What are Spirit Guides
Your Spirit Guides are like your invisible ‘helpers!’ They help you in every aspect of your needs like learning, health, protection, and happiness.
Spirit Guides are just as fascinating as your Guardian Angels. They both help and protect you in every way they can.
Remember how I refer to your Angels as invisible best friends? Well, your Spirit Guides are more like your invisible ‘helpers!’ They help you in every aspect of your needs like learning, health, protection, and happiness.
But don’t let yourself get confused about the difference between your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides. Although they have similar roles, there’s a huge difference between the two of them.
So today you will learn more about your ever friendly Spirit Guides!
Spirit Guides
Spirit Guides were also humans in the past, who have already transcended to a ‘higher being.’ They then became ‘guides’ in order to help and nurture us towards our journey to ‘perfection’ as well.
Spirit Guides and Angels have two things in common, and that is, to help and guide you in your life. They’re the ones assigned by The Creator to lead you to transcend to a higher being.
But despite all their similarities and intentions, Spirit Guides and Angels have a clear distinction from one another, and that is, their origin.
Let me give a brief summary about your Angels first.
Angels are winged beings that are given to you by the Creator from the moment you were born. They are made up of divine energy and serve as our divine connection to the Creator.
On the other hand, Spirit Guides are humans that have transcended and perfected their souls to the point where they no longer need to reincarnate here on Earth, and thus, have moved on to the Astral plane.
In fact, we are all going to be Spirit Guides after a series of reincarnations, and at the point in time where we have accumulated enough earthly experiences to bring our souls to ‘perfection.’
In short, Spirit Guides were also humans in the past, who have already transcended to a ‘higher being.’ They then became ‘guides’ in order to help and nurture us towards our journey to ‘perfection’ as well.
Eventually, when you are a Spirit Guide residing in the Spirit World, you will work with others on earth, and help them along their spiritual journeys on earth. This is the journey we must all take in order to become one with The Creator.
Guardian Angels
Angels are different in that they don’t need to follow the process of rebirth. From the beginning of their creation, they were intended to help and guide humans on earth, and were never born as humans in the first place.
They’re made up of divine energy, which is different from soul energy, even though we all came from the same Creator of course.
This is the only main difference between Angels and Spirit Guides. So other than this, they’re mostly similar when it comes to their duties!
One more thing to note though, each Spirit Guide has its own specific duty, while an Angel is more concerned with your overall welfare.
Common Spirit Guides
Since each Spirit Guide has its own specific role, let’s tackle each of them in details.
- Protector Guides
These guides are your ‘guards’ when it comes to harm and evil. Protector guides show courage and bravery in warding off harm and evil. They’re the helpers that ensure your protection from evil beings, which could cause harm and malice into your life.
- Healing Guides
These guides are your ‘healers’ when it comes to injury and stress. Think of them as your invisible ‘nurses’ and ‘doctors.’ But unlike your personal doctor, healing guides help you heal both your physical and emotional wounds. They tend to your illnesses, which common physicians cannot.
- Teacher Guides
These guides are your invisible ‘teachers,’ which help you with your studies and learning experiences. Teacher guides help you recall and retain information, as well as helping you improve your focus when acquiring new ones. Thanks to your Teacher Guide, those sleepless nights are well worth itduring exams!
- Joy Guides
These guides are the little children that love to play around and make people happy. They bring joy and happiness into your life whenever there is stress in your life. Their duty is to keep you on the right track, no matter how rough your life is. So when you’re feeling sad and lonely, always ask for the help of your Joy Guides!
- Gate Keeper
These guides serve as your ‘guard’ that mediates the gateway between the Astral Plane and Earth Plane. They control your Spirit traffic, so that you’re not inundated with Astral Beings when you try to communicate with them.
- Ascended Master Guide
These guides, just like the other ones, were once people walking the Earth. They had been through numerous incarnations, and fulfilled their reasons for being. They’re the highest evolved guides, and are ready to ascend to the place where the Creator resides, although some of them choose to come back to Earth in order to help mankind evolve even further.
As you can see, you have got a lot of Guides that help you every day! Not only do you have Guardian Angels, but you also have numerous other Spirit Guides too! So whenever you feel alone, always think about your invisible friends!
How Do I Communicate With My Spirit Guides
To maintain a connection with your Angels and Spirit Guides, you have to increase your energy vibration. The best way to do this is to practice regular meditation.
You can always communicate with your Spirit Guides as easily as calling out for to Angels. In order for you to do so, you just simply have to call out for their names in order to establish a connection with them.
If you want to know the names of your Angels and Spirit Guides, you can schedule an Angel Reading today. I also offer courses that teach you how to know the names of your Angels and Spirit Guides.
Now, here’s an expert tip. In order for you to maintain a connection with your Angels and Spirit Guides, you have to increase your energy vibration. The best way to do this is to practice regular meditation.
A simple meditation improves your state of mind, which also strengthens your connection with these Light beings, making their presence even easier to be felt. Practice meditation daily, learn about their names, and make your connection with your Guides and Angels today!
Thank you for reading my article! This is all for today’s psychic development blog!
Please leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments section down below!
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So they can take a more active role. Interesting.
Joy guides eh? I could do with a lot more euphoria.
I wonder if it’s also possible for too many spirits to overwhelm a gatekeeper or a soul can be powerful enough to just bypass them. It will be said that they effectively have infinite power or energy so probably no. They are however, themselves souls of human origin.
Thank you Tana for this lovely article. I feel so much better about life in general knowing that we have guardian angels and spirit guides around us all the time. When I used to meditate, I can hear a few of them talking! I need to start meditating again. I miss that peace that you get when you meditate. Great job. Keep up the good work!