Identifying The Psychic Vampires in Your Life and How to Deal With Them
What are Psychic Vampires?
Psychic vampires latch themselves on your energy force and make you feel dependent on them. They have a number of ways of doing this, which may include becoming a “leader” figure in your life, such as a boss or work superior. Whatever the case, you have the choice of removing them from your life, or to remove yourself from the picture.
The idea of psychic vampires have been around for centuries, and they are in very close relations to their more popular counterparts, the “blood vampires.” Similar to how mythological vampires drain us of our life force, psychic vampires are individuals who suck out our energy and leave us feeling tired for no apparent reason. Almost everyone has at least one of these vampires in their lives, and you may have one in yours too.
If you’ve experienced leaving a meeting that started off energetically, but left you feeling tired, depleted, and out of alignment with your inner self, then you’ve just been a victim of an attack from a psychic vampire.
From what I’ve noticed with people who come to me for psychic readings, these energy vampires are usually one of the people closest to you. They may be unaware of the effect they have on others, or they could be sapping everyone’s life energy intentionally (which makes the second type more dangerous and difficult to deal with).
Spotting Intentional and Unintentional Psychic Vampires
Whether the person you are engaging in is aware of the harm his “energy robbery” is causing, they are performing a disservice to you and other human beings they encounter. Psychic vampires often have a personal detachment from you and your concerns, which they use to their advantage to fulfill their energy-hoarding needs.
Intentional psychic vampires are clever, manipulative, and very devious. Their favorite tactic is often to insert themselves into groups of high-energy people, then they will sneakily set about controlling certain individuals for personal gain. Often, you’ll notice that they are unusually popular with other people, but that’s only because those people have not yet been made victims of his or her energy robbing.
Unintentional psychic vampires are those people who are unaware of their own negative influence on your chakras, which is probably why they keep on doing it. These could be people who continuously ask you questions without really listening to you, or dump on you with their negativity until your chakras gets blocked, causing you to feel down and depressed.
How to Handle Them
Often, people who have come to me for psychic readings were also troubled by people who constantly depleted their spiritual energy. I’ve shared with them how psychic vampires latch themselves on your energy force and make you feel dependent on them.
They have a number of ways of doing this, which may include becoming a “leader” figure in your life, such as a boss or work superior. Whatever the case, you have the choice of removing them from your life, or to remove yourself from the picture.
By removing yourself physically, emotionally, and psychically, this cuts the draining chord that ties you to these vampires, and gives you respite from future encounters with them. After that, you must reconnect with your spiritual core. You can do this by doing things that boost your spiritual awareness and clarity, such as bonding with nature, or yoga exercises. Meditation and breathing exercises are also great ways for you to restore your normal chakra flow.
The one tried and tested method for blocking or defending yourself from psychic attacks is to align yourself with high vibrations such as love, inner strength, and being in touch with your higher self. Use these as you would use garlic to fend off vampires.
Also, remember that you are never alone in this world. You may also call upon your guardian angels to protect you from these spiritual menaces, which I always encourage during my psychic reading sessions.
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This article is spot on.
I personally do not believe in “psychics” perse. However, there are indeed psychic vampires. I have encountered these many times in my life. Usually, they are people who I am very close with. My exwife, my brother my sister and my mother are / were psychic vampires.
I only came to realize this in the past few years. I had never really heard of psychic vampires, and when I thought about the effects these people had on me, it dawned on me, “these people are vampires, psychic vampires.”
My question:
Is there something about me that attracts these people? i mean apart from my family members of course, thats just my bad luck.