8 Different Spirit Guides And The Roles They Serve
Every living person has one primary Spirit Guide who has been with him or her from the time they were born. Other guides will come at certain stages in our lives, and only stay temporarily until they have done their job.
We all need someone to provide us guidance, support, and direction in our lives.
It’s wonderful that we have Spirit Guides who will never leave us alone. They are always there to guide us and help us to achieve our life’s purpose.
Every living person has one primary Spirit Guide who has been with him or her from the time they were born. Other guides will come at certain stages in our lives, and only stay temporarily until they have done their job.
Each person has four to seven guides around them all the time, and some people can even have 20 to 30 guides with them throughout their entire lifetime. Some people may even have more.
Today, we’re going to learn more about the different types of Spirit Guides and the roles they serve.
What Are Spirit Guides?
Spirit Guides, unlike angels, were humans once. They have reincarnated many times as ordinary humans until such a point in time when they have mastered all their earthly lessons, not needing to be reborn in a physical body again. They work closely with humans to comfort, guide, teach, and enlighten us, in achieving our soul’s purpose.
As former human beings, Spirit Guides are very much aware of the problems that we usually face every day. Spirit Guides have their own special areas of expertise, commonly associated with their personal experiences or careers they had during their human lives.
The purpose of Spirit Guides is to provide help and guidance to humans. As spirits, they have higher vibrational frequencies than humans do, so we usually cannot see them, hear them, but we can sometimes feel their presence.
How Does One Become A Spirit Guide
Spirit guides had one time lived in a physical form, and they have spiritually progressed to a point where there is no longer a need for them return back to earth in human form, because they have already mastered all the earthly lessons that needed to be learned.
On their final lifetime on earth, they will enter the Spirit World, and then become a Spirit Guide.
They will then start to work with humans to help them move forward on their own spiritual paths on earth. They assist us in completing our chosen life lessons.
Spirit Guides – Your Invisible Helpers
Spirit Guides have their own special areas of expertise, commonly associated with their personal experiences or careers they had during their human lives.
Spirit Guides gives spiritual guidance to us in our daily lives. Working with Spirit Guides will strengthen our willpower, lighten our mind and mood, assist us with self-healing work, and help us become more compassionate with those around us.
Spirit Guides also provide assistance in different areas of our lives, such as family relationships, career, finance, health and wellness, death and grievance, spirituality, life purpose, and many other areas. They help you connect with the right resources, people, money, books, etc. in order to reach your goals. They also offer wisdom and comfort when you feel lost.
Some people are naturally aware of their Spirit Guides and can communicate with them regularly. You can contact them by simply speaking to them out loud, or by using your inner voice.
Spirit Guides have energy vibrations much higher than ours, so they need to lower their energy vibrations to connect with us. A name is the most powerful energy vibration there is, so by calling out their name, you keep an energy cord connected between you and your Spirit Guide. It keeps your vibrations inter-matched, and it’s easier for your Spirit Guides to communicate with you.
Response may come in the form of a sign, gut feeling, coincidence, an idea, or thought, that manifests in the following days or weeks. You may not even realize you have received a response, as often times people have mistaken their help as their own ideas or solutions to problems.
8 Different Spirit Guides And Their Roles
- Gatekeeper
They are called as the Gatekeeper because they protect you from harm. They were already chosen by you before birth and keep you on the right path in this life. They decide what other types of Spirit Guides can come and work for you.
Gatekeeper Guides give us hunches and feelings about people to stay close to, or stay away from.
- Joy Guide
Joy Guides bring us joy and laughter. They remind us to lighten up and see the funny, silly things around us. Whatever makes you feel good inside they are the ones responsible.
Whenever you are going through some sadness in your life, your Joy Guide will be there to lift you up.
- Professor Guide
These guides helps us in understanding the philosophical and spiritual aspects of whatever studies we undertake on earth.
If you are searching to learn more about your spiritual path and be connected to teachers, books, and like-minded souls, along your path, your Professor Guides is the ones you should call on.
- Teacher Guide
They are the ones that help us learn life lessons, and provide us guidance during our life on earth. These Spirit Guides also provide us with tools that help our spiritual grow.
We can call on our Teacher Guide if we have difficulty understanding something, or learning a new trade or hobby.
- Doctor Guide
A Doctor Guide helps us to maintain a healthier physical body. They guide us with making healthy choices.
When questions on health arise, they send us messages about the areas of our bodies that require attention, and best ways to care for and treat our bodies.
- Philosopher Guide
These guides assist us in evaluating our spiritual paths, and the lessons in life we have agreed to learn in this lifetime. Philosophers are known for their wisdom and sound judgment, and help us to understand things on a higher philosophical level. Philosopher Guides are the ones who helps us in seeking wisdom and enlightenment.
- Native American Guide
The Native American guide is a protector guide and they will spring into action when we are in danger. They send healing energy to us when needed.
- Ascended Master Guide
These are Beings that have lived on earth but have become enlightened and achieved a higher spiritual realization. They assist us to advance spiritually, and help us achieve greater wholeness and harmony in our lives. Common examples are Buddha, Krishna, and Jesus
Stories Of Spirit Guides Helping Others
If you open up your senses, and try to feel the comfort and guidance they are offering you, you will never be alone, because your spirit guides will always be there with you.
Our Spirit Guides are always there to aid us. They regularly send messages to us, but sometimes we just fail to recognize them.
I’ve had several clients who were helped by their Spirit Guides in different ways.
One of my clients had been going through a tough time at work, and needed an uplifting experience. She was checking her spam email, and one particular email caught her interest. She became curious and clicked the video link in the email.
In just a few minutes, she started laughing out loud because of the funny video she was watching. I am sure her Joy Guide led her to check that email. Her Joy Guide knew she needed something to lift her mood up.
I also had another client who felt the protection of his Native American Guide. He was running late, and even worse, his car keys were missing. He was able to find his keys after a few minutes, and left the house later than his usual schedule. On his way to work, there was some traffic due to a road accident that involved several cars. If he has not lost his car keys earlier and he left the house on his normal schedule, he would have been one of cars in that accident. Thanks to his Native American Guide, who actually misplaced his keys to protect him from the impending danger.
There are different types of Spirit Guides available to us during our lifetime. We cannot see them, but they are our invisible helpers guiding us, and navigating the different aspects of our lives.
If you open up your senses, and try to feel the comfort and guidance they are offering you, you will never be alone, because your spirit guides will always be there with you.
Whenever you need it, let the comfort, hope, and guidance, of your spirit guides fill you.
If you’d like a reading to talk to your Spirit Guides, and hear the wisdom they have for your life, then click here now and schedule a psychic reading so you can hear the messages they have for you.
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I have more faith in my guides than I do in myself. That must be saying something about my self worth.
If I didn’t have them, I would have relatively little, even as far as saying they are the secondary reason I remain on this planet. First being family.
Not something I make a habit of saying openly, especially that morbidly.
Very nourishing article Tana :). It’s true that we can only feel our guardian or spririt guide and if i may add from my personal expreience in dream; you can also feel if your spirit guide has a male or female presence characteristic, sometimes their presence seems strong and the atmosphere seems under pressure or decisive..
From a young age I was keenly aware of my spirit guide. At the time we called them your guardian angel. I am appreciative and humbled by his presence – he is incredible and has stuck around through everything. He has a strongly protective energy, like a gatekeeper. I love my guide ??
Mind blown ? I learn more and more from each article. I’m so grateful that my guides led me to your site. And I am so grateful for you ??