How To Do A Tea Leaf Reading For Love
Tea leaf reading is a type of psychic reading that predicts future events based on the patterns seen in the tea leaves. The patterns of the tea leaves are then interpreted according to what the psychic sees.
Tea leaf reading, which is also known as Tasseography, is an ancient fortune telling method used by some psychics to predict your future by interpreting the random arrangements of tea leaves inside a tea cup.
Tea leaf reading is a type of psychic reading that predicts future events based on the patterns seen in the tea leaves. The patterns of the tea leaves are then interpreted according to what the psychic sees. He then relates to the person being read what he sees in the tea leaves regarding his or her future.
What you need to do for a tea leaf reading
If you are going to do a tea leaf reading for someone, you can wholeheartedly accept that this fortune telling method is real because it has been proven that the readings are accurate. Being open to a tea reading is the gateway to an accurate interpretation of the future. If you don’t believe that tea leaf reading is true, then most likely, you will find ways of disproving it by doing the exact opposite of what the tea leaf patterns say about you.
To do a tea leaf reading, you need to have loose tea leaves. The tea leaves that you can use may either be green, black, white, or oolong tea. You should not use tea leaves that are found in tea bags because they are too fine and too broken down, making it hard to interpret them when the actual tea leaf reading happens.
On the other hand, you should also refrain from using very big tea leaves, such as gunpowder green tea because it is hard to interpret the patterns of the tea leaves when the tea leaves are too big. It is also best to use tea that is as pure as possible.
The next important thing you need to do a tea leaf reading is to have a cup; any kind will do. It may either be a mug, a new tea cup, or an antique one. It doesn’t matter. As long as it has a nicely rounded shape with a handle, then you are good to go. The tea cup should also be white in color to make it easier to read the tea leaves.
You also need to have a saucer. It would be best if the saucer matches your cup. If not, then it’s alright. What is important is that it can catch the drips when you turn the cup upside down later on. If it is impossible for you to get a saucer due to some reason, then you can use a small plate instead.
What kinds of information can a tea leaf reading reveal?
Tea leaf reading is a way to know more about your future. The seemingly random patterns that the tea leaves show after the cup is turned upside down are not random at all. It is the patterns that are shown that will convey to you what your future will be like. It is an act of “divine intervention”, whereby Spiritual Beings that are present control the arrangements of the tea leaves during the reading.
With a tea leaf reading, you can get to know the things that you should expect to happen in the future, such as a possible job promotion, getting to meet the love of your life, or perhaps an impending financial problem that could affect your health and life, as well as the wellbeing of the people around you. Tea leaf readings reveal to you future events, whether they are good ones or bad ones.
How to do a tea leaf reading about love
Look for symbols or figures such as animals, objects, numbers, or letters that can be interpreted. These symbols or figures have meanings, and they suggest events that will have an effect on your love life in the near or distant future.
Now that you understand how a tea leaf reading works, I’m going to show you how to do one for yourself or someone you know. So follow these 6 steps to get started.
Step #1:
Select the right cup and tea leaves. You can use any kind of cup you want as long as it has a nicely rounded shape and has a handle.. You can choose to use green, black, white, or oolong tea leaves. Just be sure that it isn’t too fine or too big.
Step #2:
Be sure that the place where you will do the tea leaf reading is quiet and peaceful. There should be no distractions present. Examples of things that might distract you are appliances, or other people and animals. The tea leaf reading should be done inside the house so that any weather conditions just like wind or rain, cannot affect the tea leaf reading process.
Step #3:
Make the tea. When you make the tea, don’t use a strainer, or else it would be impossible to interpret the tea leaves pattern. See to it that the tea will be made using loose tea leaves to make the interpretation of the tea leaves much easier. Put the tea leaves directly on the empty cup, and then pour hot water over it.
Step #4:
Drink the tea until there is only about a teaspoon of liquid tea inside the cup.
Step #5:
Hold the cup with your left hand and swish it to the left for three times. While doing this, think about the questions you want to be answered. Turn the cup gently upside down on the saucer to drain the liquid out.
Step #6:
Turn the cup upright and let the handle face the person whom you are doing the tea leaf reading for.
