More Psychic Predictions For 2015 (October Release) – by Tana Hoy
I’ve been waiting for a long time for psychic predictions like these to pop up. I just didn’t know they would be part of my psychic predictions 2015 for October. I knew with the current climate, politically, and in other ways, that these kinds of psychic predictions would be unavoidable one day.
Psychic Predictions – October 2015
Here are more of my psychic predictions for 2015 for this month’s release.
The political climate is going to be a mess. Donald Trump is going to surprise many Republicans as he leaps ahead. He is going to give the Democrats a run for their money.
We are going to find that Ted Cruz is a devil in sheep’s clothing. Many dirty secrets will surface about him! We are going to find he was involved in some dirty money deals in Washington, and even several extramarital affairs.
Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk denying gays the right to marry, is going to harm the Republican Party. All the national attention on her is going to mess up many of the chances Republicans would have had to win certain seats in congress, and in the Presidential race. She will eventually pass unexpectedly.
There is going to be the unexpected, and tragic passing of a major political figure. Many people are going to mourn this person’s passing.
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There is going to be the passing of a well-known celebrity. This passing is going to be unexpected, and will cause many of their fans to be extremely sad. This will be a death that could have been avoided, had certain actions been taken.
Tom Cruise is going to be in the news again. There are going to be more gay rumors that will surface about him. This time, the rumors are going to involve photos, making them tricky for him or his representatives to explain.
A surprisingly famous celebrity is going to come out. Rumors have surfaced for years about this person, and they will eventually acknowledge the rumors are actually truth.
World Events
There is going to be a group of “terrorists” that will form in the Middle East, that’s role will be to hunt down other terrorists and eliminate them. This is going to be an unusual twist on “terrorist” group.
Within the next 12 months, the Mormon Church and the Catholic Church are both going to make even more major positive changes towards their attitudes concerning homosexuality, and the roles of women in their religious organizations.
Elton John will end up meeting with Russian President Putin, and this meeting is going to have major positive impacts on the lives of LGBT people in Russia. (LGBT people in Russia are legally hunted and killed without recourse in that country, due to Putin making homosexuality a crime.)
A psychic reading with me can answer any questions you have with 93% accuracy. If you need serious answers about your life, click here to schedule a reading now!
Severe winter storms are going to hit Chicago, Ohio, Indianan, and even parts of Kentucky. This is going to be one of the worst winters these states have had in several years.
The Philippines, Indonesia, and even Thailand, are going to have relatively mild seasons in the upcoming months, compared to years before. Even the humidity levels are going to be relatively low compared to what’s normal in those countries.
Stock Market and Economy
The stock market is going to remain stable throughout the rest of 2015. Any dips will be little to hardly noticeable!
The US economy is going to remain stable, although the Mexican Peso is going to reach lows that it hasn’t seen in many years, drawing even more tourists from around the world to visit Mexico.
The Economy of Russia and Uganda is going to collapse to the point of almost extreme financial ruins within the next 12 months.
So there are more of my Psychic Predictions for 2015.
If you’d like to read my 2015 Psychic Predictions for last month, you can click here!
If you’d like to know the psychic predictions for your own life, a psychic reading will give you insights into your future, allowing you to be prepared for any unforeseen events that might lie ahead in your life. You can click here now to schedule one!
This whole issue of whether somebody like the star you mentioned is gay is just nonsense. Why can’t we just leave these people alone all that is happening is society has certain prejudices and biases against other people, if its not religion or sex or someone’s belief than its something else and that’s just being intolerant of another person beliefs or the way they want to be if we wouldn’t choose judgment so often and have respect for other people than these type issues would seen for the pure silliness they are.
Thank you for the comment Roger. As a gay man myself, I am very sensitive and aware of how you feel. These are only psychic predictions about what is going to happen, and not meant to create any prejudices or biases whatsoever. I wanted to make sure to respond to your post to let you know I would never do anything to intentionally create bigotry, intolerance, or unjust or unfair biases. 🙂 Please know I am not intending to place any judgement, and I have total respect for all people. My predictions are simply my way of sharing what I see. I only share what is given to me when I make my predictions, and I trust the Powers That Be will give me only the information I am supposed to share. Thank you so much for your insightful comment, and I agree with what you are saying 100%. We need more people like you in the world! Be blessed and thanks again.
All but spot on….lets hope they DO meet to discuss LBGT rights
Well done tana ?
I agree Chris! Thanks for the post and link to the article!
Another prediction right on point!! Praying for all those affected by the horrible weather in the Chicago, Indiana, and Ohio right now. Thank you again for your predictions Tana.
Thank you very much! Thanks for the video link to the news report about this!
Your predictions are interesting….we need positive changes to move our country forward through prayer. I am tired of ISIS and Boko Haram. along with spies trying to ruin people…I want those who are my enemy including competitors destroyed…I give thanks to God for defending me and my friends…Thanks, Tana