My Latest Psychic Predictions For July 2021
My Psychic Predictions For July 2021
With the upcoming Energy Tidal Wave that is going to hit the earth in November (I talked about this in my email I sent out today) and all the other bizarre happenings going on around the world, this month’s psychic predictions reflect all of these things!
I hope you enjoy reading this month’s psychic predictions!
A once-famous boy band will make a comeback for a limited time! Fans throughout the world will be overjoyed to see them all together once more.
There will be a once-famous boy band that will make a short come back! Fans all over the world will be elated, to see them all together – once again.
A gay sex party put together by a religious organization for its high-profile clients who are in the closet will get exposed. Several of its well-known male members will be outed.
The passing of a well-loved female celebrity will sadden the hearts of many people around the world. She will be missed dearly!
Tensions between the US and Russia will heighten. At first, it may seem serious, but Russia will eventually back down, due to not wanting to risk losing face in the eyes of countries around the world.
China and US relations will improve. Although many people may have mixed feelings about the current president’s approach, the end result will be good for everyone.
More problems with Al Qaeda will arise in the Middle East. This time many countries will get involved and stop the problem in its tracks before they even get started.
A form of algae will be discovered to have medicinal characteristics that can aid in the treatment of a variety of ailments.
The discovery of a new type of ancient reptile will rock the scientific world. Some scientists may try to suppress this information because it doesn’t fit into their idea of what dinosaurs were like.
A type of algae will be found to have medicinal properties that can help with many diseases.
A hidden lab will be found that is trying to clone ancient reptiles, animals, and fish. Once discovered, it will go deeper underground to continue its work.
Health And Medicine
Corruption abounds related to some of the manufacturers and drug companies involved in creating COVID-19 vaccines will come to the surface.
Anthony Fauci will be confronted about playing both sides of the fence when it comes to COVID-19. His responses will be very noncommittal, and many will feel like they can see right through him.
A new virus will appear near or in Uganda. Several people will die from it, but it will be contained before it does any major damage elsewhere.
Love And Relationships
The LGBTQI community will make major strides in different countries around the world regarding their rights. Happy Pride everyone!
This month, single people looking for love will find they have more than one person interested in them. Make sure to choose wisely.
Make sure to use protection because venereal diseases will be more likely to be spread this month.
Anyone looking to sell real estate will find this month to be a good time to do so. However, it will not be a good month for those looking to purchase.
Real Estate will stay strong through 2021 but will begin to drop around the summer of 2022.
This month will be a good time for anyone wanting to sell. Although it will not be a good month for anyone wanting to buy.
Certain cosmetic companies are going to do very well, having their stock prices rise high by the end of 2021.
Sadly, Texas will continue having serious weather problems. Some may begin to wonder if parts of the state have been cursed!
Droughts will hit the Middle East, along with parts of Africa. People will survive and thankfully these droughts will not last very long.
Russia is going to be hit hard over the next few months. Weather patterns will be all over the place causing the loss of many lives.
I hope you enjoyed reading my July 2021 psychic predictions!
If you have questions about anything at all, including but not limited to, love, career, money, or health, let me use my psychic powers to help you find the answers seek! Click here NOW to schedule a psychic reading with me.
You can read last month’s psychic predictions by clicking here.
Dear Tana,
I love reading your predictions and horoscopes, thank you very much for putting them out every month. One simple question, do you feel the vaccine will help or hinder with the coronavirus? I am still on the fence in regards to it as I don’t feel it has been out long enough nor the proper research done on it.
Thank you
I got the covid vaccine along with my entire family. I’ve been exposed to covid since being vaccinated and I never developed the disease. They test us weekly at my job. I believe the vaccine has helped many. Also, I’m in Texas, and yeah we had severe flooding all spring, and now we’re having record heat. It’s 115 degrees today. And this is after the February of below 0 temperatures where many lost their lives. You usually say Texas is going to have severe weather every month and I have asked you if Texas is cursed. I know an episode of Dead Files where they were outside Austin said the land had bad energy because of the mistreatment of the slaves, the slaughter of many of the Native American tribes, and the Wild West days caused lots of people to lose their lives. We still have record amounts of people moving here. I believe we can turn it around if enough Texans like me keep sending positive energy out.
I’m so frustrated with this COVID-19 and now more scandals? More and more places are mandating people/employees/students to have the vaccine and they don’t know what they are getting us all into. Frustrated!!
Regarding China …Candace Owens talks about China not being who they say they are, almost like a wolf in sheeps clothing,. Or even the Trojan Horse, this could be very bad for America.