What Patterns To Look For During A Tea Leaf Reading
After performing the above steps, you should then look for symbols or figures such as animals, objects, numbers, or letters that can be interpreted. These symbols or figures have meanings, and they suggest events that will have an effect on your love life in the near or distant future.
How To Interpret The Love Symbols You See
The arrangement of the tea leaves has important meanings that you can interpret to know the future.
– If there are still drops of liquid left inside the cup even after emptying it, it represents tears; meaning you may possibly experience heartbreak from a person you love.
– If you see a big clump of tea leaves, then it means that you may get in trouble with your loved one.
– If the tea leaves are near the handle, it means that you are the one who caused the trouble or the reason for your breakup.
– If the tea leaves are opposite from the handle, then the trouble is caused by someone else, perhaps a third party lover.
– Long tea leaf stalks indicate men, while the shorter tea leaf stalks indicate women.
– The paleness and darkness of the tea leaf stalks indicate the color tone of the person. If the tea leaf stalks are slanted, then this indicates a person who should not be trusted.
Common Love Shapes and Their Meaning in Tea Leaves
Other common shapes to look for during a tea leaf reading is you should look for patterns that take the form of a harp, a heart, a horse, a necklace, or a rose.
– A harp means that love will come to your life because of peace in your life. The peace that you experience gives way to harmony and eventually love.
– A heart-shaped figure means that you will experience pleasure from someone you love, and feel compassion and trust with someone who may be your romantic partner.
– A horse-shaped figure means that your romantic partner will come to you soon.
– A necklace shows that you have admirers that may not have yet expressed their feelings for you. If the figure of a necklace appears to be broken, then you might lose a lover.
– A figure of a rose may mean pregnancy.
Final Thoughts on Tea Leaf Reading
Knowing the future has intrigued humanity for centuries. Tea leaf reading is a proven way to accurately know what your future holds.
Knowing the future has intrigued humanity for centuries. Knowing the future has never ceased to amaze us. Fortunately, tea leaf reading exists, as it is a proven way to know future events that affects your life in most ways.
Perhaps you are feeling lonely, wanting to find love, and want to feel what it is to be loved? But it seems like you are off the track and is left alone in this world. Well, you can resort to tea leaf reading!
Tea leaf reading is a proven way to accurately know what your future holds. Will you meet your husband or wife next year? Next month? Tomorrow? Or perhaps in the next hour? Who knows!
Get to know your future, and get your hands on some tea leaves, and discover what your tea leaves have in store for you, or someone you know!
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I was going to avoid doing this one because it borders a practice not really welcomed in the spiritual community.
Black magic you say?
Spiritual critique…. If it could even be considered as a practice. The reason for this being that many spirituals (and regular people) often affiliate it with scepticism or a form of negativity regardless and the term “critique” being a related term to “critic” or “critical” about a given subject, which the reason for this is because the human mind adds meaning and value to a given word, such as the word critic, or “being critical.” As mentioned earlier, many people affiliate this term with a negative value or meaning. However the “practice” of spiritual critique itself is seen in a negative way because the way it’s done. The intentional purpose of it is to present a perspective unbiased view. However, many tend to misinterpret this as a form of negative bashing at something, regardless of the reason or legitimacy of it. Sure it might come with some negativity but not for that pure intention.
In a nutshell, from the point of view of some spirituals: “As far as we’re concerned, it’s a form of negativity and we don’t like it.” I mean, sure. The purpose of spirituality is positivity and you don’t want to have an environment where it has the potential to create negativity. However, what is failed to realise is that “positive and negative” are perceptions. At their core, they are simply definitions. In regard to it as a universal promoted concept, whether by us or the universe itself,it still comes down to how we see it.
Basically, only you create a meaning and value of a given aspect or concept by your definition, based on your perspective.
So for those who aren’t a fan of spiritual critique for any reason, or feel it’s not needed or unnecessary, consider this:
Your definitions, and point of view is your own. Critique is an neutral, unbiased analytical assessment of a given subject, If you do not like it, that is fine, but do not assume or shun it for the singular reason that you view it from a negative perspective. If it does inspire a negative reaction, the fact that you see it in this way is not of spiritual nature.
