My Latest Psychic Predictions For 2017 (April Release)
I found the information I received from my Spirit Guides about this month’s psychic predictions April 2017 very interesting.
And I hope you enjoy reading them, and will find some of them interesting too.
So here are my latest psychic predictions for April 2017
A famous female will openly reveal her true self, which will surprise everyone.
A famous male producer will be accused by a female celebrity of making innappropiate advances towards her. After this female comes forward, several other women will start coming forward, too. Serious consequences will follow.
Another famous Hollywood actor is going to start taking jabs at the US president. A Twitter storm will ensue, and unknowingly to the president, he will make this celebrity even more famous as a result of it.
A female celebrity is going to come out of the closet, shocking many unsuspecting people – including many of her fans.
Divisions between the president and his advisors will cause the downfall of his influence.
Another prostitution ring will be exposed in Washington, DC. The politicians involved will be discovered to be the ones who yell the loudest about immorality, causing them to fall from grace in their supporters’ eyes.
A major divide is going to happen between the president and some of his advisors, causing him a loss of his political influence. This will be the first major beginning that leads to a downward spiral of the president’s influence.
Major problems will develop between Paul Ryan and the president. There will be strong words between them, but behind closed doors. Their true feelings for each other will only be partially, but never fully, seen by the public.
The current US-Korea relations will escalate and the result will all depend on the president.
The USA will start getting a bad reputation in certain foreign countries. Some countries will no longer be safe for Americans to travel to.
Relations between the US and North Korea will intensify. The outcome, and whether it will be good or bad, will depend on the decisions of the US president. If the outcome is bad, not one single person in the USA will go unaffected.
Oil prices will drop again, causing gas prices to drop. Some countries may experience lower prices than they have seen in a long time. Others may see a rise in their gas prices, or no change at all.
Expect more unusual weather patterns to continue throughout the US, especially in the Midwestern states. Unusual weather patterns will continue in these states, throughout the remainder of 2017.
Parts of Asia will be hit with some severe weather storms, causing major flooding to occur. Several lives will be lost.
Air pollution in China is going to cause major affects on its weather. Although China will deny their air pollution has anything to do with the change in weather patterns it experiences.
The medicine world has something to look forward to now that an HIV vaccine and a cure for breathing difficulties are in the works.
An HIV vaccine, which will cure the HIV virus, will be closer to becoming a reality by the end of 2017.
A new cure for certain breathing difficulties will be in the works. Giving people with breathing disorders new hope for the future.
The FDA will be caught up in an embarrassing scandal, accusing them of showing favoritism in the drugs they approve, rather than making those decisions based on the health of the public.
Improvements to robotic limbs will be in the works, as science will announce it is getting closer to creating limbs that have feeling, just like a regular limb would.
The invention of military weapons, which will seem like something from a futuristic movie, will be in the works. Some will hail this new weapon technology as the best thing ever, while others will fear where this new technology will lead.
Scientists will talk about genetically creating a Wooly Mammoth. There will be much debate about this, but eventually, a Wooly Mammoth will be cloned.
I hope you enjoyed my latest Psychic Predictions For April 2017.
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If you enjoyed reading my latest predictions, you may also enjoy reading last month’s Psychic Predictions by clicking here.
“Major problems will develop between Paul Ryan and the president. There will be strong words between them, but behind closed doors. Their true feelings for each other will only be partially, but never fully, seen by the public.”
This prediction is already coming true. The AHCA fiasco is proof.
“A major divide is going to happen between the president and some of his advisors, causing him a loss of his political influence. This will be the first major beginning that leads to a downward spiral of the president’s influence.” It looks like this has come true.