Meditation For Kids – Start Early, Teach Them How To Meditate
A lot of studies show the positive impact of meditation on the health and well-being of a person. These great benefits are not just for adults alone!
We can start teaching our children how to meditate as early as possible. Meditation for kids has so many benefits and is one of the most valuable skills that we can impart to them.
In this article, you are going to learn the best types of meditation for kids, how to teach kids to meditate, and the benefits of teaching meditation to your children.
What Is Meditation?
We can start to teach meditation for kids as early as possible. Meditation will be surely beneficial to them even at a young age.
Meditation is the clearing of the mind from distracting thoughts, and focusing it on the present moment, so you can experience physical and emotional wellness. Meditation allows you to experience peace and calmness by quieting the thoughts running through your mind.
The mind is always moving and continuously processing information and this process will not stop unless you make a conscious attempt to settle it down.
Meditation is a wonderful and calming activity that you can do anytime with your children. Teaching kids to meditate takes a lot of discipline and patience, but as long as you’re consistent in practicing it, you and your child will soon reap it rewards.
What Are The Best Types of Meditation For Kids?
The best types of meditation for kids are those that focus on using movement and the five senses.
There are different types of meditation that we can teach our children. Make sure to make them fun and engaging.
Here are some meditation exercises for kids that uses the five senses and will be engaging to children:
1. Bell Meditation – Let your kids sit up tall in the “crisscross applesauce” position (Lotus Position) and have them close their eyes. Now, ring a bell and ask them to use their sense of hearing to explore the sound. Ask them to listen very carefully, and once they hear the ringing stop, they should raise their hand. Kids can also practice attentive listening without the bell by listening to the sounds around them.
2. Relaxation Song – This exercise combines song with touch and is guaranteed to bring your kids to a place of peace. Have your child sit up tall and then have them sing their favorite song. For each syllable of each word, they should touch a different finger to their thumb, starting from the pointer finger and moving to the pinky. Then over time, they can practice whispering, and then singing quietly to themselves in their minds.
3. Balloon Breathing- This brings a visual component to a very simple deep breathing exercise. It requires some imagination and a balloon. Tell your child that the balloon represents their lungs. Have the child interlace his or her fingers over their head. When you blow air into the balloon and it grows bigger, ask the child to fill their belly with air, and then lift their hands overhead like a big balloon. When the air comes out of the balloon, ask them to purse their lips and slowly let the air out of their lungs. Repeat 3-5 times.
4. Candle Gazing – This meditation exercise calms and teaches kids to focus their attention. You can use candle, or even a color changing LED tea light for this activity. Use your judgement whether the child should be around a real flame or not. Put the candle, or the LED light, between you and the child. Challenge the child to hold his gaze for longer periods of time with each session. You may begin with 20 seconds and work up to 2 minutes or more over the course of your sessions.
The Steps On How To Meditate With Your Kids
Before beginning any meditation session with your kids, the most important thing to do is to let them know what exactly they will be involved with, what will be expected from them, and why they need to be in a quiet place to do this.
Here is how to start the process of meditating with your kids:
- Feeling Their Breath
This is the key starting point in meditation. The child should learn how to feel his breath. He should feel the movements of his chest as he breathes in and out. This should be done in a quiet place.
- Teach Them to Let Go
It is not easy for children to focus and let go in a meditation session. If they are not willing to, it is hard to force them do it. With persistence and a lot of patience, you can teach them how this can be done.
- Be Creative
You should know what your kid likes and use it to gain his attention. Use your imagination to create a world they can identify with. Draw out their curiosity so they can join you, and feel safe and peaceful in the world with you.
- Be Patient
There should be no end goal when teaching kids meditation. Set an intention, but don’t become too attached to it. Guide your children and allow their own energy to find their own balance. Interfere only when they become restless, by guiding them to control their feelings.
- Be A Part Of The Process
Practice what you preach. Don’t just teach them, join them. When you teach meditation to your children, and ask them to relax and notice their breath, do this with them as well. It will be very helpful if you do meditation together.
What Are The Benefits Of Meditation?
It takes a lot of patience and practice to teach meditation for kids. It sure takes time but the benefits will be worth it.
Research shows that meditation has various benefits. Below is the list of benefits of meditation for kids:
a. Increased Attention
Meditation helps kids to have focused attention. It helps their minds to become relaxed, present, and receptive.
b. Improves School Attendance And Grades
Meditation creates happier and less aggressive kids. It frees their minds from stress, allowing their minds to function at its peak for exam performance.
c. A Healthy Coping Mechanism
Meditation allows children to cope up with the emotions of frustration and fear caused by different stress factors at home. It helps support emotional development by giving rest to their mind, so they are not overwhelmed by strong feelings.
d. Better Mental Health
With meditation, the child worries less and is calmer in stressful situations. It also helps reduce depression and fatigue in kids.
e. Self-Awareness And Self-Regulation
The child will become more in touch with, and understand, his feelings better. Children become more in charge of their emotions and behaviors.
f. Social And Emotional Development
It helps children appreciate their surroundings and thus be able to show more affectionate feelings towards others. People will tend to respond in kind and help your child develop a healthy self-esteem.
It is not an easy process to teach meditation for kids. There will be ups and downs along the path, but by keeping the process light and fun, children will get immense benefit from being taught how to meditate. By teaching children meditation, it will benefit you as well.
I can teach you more details about how to meditate properly and free yourself from thoughts that have been troubling you. You can schedule a psychic reading with me now by clicking here.
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