The Fairy World: Where Do Fairies Live?

You can easily create a fairy home so you can invite fairies to live in your garden.
Have you ever wondered where fairies live and where you can find them? Well, fairies can live anywhere: in your garden, your house, trees, and even in your flowerpots. They can live anywhere they fancy, so be careful what you bump into!
What Are Fairies?
Fairies are often thought of as fictional creatures living in children’s heads, this is why the word fairy is derived from “fairy tales”. However, there have been countless occurrences proving the existence of fairies. Many adults believe in fairies, too.
You may already have a picture in your head of what a fairy looks like – a cute little pixie with white wings and blonde hair. And guess what, that’s not what they look like!
Fairies can be tiny, pretty creatures, but travelers and witnesses who have actually seen them describe them as good-natured, but very erratic and mischievous.
In exchange for wanting something in return, like safety or good weather, people would often leave offerings for the fairies, such as sweet food like cakes and fruits.
Where Do Fairies Live?
The Irish Fairy
Belief in fairies still exists even today, especially in green countries like Ireland, England, Scotland, Norway, and Iceland. Ireland is one of the lush-green countries with an overwhelming fairy population.
Did you know fairies have kings too? They say if you hear random sounds of music in the air, it’s probably coming from dancing fairies having a celebration.
Irish superstition heavily cautions against disturbing elements of nature like trees. mounds, and flowers and they say that Hawthorne trees are a favorite gathering spot for Irish fairies. Hawthorne trees are considered sacred in Ireland. In 1999, a highway was diverted to another path just so it wouldn’t root out a single tree. They believed that if they disturbed the tree, everyone would have bad luck.
In the desert grasslands of Namibia, fairy circles mysteriously form and disappear for no reason. No one knows how they’re made or how they disappear. Legend says that these circles are made by fairies dancing under the moon.
Ever wondered where to see fairies in the wild? Well, they live all over the world. In fact, you could be sitting beside one right now without even knowing it.
Fairies are believed to live in woodland communities, underground kingdoms, hills, mounds, lakes, stones, rocks, and grass circles. They live among the elves, gnomes, ogres, and other creatures.
Fairies even vary in tribes and race, shapes and sizes. Even though they’re small, they can change the size, from a human-size or even larger.
The Fairy World
Apart from the human world, there is a separate realm called the Fairy World. Much like the TV show, Fairly Odd Parents, it is another extraterrestrial kingdom where fairies gather and have their own community, apart from humans.
Flowers Fairies, Fairy Gardens, and More
Fairies usually like to live in places with little human activity, like gardens, forests, or parks. Some of them, like the dryad fairies, live underground with trees, hills, or rocks. They have even taken the forms of sea spirits, like mermaids, and live under the sea.
There are many other fascinating types of fairies, like the Cloud fairies, who live in the sky, Flower fairies, who live among the flowers, and Butterfly fairies who appear as butterflies. These amazing magical beings live everywhere! They could be anywhere in your house, your garden – anywhere. A garden fairy garden is one of the most common fairies among children.
Different Kinds of Fairy Homes
You can find fairy homes in different places, in every nook and cranny, all over the world. A fairy house blends perfectly with the forest scenery, and you’ll have to look really hard to see it.
Logs and Stumps
Forest fairies are more likely to live in logs and stumps where no one looks or ever notices them, that’s why they’re the perfect hiding place for fairies. It’s a great quiet home that will last a long time, completely unbothered by animals and humans. They enjoy the woods and places with dense flora.
Tree houses
Another ideal home for forest fairies are tree houses. They look just like any other tree with shrubbery, bushes, and twigs all around. They’re very difficult to tell apart from the tree, so you might be surprised if a fairy comes out and peeks at you!
Fairies live in mushrooms, too! Since they like living in hidden areas and don’t like populous places, mushroom houses are not uncommon. Many fairies like to live where they will blend in and be avoided by humans, and mushrooms are often good places to hide!
Fairies love the countryside hills or more often called mounds. The richer in greenery, the more fairies love it. The UK is rich in greenery, that’s why it’s so populated by fairies. The moss-covered earth found there is where fairies love to hide.
Since humans and animals don’t dare to see what’s behind a waterfall, fairies also make homes behind them, too. It’s a quiet, peaceful place for fairy folk who practice magic. They also inhabit lakes.
Stones and Pebbles
Under the nooks and crannies are the stone homes. Fairies love to live underground with plenty of pebbles and rocks, varying in different colors, sizes, and textures. Forest rocks are perfect for camouflage since no one would think fairies live under them. It’s a great weatherproof home, too!
Let’s not forget the flowers! Flower fairies like to live among blossoms and flowers. It is believed that these fairies help maintain the overall health of the garden.
Build a Fairy House in Your Own Garden
You can invite any fairy to live in your garden and you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to make one. There are plenty of materials right from your own garden to make your own fairy home.
The first step is to find the ideal spot. Fairies love a quiet and green place, so pick one in a shady, safe location where it won’t be disturbed by animals or children.
Time to get crafty
You can use flowerpots or any other planters and containers sitting in your house.
Choose your theme
Do you want a cottage? Forest? Tree house? Make sure to use any material discussed, such as logs, stones, twigs, flowers! The choice is yours. Collect your materials that fit your theme.
Fill your planter with organic potting soil
Add your materials like pebbles or moss to create a path for the fairies.
Choose miniature plants and add flowers for color and visuals
Get creative with your designs. Make sure the plant is small enough to take care of and consider whether it’s an indoor or outdoor plant.
Do you want miniature chairs? Fences? Lights? Seashells? It’s up to you to create your dream fairy home and make it as much fun as possible.
The last step is to leave it alone
Leave some sweet food trails and wait for your fairy. Don’t expect it to appear soon. If you don’t see one, it probably doesn’t want to be seen. But make sure to leave offerings, keep it clean, and be gentle and kind, as much as possible and you’ll make a new friend in no time.
Now you know where fairies live, be mindful of your surroundings. Take this opportunity to be acquainted with nature conservation and make conscious decisions to keep our natural resources healthy.
And believe me, you’ll never know when you run into one!
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