How is Remote Healing Possible?
Spiritual healing can happen even when done remotely.
In a previous article, I discussed the importance of Spiritual Healing, and the benefits it is able to offer you. I also discussed some of the different types of Spiritual Healing that can help you with the health of your mind, body, and spirit. Now, here’s the continuation of this topic, and today I am going to talk about Remote Healing.
Understanding Intuitive Healers and Remote Healing
Pollution, in its various forms, is a major contributing factor to poor health.
In today’s world, many factors contribute to the deterioration or decline of your health. These include pollution, poor diet, lack of sleep (mostly because of stress), substance abuse, and negative thinking.
Of all the factors, negative thinking sets the stage for the development of many kinds of health risks and diseases in your body, mind, and spirit.
When positivity is absent, it becomes easy for negative energy to build up.
As a result, you can become sick, because your mind, body, and spirit are not in balance.
If you have tried changing your diet, working out regularly, avoiding stressful situations, and getting enough sleep, but you still feel weak and uninspired about life, or prone to easily getting sick, the chances are you are storing negative energy within you.
An Intuitive Healer (also known as a Spiritual Healer) can easily sense that something is wrong, and can help send healing positive energy your way.
But what if the Intuitive Healer is far away? Or lives in a different region or even a different country from you? Can healing still take place?
The answer is yes!
You can still be spiritually healed, even when the Spiritual or Intuitive Healer is not present in the same place with you. This type of healing happens through what is known as Remote Healing.
Your Inner Voice Can Dictate Your Misery and Result in Poor Health
Each person has an inner voice that intends to guide him or her on the paths they choose.
Each person has an inner voice that intends to guide him or her on the paths they choose.
Some people call this inner voice “conscience.” Some refer to it as their natural sense of right and wrong. Others think of it as their principles. Still others see it as their “subconscious mind” talking to them.
Whatever you may call it, your inner voice is something that you listen to frequently, almost every day.
It is what praises you when you achieve something substantial, and makes you feel bad when you have failed to do something, or you weren’t able to do it correctly.
Your inner voice goes through your mind, sometimes in a circular, never-ending way, especially when the voice is letting you know your faults and shortcomings.
Listening to a negative inner voice can be taxing. The irritation can reach such a degree that you become angry with both others and yourself.
If you are optimistic, you won’t indulge in negative self-talk, and that’s why you will hardly be dominated by negative energy that can make you sick.
However, what if you are pessimistic by nature, or what if because of past circumstances, your optimism is not as strong?
That’s when Remote Healing can help you build up your store of positive energy once again.
When Your Healing Happens in the Spirit World
Doctors and nurses use their physical senses to determine what is ailing you, and they tailor their modes of treatment or care based on what they observe through their physical senses.
In Western type or conventional medicine, the medical practitioners attending to you need to be with you, physically, as they diagnose you, operate on you, or provide soothing care to help you heal.
Doctors and nurses use their physical senses to determine what is ailing you, and they tailor their modes of treatment or care based on what they observe through their physical senses.
For example, a doctor prescribes a course of treatment based on his or her examination of you.
Their treatment requires them to be physically present with you.
But in the case of an Intuitive or Spiritual Healer who is doing Remote Healing, there is no need to be physically present because the healer is only the channel through which the healing energy passes.
Your healing actually happens in the Spirit World, and not in the material or physical world.
An Intuitive or Spiritual Healer who is doing Remote Healing, there is no need to be physically present because the healer is only the channel through which the healing energy passes.
It is the Divine that heals you, because all spiritual healing, and all that is good, comes from the Divine. In a sense, then, an Intuitive or Spiritual Healer doing Remote Healing is simply a channel for the Divine.
Your Role in Remote Healing
Since the Intuitive or Spiritual Healer is the channel through which the healing energy passes, you, as the receiver of such energy, need to acknowledge that you are ready to be healed in a spiritual way.
The Healer needs your permission to heal you. So this kind of healing will not happen without your permission.
Intuitive or Spiritual Healers need your permission to heal you.
Spiritual healing energy sent remotely is specifically targeted to address your condition. Therefore, the vibrations of the energy are unique to you, your condition, and your situation.
So, being prepared to receive the energy fully and openly is your role in remote spiritual healing.
The end goal should always be kept in mind: achieving a balance for your mind, body, and spirit.
Although some illnesses may require numerous sessions, and some ailments become healed instantly, you will not be able to deny that something life changing had entered you in the form of the healing energy sent to you.
Once your link to the Divine has been established, through the help of the Intuitive Healer, you will experience a positive change, even if the Spiritual Healing that happened to you was done remotely.
Would you like to find out more about this topic? Let me know in the Comments below!
If you feel you could benefit from spiritual healing, you can contact me to learn more by clicking here.
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