Your Monthly Horoscope for October 2019
Here’s Your Monthly Horoscope For October 2019
Horoscopes For October 2019
Aries (March 21 to April 20)
If you’re planning to travel this month, be careful because some unexpected obstacles might crop up. If you’re meeting people for business or personal matters, be careful as well, since they might try to swindle you. The month promises to bring you abundance and the decisions you took recently may start to yield fruits. Surprises about your current work could come before the month ends.
Taurus (April 21 to May 21)
This month could be unpleasant for you since there is a possibility of a conflict with someone whose words could deeply hurt you. Take things in stride and don’t let this development affect your health. You might need to consult a doctor regarding your health condition. Whatever troubles you might encounter, the month is bound to end with good news for you.
Gemini (May 22 to June 21)
This month, avoid buying expensive items for your home, as you could be cheated in price and quality. The middle of the month could see you opening your door to visiting relatives who might ask for your help regarding family problems. This could put a dent on your financial resources and bring tension to your family. Try to be helpful as much as you can but without sacrificing the interests of your own family.
Cancer (June 22 to July 22)
Watch out for some unexpected events affecting your love life this month. There could be changes in your home and family that could affect your future. You need not be anxious or fearful about this since the changes would be for your own good. At the office, you might feel some dissatisfaction, but this is nothing new to you, and you will eventually overcome the feeling.
Leo (July 23 to August 21)
Be cautious in your dealings with your colleagues or clients because one of them might provoke you into a fight involving someone dear to you. Avoid any argument as much as possible. An interesting development might happen in your love life in the middle of the month. You could find yourself getting close to someone you never once thought possible. Seize and enjoy the moment!
Virgo (August 22 to September 23)
This month, you may be presented with an opportunity to rekindle a relationship with someone you once had a romantic connection with. Whatever decision you make, be sure that it will not affect anybody dear to you at the present moment. You may run into some old acquaintances, and be surprised to discover what has happened to them. They will also express the same surprise about you.
Libra (September 24 to October 23)
You may be asked to help a relative who is having a personal or health problem. You might hold the key to solving this person’s problem, which is causing a heavy strain on the person’s family. The month could also find your love life blooming, as you and your partner may be presented with an opportunity to enjoy a romantic vacation in another city or state.
Scorpio (October 24 to November 22)
You might face a problem this month, as a result of someone else’s mistake. Be cautious in dealing with this problem because this could provoke you into a conflict. Avoid sharing your personal problems with people you think you can be trusted because they could disappoint you and cause you shame. This could also be a trying moment for the love of your life.
Sagittarius (November 23 to December 22)
You may be presented with attractive options to find a new job, to start a new business, or to return to the embrace of someone you once had a romantic relationship with. Welcome the advice of your close friends on any of these sensitive matters. Also, give yourself plenty of time to think these things over before making any decision. Whatever you decide will have great implications in your future.
Capricorn (December 23 to January 20)
A young member of your family, either your child or your sibling, might surprise you with news about that would affect your relationship. Other surprises could await you this month involving people in your past. You will need plenty of soul-searching to come up with the best ways to deal with these recent developments. Whether to welcome them or simply ignore them.
Aquarius (January 21 to February 19)
You might have to make an important decision in response to an offer or invitation from a person of the opposite sex. This might have something to do with your career, business, or family matters. This month might also find you engaging in a spat with your lover concerning their personal problems. Try to be understanding of the situation if you don’t want the conflict to grow.
Pisces (February 20 to March 20)
You may be presented with an opportunity to improve your earnings this month by engaging in part-time work. However, the extra work hours you’d have could affect your family life. Think carefully before accepting the offer. You may also have the opportunity this month to travel to another city or country as part of your job. This could create tension with your colleagues who might feel that they should be the ones making that trip.
Did you like this month’s horoscopes? Click here to read last month’s horoscope.
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