Why do we Reincarnate?
A fascinating thing about life that’s more profound than waking up from a surreal dream is called reincarnation, or the process of death and rebirth of all life here on earth.
Life is as fascinating as the universe itself. From its conception until its end, life is filled with surprises and limitless possibilities. The mere fact that we wake up the next day and experience another life lesson is fascinating in every way!
But let me tell you an even more fascinating thing about life that’s more profound than waking up from a surreal dream…
It’s called reincarnation, or the process of death and rebirth of all life here on earth.
And today, we’re going to learn more about reincarnation, the aspects that affect reincarnation, and the very reasons why we reincarnate.
What Is Reincarnation?
Reincarnation, in its simplest definition, is the process of death and rebirth of all life. This is the inevitable process that all souls undergo until they reach transcendence or ‘perfection.’
So you might be wondering, what does transcendence or ‘perfection’ mean?
Well, to make things clearer, let’s first look at our soul’s journey and its true purpose here on earth.
Understanding The Souls Journey
Our soul’s journey and its ultimate goal is to attain ‘perfection’ through numerous reincarnations. This is the journey every soul in the world undertakes before it returns to the Creator.
In the beginning of our soul’s creation, we were designed by the Creator to have earthly experiences in order for us to improve and evolve into an even ‘higher being.’
Therefore, when we were given flesh and blood, we were never intended to live a single lifespan here on earth. Instead, we were destined to follow a death and rebirth process, called reincarnation, in order to have numerous earthly experiences and improve our soul’s state.
Hence, it’s safe to say that our soul’s journey and its ultimate goal is to attain ‘perfection’ through numerous reincarnations. This is the journey every soul in the world undertakes before it returns to the Creator.
Reincarnation is a crucial process towards attaining perfection, in the sense that it offers numerous chances for us to learn earthly lessons and experiences. Without reincarnation, no soul will ever reach transcendence. This is why this death and rebirth process is oddly beautiful…
Now that we’ve finished talking about reincarnation and our soul’s journey, let’s now move on to the aspect that affects reincarnation – and that is, karma.
Understanding The Law of Karma
Karma is a natural and universal law. It is an inevitable law that applies to everything that’s in the cosmos; both living and nonliving things.
The simplest definition of karma is that it’s the inevitable consequence or reaction, to an action. Everything in the cosmos produces actions based on energy, thoughts, or ideas, which then generates karma in return. People generate karma by their thoughts, actions, or deeds.
Karma is neither good nor evil. It is always neutral in the sense that a negative action has its consequent negative reaction. Thus, a positive action also corresponds to a positive reaction. This is the fundamental law of the universe and has existed ever since time immemorial, and will remain so until the end of time…
How Karma Affects the Process of Reincarnation
Reincarnation gives us another chance at improving ourselves and enhancing our current state. With the help of karma, each lifetime here on earth becomes a learning experience.
It’s simple! Karma is our greatest universal teacher that lets us achieve transcendence and ‘perfection!’
Through the action and reaction process, we are able to learn from our past experiences, giving us enlightenment and insight about life. So karma is vital in life and the reincarnation process in the simple sense that without karma, reincarnation is inconsequential.
Reincarnation is there to give us another chance at improving ourselves and enhancing our current state. With the help of karma, each lifetime here on earth becomes a learning experience.
It is also important to note that in order for us to reach ‘perfection,’ aside from accumulating vast earthly experiences, we must seek balance in our karma.
What this means is that we must always aspire to seek and find balance in life.
Misconceptions and Facts about Karma
There are a lot of misconceptions about karma and I’m here to clarify things for your enlightenment. Here are the common misconceptions and the corresponding facts regarding karma:
- Misconception: Karma is fixed and cannot be changed
Fact: Karma, just like the future, can be change based on your subsequent behavior and atonement from your previous actions. It is important to note that karma doesn’t affect the person instantly therefore, during the time before its recoil; the reaction can be lessen, intensified, or changed entirely.
- Misconception: Karma is mostly negative
Fact: There is no such thing as a “good” or “bad” karma because in reality, karma is always right and just. Karma does not favor a specific thing or individual. It always affects all creation equally, just like how the Creator created all things fairly.
Thus, it is important to note that no matter how spiritually evolved a person is, once his karma’s scale of balance is disrupted, he or she has to pay its corresponding consequence. Be it in this life or the next. This is also the reason why the total number of earth lives a soul spends on earth varies from person to person.
