your life.
The Fourth Universal Law is Polarity, and its essence is found in the sentence “”Everything is dual, everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree.” This means that feelings such as love and hate are not really two different things. Instead, they are simply opposites of each other.
That is why it is possible to eventually love someone you hate, someone whom you may even consider as your enemy. The change does not have to do with changing the emotion of hate for the emotion of hate, but rather for moving up from the low vibrational frequency of hate, to the high vibrational frequency of love.
It should be kept in mind that this fourth Universal Law has no effect on the spiritual realm or the Spirit World.Only the mental and physical realms are affected.
At this point, you mind may already be opening to true answer to what is the meaning of karma. I am happy if that is the case, but if you are still striving to understand, don’t worry because there are still three Universal Laws to help you better understand the real meaning of karma.
The Fifth Universal Law is Rhythm, and its essence is found in the sentence “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”
What this Universal Law means, for example, is that there are times when you can experience a period of negativity – when your relationship fails, or when your finances become shaky. However, that negativity is not permanent, because the rhythm of life will eventually turn or reverse the tide, and bring what is positive in your life. This fifth Universal Law asks us to be prepared for changes, to anticipate the rise and flow of events in life.
The Sixth Universal Law is Cause and Effect, and its essence is contained in the sentence, “Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.” This is what karma is all about. This Sixth Universal Law answers the question of “what is the meaning of karma?”
What you need to recognize are the patterns of life to understand karma, or the law of cause and effect. The pattern referred to is how your thoughts, which are energy in the mental realm, can be made to vibrate at such a frequency as to manifest your thoughts into reality.
So, if you keep on thinking of negative thoughts such as “I am unlovable,” then this idea will materialize into reality.
And it’s not just your thoughts. Your words and your actions, which originate from your thoughts, can create or be the cause of any effects you eventually experience.
Therefore, your karma can either be positive (“good karma”) or negative (“bad karma”), depending on what it is that you have thought, said, or done.
The Seventh Universal Law is Gender, and its essence is described in the sentence “Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles.” This means that there are male and female characteristics to befound in everything, and each characteristic is not exclusive to one gender.
In short, there is no such thing as a 100% man, or a 100% woman in nature. Everything in nature that has gender – plants, animals, and people – all of them have a mix of the masculine and the feminine in them. Happiness and acceptance of who you are in creation can be found in yourself, once you acknowledge the existence of two gender principles within you, which allow you to be both loving and firm, thoughtful and emotional, and so on.
Karma and the Universal Laws
All the Universal Laws point out the fact that there is an order in creation established by the Source (God), which is why chaos or disorder is always only temporary.
By understanding all the Universal Laws, you can easily see how karma is present in your everyday life, in ways both big and small.
All the Universal Laws point out the fact that there is an order in creation established by the Source (God), which is why chaos or disorder is always only temporary. This truth is apparent in all that makes up life.
And this is why no one has to fear the so-called “punishment” karma supposedly brings, because such punishment does not exist.
So, if ever you are asked “what is the meaning of karma,” you can say with assurance that at the most essential level, karma is in everyone’s life to restore order and balance.
If you want to understand which parts of your life are most affected by karma, let’s talk about it during a psychic reading. You can schedule your reading through this form.
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This answered a lot of questions, not just about karma but about creation itself. However I have a habit of asking “why?” to everything. Everything has a reason to be but what about when you reach a point there are no answers?
For example:
Q – “Why is that chair blue?”
A – ” Because it was made like that.”
Q – “Why was it made like that?”
A – “Because it was part of its design.”
Q – “Why was it designed like that?”
A – “Because it was / It just is.”
Essentially I’m just saying that ‘any’ answer I have I’ll tend to ask the reason for its reason right down to source level, where I can’t get any more answers.
Q – “Why do we exist?”
A – “To develop, learn and grow.”
Q – “What is the purpose of this? Why not have this knowledge already?”
A – “It is not just knowledge, it is also experience.”
Q – “But why not just have immediate omnificence?” (Not omnipotence)
A – “You must learn how to use it correctly and for the right reasons. If we are born with everything inherited, we do not grow and develop as existing beings.”
You get the idea but for me, this will go on until I have a definitive answer, not just “it was just made/meant to be this way” or “it just is.” Everything happens for a reason, I’m just not satisfied with a loose end answer, but this has helped me along my road to discovery.
“You will not be able to comprehend it” or “you are not yet ready” is no excuse either. If we are not able or allowed to understand, then why not? Why on a fundamental level are we held back? As said, why not allow us to understand? What is the purpose of learning if the infinite knowledge is within our grasp? This is not from a point of view of ignorance, this is from a point of view that questions everything.
This is the kind of thing I ask myself and source and have done so for a long time, usually getting frustrated when I can’t find an answer. Sometimes I wish I didn’t know because then I wouldn’t be asking so many questions that ends up with me being stuck in a repetitive cycle.
Sometimes overthinking keeps us stuck 🙂
I so appreciate your readings and your guidance on all this.. its so amazing to learn from this..Thank you
Great article Tana! How about writing something like this about Dharma as well?