5 Mystical Factors to Consider Before Deciding To Break-up – Part 1
Many break-ups happen because of reasons or factors unseen. The causes of many parting of ways are not necessarily bound to the material plane. Mystical factors can affect your love life negatively.
How’s you love life? Is it going smoothly? Or maybe you are fed-up with the way your relationship is going and are considering breaking-up with your partner? If the second option applies to you,think again, because in this article I’ll show you there are mystical factors you need to consider about when to break-up, to be sure you’ll be making the correct decision.
When you have become aware of these 5 mystical factors, I recommend you get a psychic reading to find out which factor applies the most to your situation. Doing so will enable you to get the answers you need as to whether you truly have to go through a break-up… or not.
Two of the Most Common Non-Mystical Factors Leading to Break-ups
Do you believe that break-ups are mainly caused by misunderstandings between partners over matters such as the handling of their finances?
Money handling problems, cheating, loneliness in a relationship, and inability to communicate properly are love problems specifically rooted in material things.
Or break-ups are the result of things as varied as a cheating personality, indifference. or the absence of emotional intimacy, and the lack of time to nurture a relationship?
Sometimes, those reasons are valid. But not all the time.
In fact, I’d even go as far as to say many break-ups happen because of reasons or factors unseen.
What I mean is, the causes of many parting of ways are not necessarily bound to the material plane.
For example, arguments over money and how you and your partner want to handle it are your main relationship irritants rooted in this material existence.
The same goes with cheating. Many instances of a strained relationship are due to an easily distracted and wandering eye. Or even a heart in so much pain because of loneliness, to the point that cheating becomes a tempting solution to drive away the pain.
Being attracted to physical qualities in others, qualities your partner may not have, are things dependent on what is material.
It is also true for loneliness. Being left alone, or feeling alone even when you are with your partner, is often based on a strong material need to experience affectionate companionship.
My clients commonly express money handling problems and loneliness to me during a psychic reading. These clients want to find a solution to their love problems, which are specifically rooted in material things.
But sometimes,they are not really wondering when to break-up or if even they should do so. Instead, they have actually already made up their minds about breaking-up and are simply seeking validation from me.
The thing is, I am able to sense when it is necessary for a client to break-up and move on, or stay in the relationship because matters are going to change for the better.
I’m going to present in this article what I’m referring to, in terms of sensing mystical factors that could be affecting your love life.
You need to know these factors so you can take the correct steps regarding your relationship
Mystical Factor # 1 – Psychic Energy Fluctuations
Sometimes, the psychic energy is positive towards romance, being highly supportive of tenderness and other expressions of love. However, there are also days when the psychic energy can negatively affect relationships.
Two people who are in a relationship go through peaks and valleys in their romance. Although it is interesting and even exciting to imagine a relationship perpetually charged with thrilling romantic currents, it’s not always going to be the case.
Experiencing ups and downs is part of being human.And psychic energy can be the cause of such ups and downs.
As you know, in my Psychic Energy Reports, I inform you what the psychic energy will be like for a given day.
For example, here’s an excerpt from a past Psychic Energy Report that I shared with you:
The psychic energy today is going to be like the ocean – it will come in ebbs and flows.
Expect emotions, people, and pets, to be in an up-and-down fluctuation. This is not a good time to take other people on their words, because what is said today will be forgotten tomorrow!
Beware of any romantic promises that are made today. They will not be kept or even remembered over the next few days.
Sometimes, the psychic energy is positive towards romance, being highly supportive of tenderness and other expressions of love. On such days, your partner will definitely welcome your romantic actions.
However, there are also days when the psychic energy can negatively affect relationships. What your partner may see as charming or romantic on a “good day” can suddenly be regarded as annoying or invasive of privacy on a “bad day.”
As I mentioned earlier, during a psychic reading I can sense if the fluctuations in your relationship are being caused by non-supportive psychic energy.
When you are have become aware of such psychic energy fluctuations, you can make a more informed decision about what to do, or when to break-up, if needed.
Mystical Factor # 2 – Soulmate Pull
In your relationship, if you have ever felt your partner wasn’t right for you, but you couldn’t describe or pinpoint the reason, then you may be experiencing a “soulmate pull.”
If you have ever felt your partner wasn’t right for you, but you couldn’t describe or pinpoint the reason, then you may be experiencing a “soulmate pull.” Some deep part of you may be yearning to break free, and you may find yourself strangely attracted to someone else!
It is quite possible for you to think, or even hope, that your present partner is actually your soulmate. Which is why you don’t want to let go, yet feel compelled to do so, just the same.
Some deep part of you may be yearning to break free, and you may find yourself strangely attracted to someone else!
This is possibly a soulmate pull happening. Here’s a brief description of what undergoing a soulmate pull is like in a previous article titled Real Psychic Guidance On Finding Your Soulmate:
When two people that are soulmates meet, there is a strong magnetic attraction felt by both of them. This magnetic attraction pulls the two of them together in a very strong vibrational way. This magnetic pull is the first sign that somebody is your soulmate.
There shouldn’t be a problem with a soulmate pull if you are single and available. But if you are already in a relationship, especially a long-time one, you could feel as if you are in the middle of a tug-of-war.
This tension within you can be maddening, and can result in your becoming short-tempered with your partner, as if you were trying to drive him or her away.
If your partner takes your “moodiness” in stride and is the one who breaks up with you, well and good. It means you can be free to find or connect with your soulmate.
However, what if your partner wants to give your relationship another chance… and another… and another? Will you be willing to go along, or will you give in instead to the pull of your soulmate reaching out for you?
Through a psychic reading, you and I can find out if a soulmate pull is behind your tense relationship.
I can also give you the answer you need, as to whether to make up or break-up with your partner, or the optimal time for you regarding when to break-up. You can book your psychic reading here.
How do you feel about these first two mystical factors? Do either of them resonate with you? Let me know in the comments below.
Reminder: there will be a second part to this article, together with the other three mystical factors, so watch out for it!
In the meantime…
Here are Some Other Suggested Articles for You to Read:
The 10 Early Warning Signs Of A Relationship That’s About To End (Part 1)
The 10 Early Warning Signs Of A Relationship That’s About To End (Part 2)
The Difference Between A Soulmate And A Twin Flame
Which of These Love Problems Do You Want to Delete From Your Life?
How to Stop Making Bad Love Choices
Even love can cause negativity it seems, and I don’t mean the usual. People can legitimately get hurt all because of soulmate pursuits. Some are effectively abandoned because their partner’s soulmate pull, or even the point of being driven away, cheating, etc. Just seems rather selfish on the part of the one who wants to be with their soulmate.
It may be difficult for them also but then again, its only really our egos being effected. It is that what gives us pain mostly. No wonder many other beings don’t opt for things like marriage or some even prefer multiple simultaneous relationships to counter this. Humans are only offended or hurt when their partner or spouse has a simultaneous relationship with another due to our egos, but it should not be ignored the fact they are being hurt because of the partner’s actions.
It would also appear energy fluctuations have control over especially weak willed or minded people, likely because they are mostly unaware, but appears to still dictate how we think and act. I would not take it too kindly if there was a being/were beings pulling the strings, as it would imply we do not have the majority of control over our thoughts, feelings and actions but is to some degree dictated by them.