- Misconception: Money can buy you out from the effects of karma
Fact: Karma is inevitable. Although it can be changed entirely through atonement of your actions, money can never affect the scale of your karma — but your intention does. It is your desire to change, not the money you’re willing to spend to help others, that creates‘positive’ karma.
In fact, a single penny, out of pure desire, can go further than a hefty cash sum without any sense of charity or sincerity. Generosity is a virtue indeed; but always remember, it is the intention – not amount that matters!
How Past Lives Are Related To Karma
In a single lifetime, it’s more likely that you’re not able to ‘burn’ your off all of your karma from your past lives or current lifetime. Therefore, the remainder of unpaid karma will be carried onto your next lifetime.
It is important to note that karma affects all of our lifetimes here on earth. Accumulated ‘positive’ karma can affect you in this lifetime or the next. In the same sense, what you may be experiencing today could be the effects of your karma from your previous lifetimes on earth.
Past lives simply refer to our previous lifetimes, which have significant impact on our current lifetime. Just like we accumulate ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ karma in this lifetime, we have also accumulated karma in our past lives too. Remember that in a single lifetime, it’s more likely that you’re not able to ‘burn’ your off all of your karma from your past lives or current lifetime. Therefore, the remainder of unpaid karma will be carried onto your next lifetime.
This is the journey that may take your soul hundreds of lifetimes to finish. ‘Burning’ or the act of paying your karma, is important in order to hasten your way to ascension. There are actually 2 ways where you can hasten your act of paying your karma:
- When your physical body dies, your soul then subconsciously decides whether or not you’ll reincarnate in a much harder lifetime in order to ‘burn’ your karma faster.
- Chanting mantras to lessen or eliminate the ‘negative’ karma. You can get a mantra for this from an expert Psychic. If you have had a reading from me before, you’re probably aware of these ‘mantras’, or ancient words, which you can chant in order for you to balance and ‘burn’ off your negative karma.
For inquiries regarding a psychic reading, you can schedule it here.
For your thoughts and ideas, please leave a discussion in the comments section down below!
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” Without karma, reincarnation is inconsequential.”
Generally id say: why does it need to be consequential but Tana has given a reason for it. However in mine and others case there is no such thing as a state of satisfaction when it comes to the “why” mainly due to an extended comprehensibility mindset or “thinking outside the box” logic. My “reason for the reason” concept idea falls square under this.
The question of “why” is essentially infinite. As a kid I was called stupid or dumb when I asked “why” to a seemly obvious answer. The ultimate answer people would get to is “it just is.”
An ascended master or highly knowledgeable being could give me all the answers in the universe where most would be complacent with that knowledge and the answers they’d be given which is a trap very easy to fall into. Its only a trap because your mind is thinking “ohh that’s why it is like that.”
Even if you’re really complacent with whatever answers are given to a satisfactory level where you feel there isn’t much further you could possibly learn or know, there is with the reason for the reason continuum. It is,a continuum because its not just a singular question. It goes on effectively forever. I.e. the reason for the reason for the reason for the reason for the reason (x inf) and so on. This is why there will never be such a thing as complacency.
Even if you find the answer to the ultimate question of existence, “why” may well be a natural question and is the prime example of RFTR continuum.
If you’re wondering what could you possibly say why to, especially on the topic of hand. Simple. Its questioning the very nature of why it is as it is and the reason for it and that reason for that and so on.
It can get very annoying for the person on the receiving end. 😛
A direct explanation on karma is, if you do a negative action that is then transformed I to a future life lesson to be learned. Positive actions however are carried with you for eternity. Not necessarily the effects but you have learned a lesson and that will forever stay with you. In theory.
Now add the RFTR continuum to everything and you understand that it isn’t just a one way idea. Not one set motion. There are or could have been alternative reasons and modes for everything in life. We’re just essentially stuck with what we’re given in terms of logic, physics and universal mechanics. This doesn’t relate to karma being a set track as Tana brought up. That is still changeable but this is everything in general. Again, another example of RFTR. What makes karma “right and just?” Tana gave a solid answer but why is it as such?
Set mechanics, logic, physics and you get the idea. This is apparently all we have to play with according to the creator.
There are tons of stuff Tana has stated as essentially universal laws we must abide to. All you have to to is add a RFTR continuum mindset to understand WHY the creator made these laws and their reasoning for them and so on.
Having the intention to maintain “purity of heart” as we go about our day helps to create positive karma.