How Meditation Helps You Reduce Stress and Spiritually Evolve
Some meditation styles work better, depending on your personality, personal circumstances, and the ultimate goal that you intend to achieve.
Meditation is an ancient practice for achieving the balance of your mind, body, and spirit. Numerous medical practitioners have identified stress as one of the leading causes of imbalance, the kind that can result in various kinds of illnesses that range from the physical to the mental and emotional. That’s why it’s important to know how meditation helps reduce stress and helps you to evolve spiritually.
The Link between Stress and Meditation
During some of my psychic reading sessions, there are clients who tell me that they find their lives to be so stressful. They feel lost.
I describe to them how stress and meditation link to each other, in the sense that when stress is the challenge, meditation is one of the most reliable answers.
When I ask them to describe how a typical day in their life goes, one of the most common responses is that they feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities and challenges they need to face daily. Some of them have also said that they feel trapped, unable to do anything to solve their problem situations. They are afraid of what they feel: anxiety, confusion, a lack of a sense of security.
I often recommend that they take up meditation, as I personally know it to be one of the helpful and proven ways by which to handle stress effectively.
I describe to them how stress and meditation link to each other, in the sense that when stress is the challenge, meditation is one of the most reliable answers.
Some of my clients (the ones who are more aware of spiritual practices) then ask me which of the meditation styles that they have read about, or which their friends have told them about, would I recommend.
Personally, I feel that all of the styles are valid, or effective.
It’s just that some meditation styles work better, depending on your personality, personal circumstances, and the ultimate goal that you intend to achieve.
Different Paths, Same Destination
Meditation can help relieve stress, but you need to understand first what the source of your stress is, or what’s causing it.
Understanding how meditation helps reduce stress is easy. You simply need to understand first what the source of your stress is, or what’s causing it.
Does an inner conflict within you cause your stress? For example, when you are faced with two choices, and you can’t make up your mind which to choose?
Or does your stress come from external forces, such as having to deal with people you don’t get along with, or having a stressful job?
By identifying what stresses you, you’ll be able to see more easily which of the following meditation styles would be helpful in your situation and personality:
- Meditation where you focus on your Chakras or energy centers
- Meditation that uses affirmations or visualizations
- Meditation that utilizes mantras, or the repetition of particular words and/or phrases
- Meditation featuring music and/or chanting
- Meditation featuring total silence
As you can see,each style is unique in its own way. Some styles require a quiet environment,while some styles may need the guidance of another person, such as psychic medium, or a yoga guru.
Some styles may even require some knowledge about spiritual concepts such knowing what chakras are.
And some styles are simply for re-centering or re-balancing yourself, while some are more advanced, used for helping you to evolve spiritually.
Finding Out What Meditation Style Would Work Best for You
To determine which style of meditation would be most helpful to you and your situation, I recommend that you start at a level with which you are most comfortable.
For example, if you are still new to understanding spirituality, I would not suggest that you practice meditating on one of your specific chakras.
You could however, try meditating the silent way, which is mostly about focusing on your breathing to clear your mind and improve your focus. This entry-level kind of meditation can also help you to sleep sleep.
If you keep meditating regularly (based on your “skill level”), you will soon find that the whole of you will begin to evolve, aside from getting rid of your stress.
How Meditation Helps You to Evolve
One of the major reasons that I am a huge fan of meditation is that aside from being an effective stress reducer, meditation also helps you to achieve the following:
- Emotional resiliency, or the ability to handle emotional pain
- Inner peace
- Greater sense of self-confidence
- Heightened sense of empathy and compassion
- Improved self-awareness
One of your first steps for successfully meditating would be to prepare your mind and emotions, reflecting on how meditation helps reduce stress, and helps you to evolve spiritually.
Once that step is accomplished, your body will adjust to the expectation of something positive about to happen.
Experiencing all these benefits helps you to evolve into a person who is more aware and receptive to spiritual energy.
In essence, meditation in whatever form or style is ideal for moving you forward in your spiritual journey, and continuous psychic development.
When is the Best Time to Meditate?
You need to meditate regularly in order to “get into the groove.” However, please do not view it as some kind of ball-and-chain obligation.
Do not force yourself to meditate.
One of your first steps for successfully meditating would be to prepare your mind and emotions, reflecting on how meditation helps reduce stress, and helps you to evolve spiritually.
Once that step is accomplished, your body will adjust to the expectation of something positive about to happen.
Initially, and if this important if you are new to meditation, you need to choose a time which is most conducive to your meditative practice.
If you are a morning person, align your schedule so that you can meditate in the morning, and not in the evening when you are already worn out.
Eventually, though, as days go by, and you become more adept at meditating, you will find yourself being able to shut off distractions, and meditate wherever and whenever needed.
Before reaching that level, though, it will be helpful for you to seek the assistance of the Spirit World to receive sufficient energy for assisting you in achieving a balanceof body, mind, and spirit.
Freedom from Fear
Everyone has insecurities that pop up now and then, which make life difficult.
Having to cope with these insecurities can weigh you down and be the root of massive stress.
Insecurities are based on fear.
Fear of rejection.
Fear of change.
Fear of conflict.
Fear of incapability.
Fear of fear itself.
By knowing how meditation helps reduce stress, you’ll have the kind of strong internal support that will allow you to get rid of any insecurities you may have,
You’ll be able to see yourself and other people from a less judgmental point of view. You will stop engaging in negative self-talk, which can wound you deeply.
You will also become more understanding and compassionate of others.
Regularly meditating unlocks your soul and frees you to achieve your potentials, unburdened by stress and your previous fears.
Your attachment to this material world will be lessened, and once that happens, you are on the way to greater spiritual development… unlocking your soul in the process, and freeing you to achieve your potentials, unburdened by stress and your previous fears.
Are you interested in learning more about how meditation helps reduce stress and evolve spiritually? Schedule a psychic reading now to get the answers you need!
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