This is what I meant when you create meaning, value or definition of something. Only “you” give it that negative value, based only on information presented. The information itself does not have value or meaning behind other than what you put into it. It is just like an empty sandwich. The bread has been given to you to put the filling in. Be it a food you do or don’t like that is the food “you” put in.
The same goes with spiritual critique. it is not a form of negativity at all. but only is if you see it that way.
i.e. Perceptive alignment.
The reason I put that up there will become clear in a minute.
In regards to tea leaf reading, it is not always accurate or correct as it would seem. This is not me being a sceptic, as I will explain. Being highly spiritual myself, this would be counter productive. I am not trying to say it’s a falsehood. It is not that this type of reading will produce wrong or false results, but that it is entirely based on the interpretation of the reader. The main point of this being what is seen inside the cup.
For example, if there are two skilled tea leaf readers, and they both do a tea leaf reading on the same cup with the same tea formation, there is a chance they will see two completely different things. This is rather common, in normal readings as well, you can have two separate psychics have two completely different interpretations. Tana even said this once which is why he said it’s preferred that only one psychic should do a reading.
The reason I said all that critique stuff is because it could be seen as a negative reaction to the first paragraph about me stating that it is not that correct. This can be seen in this way because it is contrary to what Tana said in the blog’s initial paragraphs, or in other words, could be seen as a sceptical or anti statement. However, I then proceeded to give an explanation for this. I’m only saying this because I feel that sometimes it may not always be properly understood therefore I have to explain myself.
Also for clarification for those wondering I’m not a spiritual critique. In fact I’d barely qualify as one, nor am I really trying to use it. I just explain what I see and give interpretation. The “critique” aspect is when it comes to subjects that could be seen as though it has a negative interpretation of which can put people off or think of it in a negative way when in reality it’s just trying to be more open with it, but people only see “the negative side” and therefore think of it as negative in it’s entirety. Spiritualism isn’t supposed to operate like that.
Back to the tea leaf thing.
“If you are going to do a tea leaf reading for someone, you can wholeheartedly accept that this fortune telling method is real because it has been proven that the readings ”
Just because it’s been proven effective doesn’t mean it’s always right.
Again, I’m not trying to be sceptical. As I said before, it is dependant on the individual interpretation of the reader where they may interpret different answers This is ironically why some predictions may not come true, because they may simply have the wrong interpretation of what they saw. This last statement should actually promote more belief in psychic abilities since most people seem to think that if a psychic gets it wrong, then their abilities are in question, but really they don’t fully understand the mechanics of prediction. As Tana said, it’s about being open minded.
“If you don’t believe that tea leaf reading is true, then most likely, you will find ways of disproving it by doing the exact opposite of what the tea leaf patterns say about you.”
I get that sceptics will deliberately try to do the reverse out of spite just to test the results. That is real negativity there by the sceptic who does that, but if they do then what’s the point of even having a reading?
However there can be an explanation for this. There are two possible answers. The first being that if you’re a sceptic or disbeliever, you might see psychic practice as some kind of novelty or don’t take it seriously. The second being that their egos might get in the way and just want to be proved right in their belief that it’s a falsehood. There are also other reasons but these are probably the main two.
Other than this, tea reading seems like an amazing concept. And yes, I know I was mostly talking about a completely different topic unrelated to the blog but still. Hopefully it can be understood that just because a point of view doesn’t seem positive doesn’t mean it isn’t or is negative. In fact I’m not even sure what the purpose was, but that’s also up to interpretation, which is also the purpose of spirituality and reality (kind of), to find your own meaning and definitions, and reasons and purposes of something. Even the teachings of spirituality itself could lead to prejudgement. By looking for the positive can lead to a single minded view in some ways. Like just because it might be an opposing point of view doesn’t make it a negative one.
And I’m starting to ramble…
Now I remember. The reason was because it was an avoided and questionable method of analysis when concerning spiritual culture, philosophy etc because it could be taken the wrong way if it was seen as negative when it’s not.
Hello..I just did a reading and after observing the symbols I took a picture of it so I could draw some out and I got a plane right next to a building and I immediately thought of 9/11. The worse thing is…that where the symbols are, was the future. I did a coffee ground reading. 🙁